Thursday, April 02, 2009

Wildlife Sightings and Life Lessons

April 2, 2009

This morning I managed to get out of bed in time for a run around the camp. During one of my laps I was almost upon a Blue-Crowned Motmot (a bird, see the photo) before it flew off. If only I had had my camera! As I continued running, I encountered more motmots that would take off silently when I approached. What I realized though was that they were not calling to their friends to say, "Watch out Jen is coming by! Quick hide." Instead each one seemed to fend for itself and take off as I approached. I contemplated their actions a bit and realized that is not the best way to live life, at least for humans. For me it is important to have other Christians and friends around me who will hold me accountable and warn me of upcoming dangers. The birds were not so quick as to escape before I saw them.

Later in the day when the sun was full force, I saw an iguana take off across the field and head towards the archery ravine. It did not immediately descend but instead it bobbed it's head in an effort to warn me not to approach. Naturally I did approach because I wanted a better picture and had been so far away. The iguana chose to run well before I ever got anywhere close to where he had been hanging out. The picture never happened -- at least not a close up (you can search for the iguana in the photo below), but I always like to see that there are still iguanas around and that they have not all been converted into a soup.

My other sightings of the day included a small morho butterfly that flittered across the drive, flashing it's brilliant blue color and a small warbler of some sort. I enjoyed the glimpses of God's creation. Oh, and of course I cannot forget the geckos of various sizes that are always running through the house. Those I could do without many a day unless they would make a bigger dent in the mosquito population. :)

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