Monday, March 02, 2009

The Rains Pour Down but the Tears Slow Down

March 1, 2009

I guess that in these tropical climates, I do not have to worry so much about March coming in like a lion. Usually the rains have mostly ended by this point and summer is upon us. This year though, the rains are lingering. Today was a mixture of sun and random rain showers. Not so random though in that we were able to have our ropes course activities outdoors since the rains were before and after the event. Thank you Jesus!
I think this could be a monumental day in some ways. First of all, I was finally able to put to use a new ropes course element that was begun last summer with construction, but because of several problems was not ready to use until this last work team, with its ropes course experts, came. And today I got to use it which was exciting.

The other stepping stone though is in the life of Lisbet, Evelin’s daughter. Evelin left for the city this afternoon in time to attend a baptism class at the church. Meanwhile Lisbet stayed in camp with her aunt’s family and me. Because Lisbet’s cousins have school tomorrow and an early morning, they did not want Lisbet at their house. After a birthday party, worship and devotional this evening I carried a crying, but tired Lisbet to my cabin. I expected to have to sing to her for at least half an hour or more, but she apparently was so tired that it only took a few minutes. She also seems to be getting more comfortable around me which is a big step. And Evelin continues to be hungry for more of God which is a praise.

Going back to the subject of rains, the time with the work team and my friend Janae was one of many rains. Last week after the team left, Janae and I went to the town of Tela which is on the north coast of Honduras. On Wednesday, our full day in Tela, we decided to do a tour to a place called Punta Sal. The day dawned nice but with clouds. We joined about 8 other people in a small motor boat and headed out to sea. One of the first things that I saw was a rainbow over the water. The tour began with a hike across land to a hidden cove, often used by pirates in the olden days. By the time we concluded the hike, it was beginning to rain heavily. Our boat had gone around the peninsula to pick us up so we hopped in and took off. We were now out at sea, not just in a bay and so the waves were big, especially for the size of the boat. The pilot had to cut back on the throttle each time we approached another big wave. As I sat there looking at the waves around me and the land quite a distance away, I pondered the plight of the disciples when they were in the midst of a storm and Jesus was asleep in the boat. My first thought was, “I wish Jesus was here in this boat.” That was quickly replaced with the, “Of course He’s here because He is always with me.” I thought too of the wonderful hymn “It is Well with My Soul” and how the song writer in the midst of tragedy penned the words “…when sorrow like sea billows roll, whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul.” I feel as if I, and those I love, have been in the midst of sea billows. There is sometimes fear in those moments; sometimes anger; sometimes despair. But what Christ wants of us is that whatever the emotions that pound our hearts, we still turn to Him and put our trust in Him. The conclusion of my story that day– I arrived safely at our next destination with no capsizing and only a thrilling ride to speak of. The rest of my life’s story is still being written but I do look forward to the day when I will arrive at heaven’s gates and the throne of God – my final destination.

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