Sunday, August 30, 2009

God at Work

August 30, 2009

I think this is an apt title for this entry because I have several things to highlight from the past week which show how God has been at work. First of all, my nephew Jack is doing much better. We went in after church today and when Shana, my mom, and I got down to the NIC-U, the nurse said that Jack could try eating and that they would be soon removing the IV of sugar water. He also no longer had the pressurized air and was breathing completely on his own. How exciting! He was more awake today too and though he rarely opened both eyes, he did some winking.

As for other events in this past week, last Sunday Evelin had called me and I was attempting to carry on a conversation over the phone in Spanish and it was not going well. The connection was bad and I could not make out most of her words. I have run into the same problem with talking to my sister in Brazil but at least that is in English and I can get by. Evelin was sure I was forgetting my Spanish but I knew that was not the problem. Anyway, she was not doing well and I could not communicate with her which was incredibly frustrating to me. She did not seem receptive to my suggestion that she call someone from the church there or a friend to talk and pray with. I hung up from the conversation frustrated but also wondering if the Lord did not want me to be able to communicate with her because He wanted her to find help elsewhere.

Yesterday when I talked with Evelin again and she was doing much better. She made a statement which confirmed in me that I am not to be her source of support. She said it was good I could not understand her because after our time on the phone she went and had a sweet time of prayer and fellowship with Jesus. And after that she was good. Time with Jesus was what she needed, much more than any words of encouragement from me. God showed me my place and revealed to Evelin that she has to depend on Him.

The other exciting event of the week was conversation with a couple who has interest in Honduras and in working in some way with women and children. I have no idea how God might work out the details and if we can work together or not but it is exciting to see Him at least opening some windows for me to glance through at the possibilities.

I know that does not exhaust the list of what God is doing but for now that is all I can recall and I am heading off to get some sleep.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm An Aunt!

August 29, 2009 10:52PM

Well, it has been a long day and not quite what I had expected. Shana had to have a C-section because she was not progressing in the labor and the doctor suspected that it could not be a regular delivery. It turns out that my nephew, Jack Benjamin, was 9lbs 6oz. According to one nurse he was probably "overdone." There had been contention as to his due date among the doctors and it seems like he may have been a little late.

Anyway Little Jack (which is really Big Jack) is in the NIC-Unit (he is probably 2-3 times the size of every other baby there) because he had a lot of mucus on the lungs. Apparently passing through the birth canal often expels much of the fluid and since he did not, his lungs have to absorb the extra fluid. He needed oxygen too because he was struggling a little with the breathing. By this evening he was receiving pressurized room air instead of oxygen because he still needs some extra help in strengthening his lungs.
I went back to the hospital after meeting up with a couple of friends for a little bit this evening and was able to go with Shana and Jason to the NIC-U. At long last I was able to see them holding Jack, and I was able to hold him though we found out after the fact that only the parents are allowed to hold him while he is there. That has been the hardest part of the day -- unmet expectations of being able to hold my nephew and see everyone together. He will likely be in NIC-U for longer than Shana will be in the hospital (and that will proably be 3-4 days) so it will be an adjustment. I think I will be spending a lot more time at the hospital these next few days than I had expected. I am just so glad that I am here in Lancaster and not traveling or even in Honduras.

The Waiting Room

August 29, 2009 2:10PM

Today marks a memorable day in the life of the Hesses. Little baby Stauffer is soon to enter the world. My sister called early this morning from Women’s and Babies Hospital to say that she was in labor. She never was able to sleep last night and around 1:00AM made Jason get up and go on a walk around Millersville. A policeman pulled up and asked if everything was alright and she said that she was in labor. The policeman was relieved because he thought that she was a drunk college student.

I am currently in the waiting room of the hospital because after long hours of contractions, things were not progressing and Shana was exhausted so the doctor recommended a C-section. She did not have the strength to contest. And so as I sit here in the lobby, she is in surgery. We are praying that all goes well and that she recovers well.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Long Overdue

August 17, 2009

This is a very overdue entry. I just have been struggling to sit down at the computer and write. I guess that over the last week I have been visiting with lots of people and so I do not take the computer time that I maybe should. Anyway, I did make it safely from Wellsville to the cabin on Pine Creek the other Sunday. It ended up being a very long drive since downed trees on the roads and a powerline on Rt. 6 forced me to take an alternate route -- the windy, but beautiful Rt. 44. In reflecting on the trip later I realized a lesson even with the storm. I was anxious to set out for the cabin so I did almost as soon as the rain let up. I made it to the cabin but in almost double the amount of time it should take. Had I waited a little while longer in the beginning the roads may have been cleared that I could have taken the direct route. During my time there in the mountains of seeking God's face and His direction, waiting was one of the themes. God seems to be nudging me in a direction but slowly, no rushing allowed. As I move He will confirm or close doors. I am working on a more thorough update so more details will follow.

I was so glad though for the chance to be alone with God. The one morning I got up early and climbed a trail to a mountain peak. What a beautiful place to meet with God! I think I did see a bear running downhill (far from the trail thankfully -- though still disconcerting), a buck, and a turkey so I was not exactly alone. Throughout the time God had lessons to teach me from His creation. I hope that I never stop learning. So that is all for my brief catch up.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

An Extended Stay

August 9, 2009

Well, my plans for the day appear to be changing. Yesterday I went to a family reunion near Lewisburg and from there proceeded north to a cabin on Pine Creek. This morning I drove almost 2 hours more north to visit the church I use to attend during college in Wellsville, NY. After church I ate lunch with a family at the part in town. And now I am ready to journey back to the cabin for some solo time, but the weather outside is a little frightful and no it is not snow. It is a good thing I decided to make a restroom stop at the Dunkin Donuts because I should not be driving in this weather. For a little while the wind was blowing the deck chairs across the patio. The rain was pelting against the window panes and there are cracks of lightning every few seconds. I heard rumor of tornados in other parts of the county. I wish I had not left all of my reading books in the car. It is right out front, but an exit to get them will leave me drenched even with my rain jacket. The storm actually reminds me of Honduran rains -- intense with flooded roads afterwards. Well, I am thankful for shelter ... and for coffee while I wait.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Off to the Mountains

August 7, 2009

Just as Jesus often went on the hillsides to pray, I find that it is time for me to head to the mountains. I have so many things rolling around in my head and they need processed and prayed about. I have been back in the States for about a week and a half with most of that time in Florida. It has been great to converse with people from LAM and also friends and family. But now it is time to converse more deeply with the Lord and listen intently for some direction. And so after a family reunion in central PA tomorrow, I will head farther north for a few days. I just have to be sure God's beautiful creation does not distract me. I love being outside, but sometimes I get distracted. Then I will return to society to continue traveling and connecting with people. Psalm 121:1-2 comes to mind, "I lift my eyes up to the hills -- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth."

Monday, August 03, 2009

Travel Plans Asunder

August 3, 2009

I think "asunder" is the right word choice but maybe not. How wonderful it is when travel delays work out to one's benefit! Of course, I have not left Sarasota yet, so I may yet be disappointed. I was scheduled to fly from Sarasota to Atlanta and the to Harrisburg tonight with only a 30 minute layover in Atlanta, a city notorious for delays. Well, I arrived at the Sarasota airport only to discover that my plane is delayed from here by two hours. And from Atlanta there is one flight daily to Harrisburg -- 8:45PM. Just over the weekend I discovered that I could have traveled with my cousin and his family to Atlanta tomorrow and flown from there, allowing myself a few days to visit family. Jokingly I told him that who knows, maybe I would still see him there in Atlanta. Now I have the opportunity to send the day in Atlanta without having to drive there or pay a fee to change my flights. I even got a small voucher for my next flight with AirTran. For me, it could hardly have worked out better but I know that many others are suffering because of the delay. I am sitting here in the airport though with the fear that I am missing the flight because I am not sitting at the gate and the food court area is vacant. I still have an hour and a half to kill though according to the tv monitor. An irrational fear it would seem.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

The Faces Behind Immigration Laws

On Tuesday night I flew into BWI airport and was saddened by a scene that I witnessed. We had just landed and everyone was in the aisle, ready to disembark when someone came onto the loud speaker asking that a certain passenger identify herself. A woman just behind me with a young daughter raised her hand. A minute later a Maryland State trooper began to make his way down the aisle and told her that she needed to follow him and should leave her bag with someone else – her younger brother it turned out. She also left the little girl with the teenage brother. The young girl had just awoken from sleep and so she cried at the separation. The rest of the passengers all looked at each other and wondered what was going on, our hearts going out to the mother and daughter. She certainly looked innocent.

As I exited the plane the woman was standing with three policemen and her brother was a little farther down the hallway. I heard him say something to her about having thought her green card was okay. And so it seems as if the detainment has to do with immigration and incorrect paperwork. I wonder how she made it into and out of Houston airport without being detained there. I went downstairs to pick up my luggage and one of the pieces was missing. I had to go to the desk and request that they track it. I was told it would be delivered to Lancaster the next day. Meanwhile the woman’s brother came to the desk in search of all of their bags which had never even made it to Houston from Trinidad. What a bad day for them! As I walked out I told him that I would pray that everything would work out. I did not know what else to say to him. His sister is detained and they have no luggage. I hope that their story ends well and that the woman was able to renew whatever expired visa she had. I realized at that moment that my one missing bag was really nothing.

Car Repairs

July 30, 2009

Once again it has been a while since I last wrote. You would think that with lack of abilities to travel and to leave the apartment I would have actually written more, not less. Last Saturday I got my car back and it runs smoothly … for now. The alternator and several other small parts had needed replaced. As far as repairs to the back door, I have no idea when that will get done. The insurance seems to be looking for any way possible to not have to pay for the damage. And sadly I think they found it. I am always driving with my US driver’s license because the two or three times I went to the Honduran license center to get a license they told me it was not possible until I was a resident – a process I have been in for almost 2 years. But after three months in the country the US driver’s license apparently expires and you are no longer legal to drive. And now the insurance says that I should not have been driving since I had been in Honduras for 5 months. Uugh!!