Friday, May 29, 2009

The Road Ahead

May 29, 2009

The day is nearing it's end. I have learned a few more details over the course of the day. Apparently an underwater cable that runs from Miami to Honduras was damaged during the quake and for this reason most of the internet providers have nothing to offer at this point. It will take at least 8 days to fix it. So it seems like much of the country will be behind in communication for quite some time. What I wonder is how in the world do you bury cable under the gulf to begin with? Somethings are just beyond my imagination. Camp has internet so I am trying to make use of it before I return to the city tomorrow.

I also learned that there is the potential for at least the tremors to continue until June 11. Today there was one around noon, but I did not feel it. When I get back to the city, I definitely plan to sleep upstairs and not be too concerned. Tomorrow I need to go in search of a skeleton -- of an animal that is. There is one somewhere in the jungle that the group found last week and I have yet to see which would help in identifying it. I also need to finish preparations for next weekend and two activities that I am helping with here at camp.

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