Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Weave

December 3, 2008

There are days when I feel that is what my life is like – one big pattern of weaving. Mostly I am referring to the driving. Nearly every road, including those in the city, requires weaving. When I do it, I remember soccer dribbling drills when you have to take the ball around the cones. Here one weaves around the potholes and the oncoming cars as you are trying to avoid the potholes. The problem is that the potholes are not just a small dip in the road. Some are more like caverns (slightly exaggerated). To hit one means you may not come back out or at least the tire and axle may not.

I also end up weaving when running in order avoid cow patties, dogs, and puddles when in camp and potholes, cars, and trash when in the city. And so I weave, weave, and weave again. All of this weaving reminds me of the old poem I know about the Lord weaving patterns into our life that we cannot see at the time. In the end there is a beautiful handiwork though we someties miss His perspective because we are so caught up in the day to day moments of individual threads.

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