Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Time Flies By... And it Crawls

April 30, 2008

It is hard to believe that it was a year ago to this date that I arrived in Honduras. In some ways the time has gone quickly, in some ways not so much. I write this from camp where I am finding myself for an extended stay due to a new car problem. The mechanic said he should be able to get the part in the city this morning and by afternoon I can be heading there myself but I am not so convinced the find will be so easy. And tomorrow is a holiday so I may be here for quite a bit longer. The discouraging part was that I was to have a meeting with a Science teacher today in order to set up a one day program for the end of May. That will have to be rescheduled for Monday. As far as food and clothes go I did not exactly come prepared for so many days on camp, but I am surviving and getting some food from the Williamson’s. At least this time I remembered to bring the Toaster Oven to camp so that I would have a method for cooking in my own home.

Last night I set out to heat up leftovers but just before I put the food in the toaster over the electric began flickering and finally went off. I had hoped to eat alone and have some time for reading but I got my food together and trudged over to the Williamson’s. Just as I arrived the electric came on but I stayed because it was not worth turning around only to experience a power outage again. This morning I attempted to make pancakes in the toaster oven in the form of a small loaf of bread. It actually turned out okay. I also heated up water for hot chocolate which very enjoyable. For some reason my cold shower was extra cold this morning and my fingers were white and without circulation. You would have thought it was winter and I had been tubing.

Since Wes is back with their car I can at least get into town to send some e-mails which is good. If I do end up staying another night, I hope to get over to the Honduran families’ houses and visit with them as well as catch up on my blog. Lofty goals knowing how things go.

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