Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Backpacking At Last

I find myself in the midst of busy times. Though I kept a slower pace during my first few months back in the country, life has sped up. And somewhere along the way, I forgot about making time for blog posts. So many times I think about it, but I do not get there. It is not even that fun or exciting things or God stories are not happening, it is a matter of priorities. This past weekend I went backpacking in the Shenandoah National Park with four friends. We had a great time and started out with a pretty clear plan, but the circumstances of the day (Saturday in particular) led to changes -- Plan B & C. On Friday we hiked in to a beautiful campsite that boasted a nearby swimming hole and waterfall. It was too chilly to consider swimming but the view was great. We cooked our dinner near the water. In the park you are not allowed to build fires so we had to use a little camp stove. It meant early to bed since there was no light to really visit by. A small group had wandered into the camp after we did and ended up camping just up the hill from us. Thankfully it did not turn out to be as loud of a party as we had expected and I slept fine. My biggest disappointment in their presence was that the extra hole I had dug that evening for the next morning (when in the woods backpacking, you have to dig your own latrine which is often a time consuming process) was right by their camp which means my efforts to plan ahead were in vain because I was going to have to dig another hole in the morning. I found myself frustrated with this fact and the realization that my well-laid plans had been in vain. I was reminded of how in life I like to plan ahead and I do not like when unforeseen events mess up my plans. I can put way too much stock in my way of doing things. It was good to ponder this realization a bit and recognize that I need to grow in the area of flexibility. I must also recognize that God can at any point change my best laid plans because they may not be His plans. ("Your ways are not my ways says the Lord" -- Isaiah 55) Needless to say I was delighted when the group packed up early and moved out, making it possible for me to go and find the hole that I had dug. So all of my worrying was also in vain which is another good lesson. Because it was raining Saturday morning and we only had 3.5 miles to hike, we stayed in the tents until about noon. Then we decided to have lunch and move out. We soon discovered that the camp stove was not working and in looking at the skies we were not sure if the rain would continue all day or not. No stove meant no more hot food. More rain would mean wet feet for some of the group. We decided to change up the route and take a trail that would mean less hiking on Sunday and also put us near a campground in case we could not find water. The hike that day was nearly all up hill and we had to take one step at a time, sometimes focusing on using a rest step. By the time we were ready to set up camp, there was no site to be found. And so we walked into the campground to ask around. In the end the lure of bathrooms and the option of building a campfire captured us and we set up camp there for the night. Two of the group hiked out to bring the car over which was not far away. I never realized what a luxury campground camping is. We could store the food in the car so there was no need for setting up a bear bag. No digging holes. No packing out the trash. It was a good evening and delicious meal over the fire. On Sunday we sat around and played some games or journaled and read. I was disappointed that I did not get in more journaling throughout the trip but at least I had some down time for it. Around 11am we headed out to pick up the second car and then go our separate ways after a lunch that we did not have to cook. Overall it was a very good trip and though it was not physically relaxing (carrying 35-40lbs on your back rarely is) it was refreshing to be out in God's creation with friends. Life at work has been busy as I balance several challenges at work: finding temporary help to cover a vacant position, figuring out how many moms and children we can bring into the program, taking a college course to work towards director's credentialing, and trying to keep my hours close to just 32 per week. Overall though it is good and I am thankful to be working at Mom's House. This fall I have also picked up some hours at Cherry Crest Adventure Farm as a Maze guide. My first shift was interesting since I was still learning my way around and people would stop me and ask me for directions. Thankfully I had other guides to call upon when I felt like I would be the "blind leading the blind". All in all it should be a busy fall. Oh, and when I have another moment I will have to share some answers to prayer as far as housing and how things are going as I look to do foster care in the near future. For now though I need to take care of a few forgotten tasks.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

The Happenings

September 3, 2011

Life has been pretty busy for me of the past month. I had a week off in August but I ended up working at Black Rock for quite a few days and spent time driving around Maryland and Pennsylvania visiting some Honduran friends who were vacationing up here. I enjoyed showing my one friend around Lancaster, ending with a tour at Herr’s Potato Chip Factory. The season of working at Black Rock has pretty much ended up now I will be working quite a few Saturdays at Cherry Crest Farms in the Corn Maze. That should be a fun new adventure. Hopefully I will find time to move when that comes around.

Work at Mom’s House has been good though I am still just getting lots of things figured out. I am always thankful for the moments when I get to talk and pray with the moms and encourage them. Just this week I realized that the Life Coaching courses that I took were useful because as I talked with a mom and asked her some perspective altering questions she was able to see e of her current situation from a different angle. There are times though when I am at a loss as to what to say or do to best encourage the moms. Thankfully the Lord is strong in my weaknesses and can shine through.

I have continued to spend a lot of time with my adorable nephews. Taking my nephew Jack to Splits and Giggles (an ice cream shop in town) with my dad for his second birthday was a lot of fun. He apparently loves ice cream because he finished his kiddie cup and then wanted some of ours. Jack is talking more and more which is also fun.

All in all as I look back on the summer, I am thankful for being here in Lancaster and enjoying time around family.

From Clouds to Answers

September 3, 2011

At long last I settle in to play catch up with blog entries. Yesterday morning I was returning home around 7:45am and I happened to notice the clouds swirling overhead. It was a mesmerizing sight because the clouds seemed to be like waves in the ocean, rolling and merging into one. I felt like I could have stared at them and gotten lost in them forever, but that would have made driving hard so I did not. Yesterday’s view as well as various sunrises and sunsets have reminded me again and again of God’s awesome power and majesty. I am very glad to serve Him.

This week I have also experienced several answers to prayer from the work of His hand. At Mom’s House I have been wrestling with the issue of capacity based on the number of staff that we have. There is a demand for more spaces for children in many of our rooms but because of our staffing, we cannot take on any more moms and children. Earlier in the week I received a call from a college student who has volunteer hours to do for her Social Services major and she wondered about helping at Mom’s House. Yesterday I interviewed her and was delighted to see that she looks like a very good fit for us and us for her. The other answer to prayer is not a definite answer yet but regardless of the outcome it has reminded me of God’s power to make a way where I least expect it. I recently began the search for an apartment again because it is about time to move so that I can be available for foster care later this year. Monday and Tuesday I looked at 3 apartments, all of which had potential, but at least one or two drawbacks. I would like to live in the city so that I have the option of walking to work, especially on the snowy days, but at the same time I do not necessarily want to deal with the street parking. The one place I looked at was in Millersville which had the benefit of being just down the street from my sister and her family and my garden. As I shared with one friend about the pros and cons of the apartments she told me that she feels like the right place will come up without all of the issues. Later that same evening I received a call from my sister saying that one of their apartments was unexpectedly opening up if I would be interested. So on Thursday evening I went and looked at the apartment and it seems almost perfect. In the city, off-street parking, two good sized bedrooms, a nice layout, and good landlords. The couple living there is not positive that they are moving because it depends on whether their offer on a house is accepted, but it is very likely. If they do not, I will have to check to see if the other apartments are still available. But if they are not, I have complete confidence that God will open the right door.