Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Chasing Cows

July 17, 2007

This morning I discovered another area where my gifts do not lie -- herding cows. I had gotten up early to run and have some extra time to pray but of course things did not go as I had planned. After the run I was walking down to the stream to sit but I ran across a bunch of cows on our property. I found one of the staff to come down to help and together we attempted to direct them to an exit. The problem was that I had no idea where they had entered the property since both gates were closed. At one point I ran ahead to open the gate to the road while Leonel herded the cows in the direction of the Archery ravine (which exited near the gate). But the cows never came out the other end and so I went down there to find them and without Leonel to help, the cows headed back in the direction we had just directed them from. The dog, Cappachino, could only help so much since he had no idea where the cows were supposed to go either. Eventually I met up with Leonel again and we directed the cows through the creek to where there was a gap in the fence. I think he later went back to fix. Hopefully so because that is the second time in 4 days that the cows were here and well, I cannot see much future for me in the herding of cows. At least I did not kicked in the head like I did many years ago. I guess I am a little taller now. So the adventures are back!

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