Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Days to Run and Days to Walk

April 29, 2009

Today was a day for running. I had extra time this morning and decided to run longer than normal (usually half an hour), but I did not expect to be out for over an hour. I started up the Coca Cola Mountain (named that because it has a big Coca Cola sign at the top which overlooks the city) which I have done other days. Usually I turn around mid-way because I do not like running uphill forever and then downhill (because of the impact on the knees). But today I kept going and eventually was so close to the top that I could not turn around. I have been to the top before, but always walking. As I was coming down the mountain I realized that when running, I do not take the time to enjoy the views or the intricacies of creation. For this reason there are days to run and days to walk. If I was always running, I would miss out on the details of creation (and life) and conversations and many other things. The next time I travel up to the sign, it will probably be with friends so that I can more fully enjoy the experience. I was quite excited when I got to catch a falling leaf. A touch of autumn even though I am dreaming of spring right now.

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