Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ready for an Adventure

May 23, 2009

It is Saturday and I am back in the city. Yesterday I had another Outdoor Education program and it went well but I am always a bit tired afterwards. This time we worked with 6-9 year olds. They had a shorter attention span and some trouble with understanding all of the English, but it worked out. On Wednesday I had driven out to the Copan Ruins to hang out with a Houghton College Mayterm class and to pick up to Recreation majors who were then coming with me to camp to help with the program. I had hoped for a little hiking time or adventure, but I only did one small hike that I had been on before. It was fun to go for an evening run with a group, a bit like cross country runs in college.

I have been feeling the need for an adventure in the great outdoors. A backpacking trip would be nice but I know that will not happen anytime soon. Maybe a nice long hike if I can find a friend who is interested in going along. It seems like it could be a while until I have a full day off to do something like that though.

Right now I am trying to figure out if a school group is coming next Friday and Saturday. Nothing like last minute decisions. It is getting a little too late for us because of all of the decisions we must make that go along with running the program and providing the food. Monday morning they should know if they have enough students committed to the trip. Until then I sort of plan as if there is a group, all the while knowing that there might not be.

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