Saturday, April 03, 2010

On My Way Again

April 3, 2010

Here I sit an airport again. Sadly I am no less tired than when I began my travels last week. I do not think that I have ever passed a week so exhausted as this one that just past. I was behind in sleep before traveling and I have yet to catch up. Maybe I can catch up on the next flight – from BWI to Miami. After all I almost fell asleep on a puddle jumper flight from Lancaster. I do not think I ever flew on such a small plane. There were 2 other passengers besides me and then the pilot and co-pilot. I could have taken “first-class” seats which are really the seats just behind the pilot. It was a Cessna 402 plane and so it reminded me of all the missionary stories I have read of flying in and out of the jungle. I would imagine that they used a similar plane.

I was incredibly close to missing my flight in Lancaster because of underestimating the amount of time it would take to get there. Thankfully it is such a small airplane and flight that I probably could have arrived 5 minutes before take off and still made it. (Well, maybe not quite that last minute).

My time in Lancaster was good though short. I went in search of snow yesterday with one of my friends but the rocks at Shenk’s Ferry which had held snow late April probably 7 years ago hid only leaves this year. Nonetheless it was a good walk because of the fellowship and because of the beautiful trillium, Dutchman’s-breeches, Virginia blue-bells, and violets that were blooming. Even in the few days I was present in PA, I noticed more buds, leaves, and flowers appearing on the trees. I was glad to see spring again even though it was not yet in all its glory.

I found myself in at least one moment of culture shock. I had gone to the lab for some tests and I expected to walk in, leave the tests and paperwork, and walk out in five minutes. I also thought the results would be in the next day since that is what I have experienced in Honduras and El Salvador over the last 3 years. But no, the process was much more detailed and complicated and the trip that I thought would last 5 minutes took more like half an hour. When I asked if the results would be ready the next day the nurse said, no in 7-10 days. And so I wait.

The other thoughts that I have floating around somewhere will have to be recorded at a later hour when perhaps I am more awake and not in need of checking my ticket at the counter.


Kim said...

I have had similar experiences of culture shock regarding health care differences between Israel and the US. It's kind of nice to not have to fill out lots of paperwork!

Kim said...

I have had similar experiences of culture shock regarding health care differences between Israel and the US. It's kind of nice to not have to fill out lots of paperwork!