Thursday, May 28, 2009

Searching for Internet & Reflections

May 28, 2009 4:30PM

So it has taken me all day to find a place to hook my computer to the internet. Granted I was not looking the whole day but as I was running errands I looked here and there. I will confess that today was one of those days when I would have liked to have a TV so that I could see what had happened. The newspaper had very little news since the quake happened so late in the morning. I could not understand the monotone radio commentary enough to glean much from there so I have been wondering what is going on. From what I have heard from others there have been 4 deaths recorded and numerous houses and buildings with damage. Part of a major bridge collapsed leading into San Pedro from the north.

I have heard rumor that tonight at 7:00PM (9:00PM EST) there could be another quake or aftershock. I pray that the rumor is not true, but do not have time on the internet to look for more information. I cannot quite understand why I had internet immediately following the quake and then it has been out all day but I am thankful that I was able to make an early morning post since I had no idea the quake would make international news.

As I talked with people at the church offices and on the street, the quake was forefront on everyone’s mind. I realized that much of the reason I was not afraid is that besides not really feeling like my life was in danger, death is not the end for me. It is only the beginning of a new life with Christ. Those who do not have the hope of Christ and eternal life will be walking around in much greater fear. I also remember an occasion almost 15 years ago when I was doing an overnight solo in the woods (without a tent) and kept hearing scary noises which I was sure was some dangerous wild animal. At long last I realized that worrying was not going to change anything. If it was my time to die (by being mauled by a bear), then it would happen whether I worried about it or not. And so I managed to fall asleep. I need to apply the concept of not worrying to other areas of my life though and not just in the potential life and death situations.

Tomorrow morning I head out to camp where there is not too much damage. The walls of one of staff houses cracked but it does not appear to be serious. Perhaps more serious out there is the air quality. The landowners around the camp have been burning their fields for over a week and the Williamson’s have been suffering the effects of inhaling smoke for so long. I pray that things clear up there and that no further damage occurs if we would have another quake.

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