Monday, July 20, 2009

Putting it Off...

July 20, 2009

I have been putting off writing a blog update for several days since I just do not know what to say about what is happening here in Honduras nor what to expect. The two sides did not reach an agreement yesterday while meeting in Costa Rica for mediation. Does this mean that Zelaya will attempt to come back into Honduras this week? I do not know. It sounds like the talks may resume on Tuesday or Wednesday but one cannot be sure that things will stay calm until then. I have lots of decisions to make and things to process and so I am asking the Lord for wisdom and vision.

Meanwhile things are quiet in San Pedro Sula and I am hoping to be able to get out to camp shortly so that I can see the staff and pick up a lot of my clothes, a fan, and my toaster oven that are still there from when I was there just before I left for PA the other week. When I go to camp, will depend on how the roads are and what the pastor here advises. And so I wait on that and in the moment look for what kind of work I can do in the here and now.

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