Friday, April 16, 2010

Lesson from the Birds

April 16, 2010

This morning I went with several of the other staff from La Casa de Mi Padre to the school where 26 of the children attend to help go to the classes and collect the grades for each student. I was assigned the four children from Kinder and Pre-Kinder and hence had the quickest assignment of all. After I finished talking to the teachers I walked up to the other part of the school and sat on a bench near the snack shop to wait. While waiting I noticed several large wrens flying from tree to tree in front of me. At one point the three wrens gathered together and sang for a short while.

Shortly thereafter two of the wrens moved to a branch almost directly overhead of where I was sitting. The one wren found a black string that was hanging from the branch and began to pull on it, trying to free it from its entanglement with the branch. Indeed in this particular spot there were several colorful strings twisted around the branch and so it appeared that some little bird had begun to make its nest there but then abandoned the site. I found it amusing watching the wren as it yanked on the string and even hung from it in it's efforts to free it. But the problem was that it was pulling on the end that was already free and was not doing anything about the knot at the other end. Eventually the wren gave up and flew off. As I watched the scene before my eyes I had to think of how many times I probably approach a problem or issue in vain because I try to deal with the easy part or the surface issues. It makes me think of the various readings I have done regarding children and discipline. All too often we try to just deal with the behaviors of the children and do not get to the root of the issue -- the attitudes or the state of the heart. I was reminded this morning that I want to be constantly evaluating my heart to make sure that I am free from entanglement with bad attitudes, sin, or baggage that I do not need to carry. I think of Psalm 139:23-24 and David's prayer: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

Tomorrow one of the tias and I will have a group session with the youngest girls and need to somewhat touch on this theme as we look at the enemies within ourselves. We get to use one of my favorite stories from the book, "Tales of the Kingdom" which I am excited about. I pray that we can clearly communicate the applications to them and that they can start to deal with some of the character issues. And of course I never know what God might say to me during the time too and what work He might want to do in me.

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