Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Attempt #1

July 22, 2009

This morning I made my first real attempt to get to camp since returning to Honduras less than a week ago. I made it about two blocks from my house before the persons taking me there asked if I had heard if the roads were open. I did not know but decided to call the missionary who lives in the town below camp. And her news was that there was a road block between the city and camp. So two blocks later we turned around and very shortly I arrived back at my apartment with my suitcase. My friends suggested that perhaps on Sunday the roads would be clear. So what exactly are the road blocks that are spring up all over the country? It is not the police checkpoints becuase those are always in place, but cars are able to pass by. No, it is groups of people who are paid to block the roads so that vehicles cannot pass. In Honduras it does not seem like it is too hard to cripple transportation because most places there is only one main road leaning anywhere. For example there are three roads by which you can leave San Pedro Sula. These protesters put in a full day's work (maybe 8:00AM-4:00PM) and then head home with their day's pay in hand. And from what I understand they are working for Zelaya.

Thankfully the failed attempt did not discourage me much, nor was it much of a surprise. I just hope that I can find a ride to camp on Sunday or the next day when the roads are clear. My outlook has improved much from yesterday when I was frustrated because of not being able to make any of the necessary connections with people nor find someone with whom to process everything in a conversation in English. I did get to have an English conversation just before heading to bed and my friend shared a verse from James 1 about trials and considering them pure joy. It was a verse that I needed reminded of and after looking into it more this morning during my quiet time, I was very much encouraged and had a new outlook.

Overall today has gone well and I have made some hopeful progress in figuring out details for the next little while. I also had some good chats with Evelin this evening which is good. I love to see her finding her peace and strength in the Lord. And now there is a thunderstorm overhead so I get to enjoy the sound of the rain. We will see what tomorrow brings. There is threat of Zelaya returning but who knows. I am trusting the Lord with one day at a time and the details therein.

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