Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Views from the Highway and More

May 22, 2008

This past week has had its adventures and some good conversations with random people. On Monday I was in the Immigration office to get another 30 day extension for my visa and the girl beside me struck up a conversation. She was from Taiwan so we had to speak in Spanish since neither of us knew the other’s native language. The wait in the line was extra long this time so it was neat to have someone to talk to and to realize how small the world is since her friend had just met Wes who I work with on Saturday. It seems like she does not know too many people in San Pedro so I think I will try to invite her to a get together some time with friends. Today I talked with the girl helping me to laminate various items in the Internet Cafe and it was good too.

On Wednesday I left camp and headed to the town of Copan Ruins to meet up with a group from Houghton College and my professor from years ago. I almost thought I would not get to leave camp because the smell of smoke was heavy and we were afraid that there was a fire near by. Later that night after I had left, Cindy saw the glow of flames on the hill where the fires came from last year. But that night it rained and so today the camp seemed safe – at least until the farmers re-ignite the fires since it did not burn as much as they wanted.

My journey to Copan was very interesting. Here are a few of the random sights I saw.
· A pick-up truck piled high until the goods towered probably a full 15 feet above the cab. (I was thankful it was stationary because it looked like it could tip over in a heartbeat.)
· Two dogs that charged on to the highway to attack my car (a SUV no less)
· Speed bumps the color of the road so there was little warning that they were present until I hit them.
· A washout in the highway that had left a gaping hole in the opposing lane and was marked only with a faded yellow “Alto” (Stop) on the road.
I know there were more unique sights but those are the only ones I can remember. Last night I met up with the Houghton group and had dinner with them. In the middle of the night though I woke up very sick. Whatever I have been battling for weeks with regard to stomach problems, peaked and so today I have done very little but rest and prepare for the weekend and Monday. Two Houghton students return to camp with me tomorrow to help out with the Outdoor Education Day that we have on Monday. I am praying that all goes well and that it is a good learning time for students and teachers alike. (I know that it will be very much a learning experience for me too.)

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