Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pretending It's Winter

January 27, 2009

I am getting word that in the north there has been some snow and is chance of more although for dear Lancaster county it may change to sleet and rain. Quite sad. But it is also sad that here in Honduras I was dressed yesterday as if it was winter. Since my return from the States the weather has stayed relatively cool here and after a morning run and a mostly cold shower, I was rather chilly. And so I covered my wet head with my snowflake winter hat. Whenever it is even slightly cold, one has to dress for the occasion and pretend it is cold. Of course the beautiful orchid pictured below was blooming on the same day as the "winter" weather which goes to show just what winter is like down here.

Life will be changing for me here in Honduras, come tomorrow. Evelin and her one year old daughter are moving in with me here in the city. She could no longer stay with her sister's family and the only option she had would have led her to back down the road she is trying to leave. After much prayer, I felt like God was saying to invite her in and try to help her connect with other people so that she can grow in the Lord and begin looking for a job. Until then I will have a very clean apartment since she will be cleaning for me. This is probably my last night of peace and quiet though. I have so much to learn as I help Evelin learn. I know that God will probably be doing just as much work in me as He is in her.
As for everything else that I was going to write about, I cannot remember since it is entirely too late for me. Maybe it was to say that I finally returned to basketball practice tonight to reconnect with some of the team members. I am not planning to play since I do not have the time to commit to it, but next weekend is the National Honduras Tournament for men's and women's basketball. It is too bad I am not still playing because I could have participated in Nationals. Maybe I can still sit the bench (which really is no fun at all) or simply watch a game or two.

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