Monday, June 29, 2009

What is Happening?

June 29, 2009

What is really happening? That is the question forefront on my mind right now. I hear two sides of the story of the political situation here in Honduras and I wonder who is being deceived – the rest of the world or those in Honduras. I suppose that time will reveal the truth and until then we wait and we pray.

This morning I finally got out for a run and the verse that came to my mind which I believe is important for these next few days and weeks was Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I have been out at camp since Saturday. We arrived in the middle of some heavy rainstorms. Perhaps because of the rain there were not as many police checkpoints as I thought there might be. Yesterday I feel as if I spent a lot of time on the internet trying to figure out which story was true with regards to Honduras and its politics. As a camp staff we also spent time in prayer for the nation – the people and the leaders. Today I hope to get back to work as normal but I know that I will still continue to try and keep updated on what happens with the emergency meeting of the Americas. I also am going to try and meet up with a group of engineers from Michigan who are currently on “lock-down” in Pinalejo. (They were told to stay put until further notice.)

Daily life at camp continues as normal. We are never alone here. Last night I noticed a dark shadow in the corner of the bathroom and turned on the light. It was a tarantula (not too big though). I scooped it into the dust pan and carried it outside to release it. I usually do not have the heart to kill the spiders. Meanwhile every time I go outside I can still here the munching of the locusts as they continue to devour the leaves, pine needles, and bark. And in the peanut butter jar I had a colony of ants. I probably needed the extra protein though so it was not too bad. In that way life continues as normal.

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