Sunday, April 18, 2010

With Gratitude In My Heart

April 18, 2010

I suppose that maybe some day I might catch up on writing down the many things running through my head, but then again maybe not. Life has been pretty busy this past week and then this weekend I needed the time to relax and hang out with people.

As I look back on the past week, I am very thankful for God answering my prayers in two ways. First, my health has been much better, though I still need to figure out what has been wrong. And second, I have met a lot of new people and several of the relationships have potential for deeper friendships. On Friday I had lunch with a girl I know from my church and she mentioned that this Sunday (today) the young adults were going up to a one volcano to walk around. I, naturally, was excited about the opportunity. I went to church last night so when I showed up to meet with everyone, I was ready to be outside. I should have known though that in general in the Latin culture one dresses nicely, even to go on an outing which involves “hiking”. (I put hiking in parenthesis because it is more a of a walk at this particular park and not what I would consider a hike.) I was prepared though in case it rained the whole time because just before we left, the heavens did let loose the rain.

The weather turned out to be fine and I had a good time getting to know some new people. I will probably be switching small groups to join up with the young adult group since I can relate better there than in the small group I am currently in.

One of my projects this weekend (not exactly restful but necessary) was making yogurt yet again. My track record is not turning out to be so good because I think I only am at 50% for having the batch finish without separating. I also let this batch get too hot so I may have killed all of the good bacteria, but hopefully not. I should really try to find a yogurt maker because trying to regulate the temperature of the yogurt using the oven or the stovetop is difficult.

As I look ahead to this coming week, I think it might be the first week with a “normal” schedule once again. Over the last two weeks the Fridays have included activities out of the ordinary such as collecting grades or participating in a school rally (the latter of which was a cultural experience). There has been some culture shock the past few weeks as I have moved into the stage of questioning why some things are done in a way that makes absolutely no sense to me. The good news is that it is a part of the cultural adjustment cycle and I will probably move out of it soon. It will be good to work on getting back into a routine at La Casa de Mi Padre though I know that the unexpected always happens, and that is just how it is.

Since I cannot sleep in no matter how late I go to bed, I sign off now because I need to catch up on sleep and tomorrow is one of my mornings to be in at work early (8:00AM – which really is a normal work hour but for me I more often go in at 10:00AM).

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