Friday, September 18, 2009

Footprints through the Sea

September 18, 2009

As this week comes to a close, I am encouraged by the way I have seen God at work. I have continued to visit various ministries here in Lancaster County and find it exciting to see so many people with a desire to serve God. My latest visit was to House of His Creation in Lititz, a ministry to teenage mothers and their young children. The program director and I actually went to college together for a few years and shared the same double major. I found it interesting how the Lord has brought us both around to a place that is not quite in the field that we studied. It is related, but more on the social work side. Not that I am actually in that field yet, but the pull continues to be there. The more I meet with people and interact with young children, the more I want to love them and make a difference in their life. I find myself still waiting though – waiting for the pieces to come together revealing what God is doing in my life. If my life was a jigsaw puzzle, I am not sure if the edge pieces would be in place or not. I will have to think on that analogy more.

Anyway in my waiting, I have been excited to see how in the seemingly little things and decisions on when to visit different people or organizations and when to stay home, I have chosen well. Although I never specifically heard the Lord telling me to stick around Lancaster for the day, I stayed put and later on it became clear that I was supposed to be here. It reminds me of a verse I read this morning from Psalm 77 speaking of the Lord’s hand in the lives of the Israelites. “Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen.” (vs. 19) I want to continue to be in tune with His Spirit so that I know where to be when.

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