December 22, 2009
Little children – they have so much to teach us. The past 2-3 weeks I have had more opportunity than usual to hang out with young children and I learned a lot. I discovered just how off their sense of time is. One four year old who I put down or a nap said she would probably sleep for 3 hours or so (after I told her that she needed to be in her bed for half an hour). When I went in to check on her half an hour later, she was up and playing with her toys. Apparently the “three hours” had passed quickly. My nephew is still too young to say anything, but he knows how to smile and delight his family.
I have also spent a few days at Mom’s House, an outreach to single moms in Lancaster. They were short-staffed several days and so I helped out in the toddler room. I had fun reading with them and watching them run circles in the playground area in the middle of the winter cold. One little girl of about 18 months would continually fall over but it did not daunt her. She picked herself up and ran again, smiling all the while. They delighted in seeing the birds fly overhead and roost in nearby trees.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Snow Gently Falling ...
December 22, 2009
And I am on the road again – which is why I actually have time to write on my blog. This past weekend I could not because I had to take advantage of the foot plus of snow that had blanketed Lancaster County. How delightful it was! Saturday morning before they had plowed the roads in my parents’ development I cross country skied over to my sister’s house to see my nephew and then to the grocery store. At the store I carried the skis inside which I am sure was a sight to see but I knew that they would freeze up if I did not and then I would not be able to get my boots snapped in. I did some shoveling and baking and then in the evening went to a Christmas party in town. I discovered that I enjoyed driving on the snow covered roads and that the world was even more beautiful when I got out of the development. Though we did not get to play any games of Frisbee, we used a glow-in-the-dark Frisbee to throw around on the snow covered Duke St. and nearby parking lot.
On Sunday morning I went to a church service in Lancaster and then to visit a friend. In the afternoon I had hoped to play Ultimate Frisbee in the snow but it seemed that no one was showing up so I instead went down to May Post Office Road to do some sledding with camp friends. Probably the best part was building several tunnels since I only did that once before, way back in high school.
Monday morning I made it to a nearby park to do some more cross country skiing before heading out to help my parents by delivering Interstate Batteries. I ended up being on the road all day and by the time I finished it was dusk so the parks were closed to skiing. But thankfully I was down near Quarryville so I got permission to ski around Black Rock. It was good exercise before this long car ride. I should probably describe my skiing as snow plowing instead because the snow was so deep I had to make tracks and then the second time through I could move more quickly.
Needless to say I am ever so thankful for the unexpected, huge snow. I did not have my hopes up because I really have not seen real snow in over 3 years and I figured that this year would be no different. And so my excitement is making up for the many others who were not so keen on the heavy snowfall. I do wish though that I could have helped others shovel a little more so that they could appreciate the beauty and the fun of the snow more.
And I am on the road again – which is why I actually have time to write on my blog. This past weekend I could not because I had to take advantage of the foot plus of snow that had blanketed Lancaster County. How delightful it was! Saturday morning before they had plowed the roads in my parents’ development I cross country skied over to my sister’s house to see my nephew and then to the grocery store. At the store I carried the skis inside which I am sure was a sight to see but I knew that they would freeze up if I did not and then I would not be able to get my boots snapped in. I did some shoveling and baking and then in the evening went to a Christmas party in town. I discovered that I enjoyed driving on the snow covered roads and that the world was even more beautiful when I got out of the development. Though we did not get to play any games of Frisbee, we used a glow-in-the-dark Frisbee to throw around on the snow covered Duke St. and nearby parking lot.
On Sunday morning I went to a church service in Lancaster and then to visit a friend. In the afternoon I had hoped to play Ultimate Frisbee in the snow but it seemed that no one was showing up so I instead went down to May Post Office Road to do some sledding with camp friends. Probably the best part was building several tunnels since I only did that once before, way back in high school.
Monday morning I made it to a nearby park to do some more cross country skiing before heading out to help my parents by delivering Interstate Batteries. I ended up being on the road all day and by the time I finished it was dusk so the parks were closed to skiing. But thankfully I was down near Quarryville so I got permission to ski around Black Rock. It was good exercise before this long car ride. I should probably describe my skiing as snow plowing instead because the snow was so deep I had to make tracks and then the second time through I could move more quickly.
Needless to say I am ever so thankful for the unexpected, huge snow. I did not have my hopes up because I really have not seen real snow in over 3 years and I figured that this year would be no different. And so my excitement is making up for the many others who were not so keen on the heavy snowfall. I do wish though that I could have helped others shovel a little more so that they could appreciate the beauty and the fun of the snow more.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Snow, Glorious Snow

December 5, 2009
I know that the word "glorious" should probably not be used in conjunction with snow but it is how I feel. If "glorious" can be used to describe a day, then I think it fits snow. In reality though, it should probably be reserved for the Creator of snow and each day -- the Lord God Almighty. Nonetheless I am excited about the snow that fell today. I remembered back 8 years ago when an early December snow provided enough ground cover to construct a snowman of more than 10 feet in heighth in front of my dad's wharehouse. That was a very fun snow. Today's snow gave enough beauty to make a walk around Millersville University new and exciting.
This past week was quite full of activities. I had a workshop with the Life Coach Training I am taking and it was 10 hours on the phone for lecture and conversation with my peers. I never liked telephones that much before and my opinion did not change on that after so many hours at the phone. It was good information and practice though so I am glad I participated in the workshop.
On Tuesday I was able to get to Landis Homes before a meeting near there and so I visited with several women from my church. I was inspired as I talked with the one woman who is nearly 97 years old and has lost most of her vision but yet she can still bring humor into conversations and make others smile. Although at times she wonders why God has her still here on earth, she has not given up hope and presses on each day. I hope that if I ever live to be that age, I too can bring joy to others and live out the hope of Christ.
The week brought continued waiting which can be challenging at times and yet there was the call too to continue trusting that the Lord is indeed guiding my footsteps. As I write these thoughts, the words of a praise song come to mind, "I will not be shaken, I will not be moved." As I wait, I must trust and stand firm in the Lord.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I Remember Why Not to Participate in Black Friday Sales...
November 28, 2009
On Thanksgiving Day I was looking through the newspaper's advertisements and saw some really good sales at Best Buy -- which in light of the issues I have been having with computers were very inviting. I do not know when I last went to any store first thing on Black Friday, but for some reason I thought, "well, maybe I could swing by the store before playing basketball at 6:00AM at Black Rock Retreat." I only needed to get up half an hour earlier to pass by the store so I decided to see if by chance the lines at the store were not outrageously long.
Friday morning I got up very early and headed into Lancaster to see if I coud run in and out of Best Buy quickly. Because I was going to arrive before 5:00AM when Best Buy opened, I decided to see if Old Navy had slowed down. They were supposed to open around 3:00AM so I figured that the lines should have died down. I entered the store and gazed in horror at the checkout line. It extended from the front of the store to the back of the store. I knew exactly what jeans I needed were I to buy them but one look at the line and I knew I was not going to be making any purchases that day. I was appalled to at the disarray of the store. It looked as if people would grab an item, not want it, and just throw it on a pile somewhere. The sales persons could not keep up with the vast traffic flow.
I left Old Navy and drove over to Best Buy knowing that I would not be getting out of my car. Sure enough, as I entered the parking lot, I saw it was full. I could see a sea of people beginning to enter the store. And the line was long. I drove closer and closer to the store because I wanted to see just how long the line was. I saw that that the line wrapped around at least one side of the building and I would not have been surprised if it nearly wrapped around the entire exterior of the store. Needless to say I turned around and left and went to basketball early, having some good quiet time. I remembered why I do not participate in the Black Friday store stampedes. I doubt I will bother getting up early again on Black Friday. I much more enjoy the casual pace of my family on Black Friday which includes going to Central Market, a chocolate store and then relaxing at home.
On Thanksgiving Day I was looking through the newspaper's advertisements and saw some really good sales at Best Buy -- which in light of the issues I have been having with computers were very inviting. I do not know when I last went to any store first thing on Black Friday, but for some reason I thought, "well, maybe I could swing by the store before playing basketball at 6:00AM at Black Rock Retreat." I only needed to get up half an hour earlier to pass by the store so I decided to see if by chance the lines at the store were not outrageously long.
Friday morning I got up very early and headed into Lancaster to see if I coud run in and out of Best Buy quickly. Because I was going to arrive before 5:00AM when Best Buy opened, I decided to see if Old Navy had slowed down. They were supposed to open around 3:00AM so I figured that the lines should have died down. I entered the store and gazed in horror at the checkout line. It extended from the front of the store to the back of the store. I knew exactly what jeans I needed were I to buy them but one look at the line and I knew I was not going to be making any purchases that day. I was appalled to at the disarray of the store. It looked as if people would grab an item, not want it, and just throw it on a pile somewhere. The sales persons could not keep up with the vast traffic flow.
I left Old Navy and drove over to Best Buy knowing that I would not be getting out of my car. Sure enough, as I entered the parking lot, I saw it was full. I could see a sea of people beginning to enter the store. And the line was long. I drove closer and closer to the store because I wanted to see just how long the line was. I saw that that the line wrapped around at least one side of the building and I would not have been surprised if it nearly wrapped around the entire exterior of the store. Needless to say I turned around and left and went to basketball early, having some good quiet time. I remembered why I do not participate in the Black Friday store stampedes. I doubt I will bother getting up early again on Black Friday. I much more enjoy the casual pace of my family on Black Friday which includes going to Central Market, a chocolate store and then relaxing at home.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Adventures with Friends
November 21, 2009
I am beginning to discover that adventures with friends do not have to be some big event or excursion -- it can be simply talking and re-connecting or even playing with their children. On Wednesday I caught a ride to Chicago with one friend and then visited friends who I met in language school in Costa Rica. The middle of the three young boys, Samuel, was a bundle of energy and creativity. He turned the playground into a castle where there sat an evil king. It made me look forward to the years ahead when my nephew is old enought to play and create imaginary worlds.
Through conversation with my friends (the grown-ups that is), the Lord began to speak to my heart and show me the possible implications of studies versus and internship in El Salvador. He did some convicting in my heart, and so as I find myself moving in the direction of El Salvador, I have a renewed excitement for heading that way. There is still a week or more of waiting before I will know if I can go, while the details of the internship are ironed out and I have more chats with those involved. I feel okay with waiting though and am excited to see what God will do.
I am thankful that these past few months has been a time of reconnecting with friends and at times hearing God speak through others. Other times I have been the one who has been able to encourage and challenge my friends. I love how the body of Christ works and how we are in this journey through life together to spur one another on.
I am beginning to discover that adventures with friends do not have to be some big event or excursion -- it can be simply talking and re-connecting or even playing with their children. On Wednesday I caught a ride to Chicago with one friend and then visited friends who I met in language school in Costa Rica. The middle of the three young boys, Samuel, was a bundle of energy and creativity. He turned the playground into a castle where there sat an evil king. It made me look forward to the years ahead when my nephew is old enought to play and create imaginary worlds.
Through conversation with my friends (the grown-ups that is), the Lord began to speak to my heart and show me the possible implications of studies versus and internship in El Salvador. He did some convicting in my heart, and so as I find myself moving in the direction of El Salvador, I have a renewed excitement for heading that way. There is still a week or more of waiting before I will know if I can go, while the details of the internship are ironed out and I have more chats with those involved. I feel okay with waiting though and am excited to see what God will do.
I am thankful that these past few months has been a time of reconnecting with friends and at times hearing God speak through others. Other times I have been the one who has been able to encourage and challenge my friends. I love how the body of Christ works and how we are in this journey through life together to spur one another on.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Setting Sail
November 16, 2009
Through sermons, dreams, and a retreat, God has been speaking to me about setting sail during this past week. I love when God speaks to me on the same theme from more than one source. Yesterday's sermon was a look at Abraham and God's command to take his son Issac and sacrifice him on the altar. Abraham obeyed the Lord and was on the verge of killing his son when an angel of the Lord stopped him. The Lord had been testing his willingness to obey and to risk losing his only son, the very promise of God. Abraham's faith stood the test, but the challenge for me was whether I am willing to sacrifice the "Issacs" in my life -- those things which I hold on to and sometimes hold as dearer than Jesus. Can I trust God's call to go to a mountain and place on the altar my dearest and my best?
This sermon and then the teachings regarding boats and sailing have all pointed towards the idea of risk. What risk am I willing to take in following Christ? Sometimes I just want to sit in the boat on dry land instead of risking the open sea and the storms that may come up there. And yet a boat is not meant for the land nor even for sitting at the dock forever. It is designed to sail on the waters and go into unchartered territory. I sense that God is calling me to move out on the water with Him. A neat analogy that I heard the other week at a retreat was how Jesus is like the anchor of our boat. The anchor goes with us wherever we go but we need to keep a firm grip on it. As long as the anchor is with us, we can set up home almost anywhere since the anchor will keep us grounded. As I have been pondering various options for my next step in life, this idea has been comforting because I know that wherever I end up, the Lord will be with me and I can be at home there.
I also keep coming back to an idea that comes out of C. S. Lewis's book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The oldest girl Susan says to the Beavers regarding Aslan, "But is he safe?" to which they reply, "Of course he is not safe; he is Aslan, but he is good." (Hopefully I have that quoted correctly). Those words have been in my mind because all too often my first question when considering a new idea or option is, "Is it safe?" It is not, "Is God in it?" I want to know that I will be safe. But the Lord does not promise that we will be safe from pain and suffering nor even death. Those are all a part of life. As I follow His call for my life, I will encounter danger but I remain safe because I am in His loving arms and as Romans 8:35-39 point out, nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. And so my prayer is that I will not look so much at the question of safety and comfort but instead ask where God is at work and where He wants me to be. I want to be in the adventure of following Him into the unknown because I know that He is bigger than the wind and the waves and that He is right there with me.
Through sermons, dreams, and a retreat, God has been speaking to me about setting sail during this past week. I love when God speaks to me on the same theme from more than one source. Yesterday's sermon was a look at Abraham and God's command to take his son Issac and sacrifice him on the altar. Abraham obeyed the Lord and was on the verge of killing his son when an angel of the Lord stopped him. The Lord had been testing his willingness to obey and to risk losing his only son, the very promise of God. Abraham's faith stood the test, but the challenge for me was whether I am willing to sacrifice the "Issacs" in my life -- those things which I hold on to and sometimes hold as dearer than Jesus. Can I trust God's call to go to a mountain and place on the altar my dearest and my best?
This sermon and then the teachings regarding boats and sailing have all pointed towards the idea of risk. What risk am I willing to take in following Christ? Sometimes I just want to sit in the boat on dry land instead of risking the open sea and the storms that may come up there. And yet a boat is not meant for the land nor even for sitting at the dock forever. It is designed to sail on the waters and go into unchartered territory. I sense that God is calling me to move out on the water with Him. A neat analogy that I heard the other week at a retreat was how Jesus is like the anchor of our boat. The anchor goes with us wherever we go but we need to keep a firm grip on it. As long as the anchor is with us, we can set up home almost anywhere since the anchor will keep us grounded. As I have been pondering various options for my next step in life, this idea has been comforting because I know that wherever I end up, the Lord will be with me and I can be at home there.
I also keep coming back to an idea that comes out of C. S. Lewis's book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The oldest girl Susan says to the Beavers regarding Aslan, "But is he safe?" to which they reply, "Of course he is not safe; he is Aslan, but he is good." (Hopefully I have that quoted correctly). Those words have been in my mind because all too often my first question when considering a new idea or option is, "Is it safe?" It is not, "Is God in it?" I want to know that I will be safe. But the Lord does not promise that we will be safe from pain and suffering nor even death. Those are all a part of life. As I follow His call for my life, I will encounter danger but I remain safe because I am in His loving arms and as Romans 8:35-39 point out, nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. And so my prayer is that I will not look so much at the question of safety and comfort but instead ask where God is at work and where He wants me to be. I want to be in the adventure of following Him into the unknown because I know that He is bigger than the wind and the waves and that He is right there with me.
Catch Up
November 16, 2009
I seem to be playing catch up in many areas of my life these days -- perhaps communication more than anything. I got back to Pennsylvania on November 6 after my travels in Central America. Thankfully in Honduras I was able to finish up everything that I needed to and saw Evelin and Lisbeth established in a cabin at camp to live for a while. Coming back to PA, I jumped into a whirlwind of activities and presentations. Last week at the top of my "To-Do" list was figuring out what my next step is. By the close of the week I felt a peace about pursuing El Salvador and a one year internship there with La Casa de Mi Padre (My Father's House). It is an opportunity to work with children and their families and participate in counseling and therapy with them. So I am moving in that direction while recognizing that the Lord could still close doors and I may go ahead with further schooling here in the US.
This past weekend I made a quick trip north to share with a church and visit some friends and supporters. When a college friend who I had not seen for years greeted me after the church service, I was reminded of how small the world is. I think that everytime I travel I am reminded of that. I realized too that I love to travel and reconnect with people or meet new people. At the same time it is good to be back in Lancaster for a few days at least.
Last week I enjoyed seeing my family again, especially my nephew who learned to smile intentionally during the three weeks that I had been out of the country. I am blessed to have been in Lancaster so much over the past 3 months and that all of my immediate family is around this month.
I seem to be playing catch up in many areas of my life these days -- perhaps communication more than anything. I got back to Pennsylvania on November 6 after my travels in Central America. Thankfully in Honduras I was able to finish up everything that I needed to and saw Evelin and Lisbeth established in a cabin at camp to live for a while. Coming back to PA, I jumped into a whirlwind of activities and presentations. Last week at the top of my "To-Do" list was figuring out what my next step is. By the close of the week I felt a peace about pursuing El Salvador and a one year internship there with La Casa de Mi Padre (My Father's House). It is an opportunity to work with children and their families and participate in counseling and therapy with them. So I am moving in that direction while recognizing that the Lord could still close doors and I may go ahead with further schooling here in the US.
This past weekend I made a quick trip north to share with a church and visit some friends and supporters. When a college friend who I had not seen for years greeted me after the church service, I was reminded of how small the world is. I think that everytime I travel I am reminded of that. I realized too that I love to travel and reconnect with people or meet new people. At the same time it is good to be back in Lancaster for a few days at least.
Last week I enjoyed seeing my family again, especially my nephew who learned to smile intentionally during the three weeks that I had been out of the country. I am blessed to have been in Lancaster so much over the past 3 months and that all of my immediate family is around this month.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
In the Midst of Moving
November 3, 2009
Today was the big moving day though tomorrow will carry some smaller moves. The majority of my things I moved out to camp for Evelin to use for a while and so this afternoon we drove to camp with my Isuzu Rodeo loaded down and another little truck. They were very full. I had acquired furniture from my previous roommate so there was quite a lot to move. It is now late and I am very tired but with papers to organize so sleep is still not within reach. Evelin has the hardest job though of re-organizing the cabin to accomodate her and Lisbeth. Right now I am too busy to really think about all that is happening and the implications of moving out of Honduras for the moment. I think when I sit down on the plane on Thursday, all of the emotions will finally hit. I hope that I will at that point have time to better process and pray about the opportunities in El Salvador and those here in Honduras.
Well, that is my very brief update but at least you can know that I am still alive and running around -- driving around that is. I have not been able to do much running which is sad.
Today was the big moving day though tomorrow will carry some smaller moves. The majority of my things I moved out to camp for Evelin to use for a while and so this afternoon we drove to camp with my Isuzu Rodeo loaded down and another little truck. They were very full. I had acquired furniture from my previous roommate so there was quite a lot to move. It is now late and I am very tired but with papers to organize so sleep is still not within reach. Evelin has the hardest job though of re-organizing the cabin to accomodate her and Lisbeth. Right now I am too busy to really think about all that is happening and the implications of moving out of Honduras for the moment. I think when I sit down on the plane on Thursday, all of the emotions will finally hit. I hope that I will at that point have time to better process and pray about the opportunities in El Salvador and those here in Honduras.
Well, that is my very brief update but at least you can know that I am still alive and running around -- driving around that is. I have not been able to do much running which is sad.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
In El Salvador
October 27, 2009
So here I am in El Salvador, exploring what life might be like here in this country. I have been visiting in particular a ministry called "La Casa de Mi Padre" (My Father´s House). It works with children who have been pulled from their homes by the government for various family situations. But not only does it give a home and therapy to the children, it also works with the parents to restore a relationship there and equip them so that there children can return to live with them. I have been very impressed thus far by what I have seen. They seem to do a great job in restoring the lives of the children. And so I am praying about whether I might be able to work with them for about a year and learn from how they do things. Yesterday I went with the missionary, Kathryn, to a home about an hour outside of the city. Habitat for Humanity had constructed a house for the mother there and she has been learning how to read and write as well as basic life skills.
Tomorrow I will visit another ministry in the mountains of El Salvador in a community that is dark because of spiritual oppression. After talking with the LAM ministries director who is also here, I think that La Casa de Mi Padre would be a much better fit than the this place I will go tomorrow. But we will see what the Lord wants to teach me through the experience and how he wants to work through me. Today I also visited a Christian deaf school. That is another language that I should learn. It seems as if everywhere I go I am seeing efforts to work with children and their parents and I think that this is so important. To help one without the other is incomplete and when the two come together again, much will be lost of what was taught or previously gained.
I am staying with an El Salvadorian family. The couple have 4 children who all attend a German Christian school so they are trilingual (more or less). The mother is a massage therapist so I may have to give in and get a massage for once in my life. She went to Mongolia last year with a missions team and so she has a worship CD in Mongol (or however you call the language). I am listening to it in hopes of picking up a few Mongolian words.
This morning I went on a short run in the neighborhood I am staying in -- a neighborhood that during the war was occupied by the military. Having been mostly sedintary for 3 days, it was good to get out again. In reality though I think that running will be even more difficult here than in San Pedro. The driving is more difficult too since San Salvador is such a large ctiy. I will wait and see what the Lord says to me as I wrap up this trip.
So here I am in El Salvador, exploring what life might be like here in this country. I have been visiting in particular a ministry called "La Casa de Mi Padre" (My Father´s House). It works with children who have been pulled from their homes by the government for various family situations. But not only does it give a home and therapy to the children, it also works with the parents to restore a relationship there and equip them so that there children can return to live with them. I have been very impressed thus far by what I have seen. They seem to do a great job in restoring the lives of the children. And so I am praying about whether I might be able to work with them for about a year and learn from how they do things. Yesterday I went with the missionary, Kathryn, to a home about an hour outside of the city. Habitat for Humanity had constructed a house for the mother there and she has been learning how to read and write as well as basic life skills.
Tomorrow I will visit another ministry in the mountains of El Salvador in a community that is dark because of spiritual oppression. After talking with the LAM ministries director who is also here, I think that La Casa de Mi Padre would be a much better fit than the this place I will go tomorrow. But we will see what the Lord wants to teach me through the experience and how he wants to work through me. Today I also visited a Christian deaf school. That is another language that I should learn. It seems as if everywhere I go I am seeing efforts to work with children and their parents and I think that this is so important. To help one without the other is incomplete and when the two come together again, much will be lost of what was taught or previously gained.
I am staying with an El Salvadorian family. The couple have 4 children who all attend a German Christian school so they are trilingual (more or less). The mother is a massage therapist so I may have to give in and get a massage for once in my life. She went to Mongolia last year with a missions team and so she has a worship CD in Mongol (or however you call the language). I am listening to it in hopes of picking up a few Mongolian words.
This morning I went on a short run in the neighborhood I am staying in -- a neighborhood that during the war was occupied by the military. Having been mostly sedintary for 3 days, it was good to get out again. In reality though I think that running will be even more difficult here than in San Pedro. The driving is more difficult too since San Salvador is such a large ctiy. I will wait and see what the Lord says to me as I wrap up this trip.
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Grace of God
October 23, 2009
The days fly by! This morning I experienced my first rain shower here but it was nothing like the real rainy days. Last night there was a near disaster here in the apartment when little Lisbeth pulled a bowl of hot soup off of the table and down over herself. Thankfully her burns were not bad but it was a scare for all of us. I am seeing God's hand of protection over myself and many others in these days.
Yesterday I received news that causes my heart to grieve. In Honduras there are a large number of “maquilas” or factories which are owned by persons from other countries. For example Hanes is here and many others. At this point the maquilas are waiting to see what happens with the governmental situation and if things do not improve and Honduras does not have the support of the international community, they will leave. And that would mean the loss of 100’s of 1000’s of jobs here in Honduras. In a country that is already struggling economically, I do not know how the people would survive. I pray that the maquilas do not pull out and create a huge vacuum.
Last night I had another near disaster when I almost swallowed perfume instead of mouthwash in the middle of the night when I skipped turning on the light. Thankfully the smell alerted me to my mistake before I committed to the swallow.
On another note, I would ask for prayer because my heart is heavy at the moment with the pain those around me are experiencing. I am in need of wisdom to know how to respond to several situations. Tomorrow I fly to Panama where I spend one night and then go on to El Salvador. I will probably try to a little sightseeing there but I may discover that more important is some solo time since I will not have much of that in these coming weeks. I am praying that my time in El Salvador will give me insight into further possibilities for the future and how I can learn the skills that I need to work with young children and single moms.
The days fly by! This morning I experienced my first rain shower here but it was nothing like the real rainy days. Last night there was a near disaster here in the apartment when little Lisbeth pulled a bowl of hot soup off of the table and down over herself. Thankfully her burns were not bad but it was a scare for all of us. I am seeing God's hand of protection over myself and many others in these days.
Yesterday I received news that causes my heart to grieve. In Honduras there are a large number of “maquilas” or factories which are owned by persons from other countries. For example Hanes is here and many others. At this point the maquilas are waiting to see what happens with the governmental situation and if things do not improve and Honduras does not have the support of the international community, they will leave. And that would mean the loss of 100’s of 1000’s of jobs here in Honduras. In a country that is already struggling economically, I do not know how the people would survive. I pray that the maquilas do not pull out and create a huge vacuum.
Last night I had another near disaster when I almost swallowed perfume instead of mouthwash in the middle of the night when I skipped turning on the light. Thankfully the smell alerted me to my mistake before I committed to the swallow.
On another note, I would ask for prayer because my heart is heavy at the moment with the pain those around me are experiencing. I am in need of wisdom to know how to respond to several situations. Tomorrow I fly to Panama where I spend one night and then go on to El Salvador. I will probably try to a little sightseeing there but I may discover that more important is some solo time since I will not have much of that in these coming weeks. I am praying that my time in El Salvador will give me insight into further possibilities for the future and how I can learn the skills that I need to work with young children and single moms.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Honduras Again
October 21, 2009
So I am here in Honduras. I arrived yesterday with no problems in the travel. I arrived quite tired because of little sleep the night before due mostly to the early morning departure. Today Evelin, Lisbeth, and I came out to camp. I was able to hold one of the new babies, José, and visit with a couple of the others on camp. We will have some brownies a little later for one of the children’s birthdays, but right now I am trying to get on-line and it is not working. I can tell that internet communication could be a problem for a while. And the problem is that there are several things that I need to respond to and figure out.
I also have a long list of people to call and re-connect with. I am realizing that I do not have all that many days here and I am not sure when I can get together with everyone, pack, and move out of the apartment. It has been good to chat some with Evelin and to see Lisbeth. At first Lisbeth seemed angry with me (which makes sense – I disappeared for nearly 3 months) but she quickly warmed up to me.
Well, considering the rather monumental task ahead of me, I think this is all for the moment. I will see about finding an internet connection and also organizing the Outdoor Education supplies here at camp.
(Yeah, I obviously connected to the internet and at least part one of my connection without Outlook is working which makes life much easier. I will work on part two later)
So I am here in Honduras. I arrived yesterday with no problems in the travel. I arrived quite tired because of little sleep the night before due mostly to the early morning departure. Today Evelin, Lisbeth, and I came out to camp. I was able to hold one of the new babies, José, and visit with a couple of the others on camp. We will have some brownies a little later for one of the children’s birthdays, but right now I am trying to get on-line and it is not working. I can tell that internet communication could be a problem for a while. And the problem is that there are several things that I need to respond to and figure out.
I also have a long list of people to call and re-connect with. I am realizing that I do not have all that many days here and I am not sure when I can get together with everyone, pack, and move out of the apartment. It has been good to chat some with Evelin and to see Lisbeth. At first Lisbeth seemed angry with me (which makes sense – I disappeared for nearly 3 months) but she quickly warmed up to me.
Well, considering the rather monumental task ahead of me, I think this is all for the moment. I will see about finding an internet connection and also organizing the Outdoor Education supplies here at camp.
(Yeah, I obviously connected to the internet and at least part one of my connection without Outlook is working which makes life much easier. I will work on part two later)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Travels Through North Carolina
October 15, 2009
Today is my final full day in North Carolina. It has been a good trip with various adventures. Getting to NC was the hardest part because I had to contend with Friday afternoon traffic between DC and Fredricksburg. Since I was driving a standard vehicle I did not feel like sitting in stop and go traffic for several hours on the freeway. I, therefore, decided to take some other roads which were of course way out of the way and I arrived at my destination late. I would have been better off finding a place to sit for a couple of hours until rush hour passed and then continued on my way.
Rain has been the constant of the past week with only a few days of sun. But during the sunshine I had some opportunities to hike with friends and the other days I visited with friends indoors or exploring various parts of the towns across the state. I have enjoyed reconnecting with friends and seeing a bit of their lives. Saturday evening I was able to attend a church service in Spanish and meet some Hondurans who live here in North Carolina.
Monday evening was an adventure since I ended up square dancing with a group of 55 plus. I enjoyed the chatting with the people more than making a fool of myself square dancing, but it was a good evening. Wednesday I got to see a bit of downtown Salem and also play with my friend's nephew. I have spent a lot of time on the road and tomorrow is the big day of travel from Asheville to Harrisburg. I am excited though because after reaching Harrisburg I will head north to a cabin with my family. And there I expect to see snow, possibly up to 10 inches. I would love it! And being October it is so exciting. We will see what actually happens though.
Then on Monday I head to DC before my flight out to Honduras on Tuesday. Lots and lots of travels.
Today is my final full day in North Carolina. It has been a good trip with various adventures. Getting to NC was the hardest part because I had to contend with Friday afternoon traffic between DC and Fredricksburg. Since I was driving a standard vehicle I did not feel like sitting in stop and go traffic for several hours on the freeway. I, therefore, decided to take some other roads which were of course way out of the way and I arrived at my destination late. I would have been better off finding a place to sit for a couple of hours until rush hour passed and then continued on my way.
Rain has been the constant of the past week with only a few days of sun. But during the sunshine I had some opportunities to hike with friends and the other days I visited with friends indoors or exploring various parts of the towns across the state. I have enjoyed reconnecting with friends and seeing a bit of their lives. Saturday evening I was able to attend a church service in Spanish and meet some Hondurans who live here in North Carolina.
Monday evening was an adventure since I ended up square dancing with a group of 55 plus. I enjoyed the chatting with the people more than making a fool of myself square dancing, but it was a good evening. Wednesday I got to see a bit of downtown Salem and also play with my friend's nephew. I have spent a lot of time on the road and tomorrow is the big day of travel from Asheville to Harrisburg. I am excited though because after reaching Harrisburg I will head north to a cabin with my family. And there I expect to see snow, possibly up to 10 inches. I would love it! And being October it is so exciting. We will see what actually happens though.
Then on Monday I head to DC before my flight out to Honduras on Tuesday. Lots and lots of travels.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
A Lovely Day
October 7, 2009
What a beautiful day! I had spent the last few days down at Black Rock Retreat helping to hostess an Exploritas (formerly Elderhostel) group. While they were in lectures, I was usually working on my computer or doing homework for a class that I am taking. yesteday I accompanied them on their field trips and saw several familiar faces from when I had helped with that program over 8 years ago.
This morning I stole away from inside the retreat center to sit for a few minutes outside at a picnic table. I loved the scene that great me. The wind tore through the trees, sending leaves in a spiral dance towards the ground below. Acorns plummeted downward and I feared that perhaps one would find my head as its stopping place, but thankfully none came down on me. As I sat there with God, I found myself wanting to shout out, "Jesus I love you!" Somehow the wind swirling around me, spoke to me of God's presence. Even as I am back in Millersville this evening, I find myself wanting to take a late evening stroll in the wind. I have too long of a list of things to do to actually do so though. Friday I head out for a week visiting people in North Carolina and so I have much to do before that time. And the following week I leave for a few weeks in Honduras and Central America which means even more packing and preparation.
The other beautiful part of today was when I stopped by my sister's house for a few minutes and held my nephew Jack. It seemed as if he had grown a ton in just 3 days. Much to my delight he smiled at me for the first time -- intentionally. He is finally beginning to focus on people and not just some unknown spot on the wall. So cute! I suppose that I should post a picture soon.
And that was my lovely day. I have much to be thankful for.
What a beautiful day! I had spent the last few days down at Black Rock Retreat helping to hostess an Exploritas (formerly Elderhostel) group. While they were in lectures, I was usually working on my computer or doing homework for a class that I am taking. yesteday I accompanied them on their field trips and saw several familiar faces from when I had helped with that program over 8 years ago.
This morning I stole away from inside the retreat center to sit for a few minutes outside at a picnic table. I loved the scene that great me. The wind tore through the trees, sending leaves in a spiral dance towards the ground below. Acorns plummeted downward and I feared that perhaps one would find my head as its stopping place, but thankfully none came down on me. As I sat there with God, I found myself wanting to shout out, "Jesus I love you!" Somehow the wind swirling around me, spoke to me of God's presence. Even as I am back in Millersville this evening, I find myself wanting to take a late evening stroll in the wind. I have too long of a list of things to do to actually do so though. Friday I head out for a week visiting people in North Carolina and so I have much to do before that time. And the following week I leave for a few weeks in Honduras and Central America which means even more packing and preparation.
The other beautiful part of today was when I stopped by my sister's house for a few minutes and held my nephew Jack. It seemed as if he had grown a ton in just 3 days. Much to my delight he smiled at me for the first time -- intentionally. He is finally beginning to focus on people and not just some unknown spot on the wall. So cute! I suppose that I should post a picture soon.
And that was my lovely day. I have much to be thankful for.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
When Honduras Comes to New Danville
September 24, 2009
Today I had a very fun surprise. My aunt called me this morning to inform me that a group from a school in San Pedro Sula, Honduras would be sharing in chapel (at New Danville Mennoite School) in just a few hours. My schedule was open so I quickly decided to go, especially because I hoped to see a teacher or the director who I had met from the school back in June. When I walked into the chapel area, I saw the group milling around on the stage. And immediately my eyes fell on a student who I knew. He had participated in a work team at Manantial de Vida, summer 2008. He saw me too and so we began chatting in Spanish which was fun. I stayed for the chapel in which the Honduran school shared songs in Spanish. I enjoyed singing one of my favorite praise songs in Spanish, "Eres Todopoderoso". It is also the song that little Lisbeth loves to worship with.
This evening I met up with a Hispanic woman in Lancaster and another girl and we went into a neighborhood downtown to share with some children. Most of the children were not around but we prayed with two young children and shared the story of Joseph. The woman took the opportunity though to pray and share with several young adults milling around the area. I was touched as she shared her testimony and how God had brought redemption to her life. Her story was one that the young people could relate too because she had been in their shoes. It hit home with one young man who had just been released from prison. It was exciting to see the timing of the encounter and the woman's boldness in sharing Christ with any and every person she saw. She was ready to pray with each one, even from the car as they walked past. I hope that I can visit the city again with her and join in ministry to those in Lancaster.
Today I had a very fun surprise. My aunt called me this morning to inform me that a group from a school in San Pedro Sula, Honduras would be sharing in chapel (at New Danville Mennoite School) in just a few hours. My schedule was open so I quickly decided to go, especially because I hoped to see a teacher or the director who I had met from the school back in June. When I walked into the chapel area, I saw the group milling around on the stage. And immediately my eyes fell on a student who I knew. He had participated in a work team at Manantial de Vida, summer 2008. He saw me too and so we began chatting in Spanish which was fun. I stayed for the chapel in which the Honduran school shared songs in Spanish. I enjoyed singing one of my favorite praise songs in Spanish, "Eres Todopoderoso". It is also the song that little Lisbeth loves to worship with.
This evening I met up with a Hispanic woman in Lancaster and another girl and we went into a neighborhood downtown to share with some children. Most of the children were not around but we prayed with two young children and shared the story of Joseph. The woman took the opportunity though to pray and share with several young adults milling around the area. I was touched as she shared her testimony and how God had brought redemption to her life. Her story was one that the young people could relate too because she had been in their shoes. It hit home with one young man who had just been released from prison. It was exciting to see the timing of the encounter and the woman's boldness in sharing Christ with any and every person she saw. She was ready to pray with each one, even from the car as they walked past. I hope that I can visit the city again with her and join in ministry to those in Lancaster.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Still Following the Footprints
September 22, 2009
Here I sit in Lancaster, PA while chaos errupts again in Honduras. Eversince Zelaya, the former Honduran president (who was removed from power the end of June) managed to sneak back into the country and make an appearance from the Brasilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa yesterday, things have gotten ugly again. His supporters were celebrating while others were protesting Zelaya's return. The new government is asking the embassy to turn Zelaya over to them so that he can be arrested and tried. Meanwhile there has been an almost 24 hour curfew in effect in Honduras. From what I understand it is in all of the country and has only been lifted on one of the islands where tourism abounds. I must say that it is much more comfortable being here in PA than closed in an apartment waiting to see what happens. But my heart goes out to my friends there who can do nothing but wait ... and pray (the latter of which is definitely not "nothing").
I find myself marveling at how God's hand seems to be directing my steps and the timing of events, even though I cannot see it at the time. For a long while I was considering flying back to Honduras on September 20 to do some exploring of ministries with a couple and to participate in a missionary retreat. I kept waiting for direction from the Lord as to whether I should go or not and heard nothing. As the days passed, I let go of the idea of traveling over this time and figured that unless He made it very clear that now was the time to travel, I would keep waiting. And today as I consider what is happening again in Honduras, I am glad that I am waiting. I almost get chills down my back when I think of how many times God has orchestrated such timing in my life these past 2 months. I guess that I just wish I was more aware of how He is directing me each moment instead of just after the fact. Even so I am very thankful that He is at work and that I can see His hand.
Here I sit in Lancaster, PA while chaos errupts again in Honduras. Eversince Zelaya, the former Honduran president (who was removed from power the end of June) managed to sneak back into the country and make an appearance from the Brasilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa yesterday, things have gotten ugly again. His supporters were celebrating while others were protesting Zelaya's return. The new government is asking the embassy to turn Zelaya over to them so that he can be arrested and tried. Meanwhile there has been an almost 24 hour curfew in effect in Honduras. From what I understand it is in all of the country and has only been lifted on one of the islands where tourism abounds. I must say that it is much more comfortable being here in PA than closed in an apartment waiting to see what happens. But my heart goes out to my friends there who can do nothing but wait ... and pray (the latter of which is definitely not "nothing").
I find myself marveling at how God's hand seems to be directing my steps and the timing of events, even though I cannot see it at the time. For a long while I was considering flying back to Honduras on September 20 to do some exploring of ministries with a couple and to participate in a missionary retreat. I kept waiting for direction from the Lord as to whether I should go or not and heard nothing. As the days passed, I let go of the idea of traveling over this time and figured that unless He made it very clear that now was the time to travel, I would keep waiting. And today as I consider what is happening again in Honduras, I am glad that I am waiting. I almost get chills down my back when I think of how many times God has orchestrated such timing in my life these past 2 months. I guess that I just wish I was more aware of how He is directing me each moment instead of just after the fact. Even so I am very thankful that He is at work and that I can see His hand.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Footprints through the Sea
September 18, 2009
As this week comes to a close, I am encouraged by the way I have seen God at work. I have continued to visit various ministries here in Lancaster County and find it exciting to see so many people with a desire to serve God. My latest visit was to House of His Creation in Lititz, a ministry to teenage mothers and their young children. The program director and I actually went to college together for a few years and shared the same double major. I found it interesting how the Lord has brought us both around to a place that is not quite in the field that we studied. It is related, but more on the social work side. Not that I am actually in that field yet, but the pull continues to be there. The more I meet with people and interact with young children, the more I want to love them and make a difference in their life. I find myself still waiting though – waiting for the pieces to come together revealing what God is doing in my life. If my life was a jigsaw puzzle, I am not sure if the edge pieces would be in place or not. I will have to think on that analogy more.
Anyway in my waiting, I have been excited to see how in the seemingly little things and decisions on when to visit different people or organizations and when to stay home, I have chosen well. Although I never specifically heard the Lord telling me to stick around Lancaster for the day, I stayed put and later on it became clear that I was supposed to be here. It reminds me of a verse I read this morning from Psalm 77 speaking of the Lord’s hand in the lives of the Israelites. “Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen.” (vs. 19) I want to continue to be in tune with His Spirit so that I know where to be when.
As this week comes to a close, I am encouraged by the way I have seen God at work. I have continued to visit various ministries here in Lancaster County and find it exciting to see so many people with a desire to serve God. My latest visit was to House of His Creation in Lititz, a ministry to teenage mothers and their young children. The program director and I actually went to college together for a few years and shared the same double major. I found it interesting how the Lord has brought us both around to a place that is not quite in the field that we studied. It is related, but more on the social work side. Not that I am actually in that field yet, but the pull continues to be there. The more I meet with people and interact with young children, the more I want to love them and make a difference in their life. I find myself still waiting though – waiting for the pieces to come together revealing what God is doing in my life. If my life was a jigsaw puzzle, I am not sure if the edge pieces would be in place or not. I will have to think on that analogy more.
Anyway in my waiting, I have been excited to see how in the seemingly little things and decisions on when to visit different people or organizations and when to stay home, I have chosen well. Although I never specifically heard the Lord telling me to stick around Lancaster for the day, I stayed put and later on it became clear that I was supposed to be here. It reminds me of a verse I read this morning from Psalm 77 speaking of the Lord’s hand in the lives of the Israelites. “Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen.” (vs. 19) I want to continue to be in tune with His Spirit so that I know where to be when.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
It Was Not Just Me
September 12, 2009
I am back in Lancaster after almost a week of traveling. As it turns out, there was indeed a problem with the car and it was not my fault. On Wednesday morning when I tried to start the car it would not start and this time I decided it needed fixed. Thankfully I got a ride to the college and from there was able to walk and visit friends and professors.
Being back in Houghton was good but caused me to do some reflecting. It was interesting walking the campus and seeing how the students looked so much younger than I felt that I was 10 years ago. I was able to do a few of my favorite runs which was fun. I also spent a lot time re-connecting with professors, especially those in the psychology department. I found myself having lots of questions for them as I think about the area of counseling and just where God might be direcing me. I left Houghton with lots of "homework" or research to do and have been attempting to find my way through it all.
The past few days in Lancaster can be summed up with one word - RAIN. I feel as if I am back in Honduras. I enjoy the rain for a while but I am hoping for some sunshine tomorrow. It looks as if I will be in this area next week and not traveling again until ... who knows when? I wish that I could plan ahead farther but I am always waiting on unknown details and in the end trips seem to come about last minute. I am still praying about what will be the best time for returning to Honduras to close my apartment. Vamos a ver.
I am back in Lancaster after almost a week of traveling. As it turns out, there was indeed a problem with the car and it was not my fault. On Wednesday morning when I tried to start the car it would not start and this time I decided it needed fixed. Thankfully I got a ride to the college and from there was able to walk and visit friends and professors.
Being back in Houghton was good but caused me to do some reflecting. It was interesting walking the campus and seeing how the students looked so much younger than I felt that I was 10 years ago. I was able to do a few of my favorite runs which was fun. I also spent a lot time re-connecting with professors, especially those in the psychology department. I found myself having lots of questions for them as I think about the area of counseling and just where God might be direcing me. I left Houghton with lots of "homework" or research to do and have been attempting to find my way through it all.
The past few days in Lancaster can be summed up with one word - RAIN. I feel as if I am back in Honduras. I enjoy the rain for a while but I am hoping for some sunshine tomorrow. It looks as if I will be in this area next week and not traveling again until ... who knows when? I wish that I could plan ahead farther but I am always waiting on unknown details and in the end trips seem to come about last minute. I am still praying about what will be the best time for returning to Honduras to close my apartment. Vamos a ver.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Maybe It Is Me
September 7, 2009
I am beginning to think that maybe the car problems have to do with me and not the cars themselves. For my journey to Pittsburg, Ohio, and Houghton I decided to drive my parent’s mustang because it should be more reliable than my sister’s Honda that has nearly 250,000 miles on it. Well, this morning I went out to start the car and head over to Houghton and much to my surprise, the car would not turn on and stay on. After conversation with my dad and he with a Ford dealer it sounds as if the problem is probably an air idle valve or something of the sort. And so here I am sitting on the front porch of my friend’s house waiting for a mechanic to come by. Perhaps my Thursday departure from here will not happen after all. It is sad to be so close to Houghton and yet so far away. Hopefully I will get there within the hour and begin connecting again with professors. I am glad that from where I am sitting here on the porch I can see a tall, stately maple tree that is beginning to change color. I saw a few such trees on my drive from Sandusky, Ohio to western NY yesterday.
Usually when I travel I try to move quickly from point A to point B but on this trip I have been taking my time. Last night I got a bit lost as I tried to find the highway in Olean to then get to Belfast. It has been over 10 years since I traversed Olean during my college days. In the end I found my way, though it was the longer way.
**Well, the mechanic came and of course the car started with no problem. I give up on cars!
I am beginning to think that maybe the car problems have to do with me and not the cars themselves. For my journey to Pittsburg, Ohio, and Houghton I decided to drive my parent’s mustang because it should be more reliable than my sister’s Honda that has nearly 250,000 miles on it. Well, this morning I went out to start the car and head over to Houghton and much to my surprise, the car would not turn on and stay on. After conversation with my dad and he with a Ford dealer it sounds as if the problem is probably an air idle valve or something of the sort. And so here I am sitting on the front porch of my friend’s house waiting for a mechanic to come by. Perhaps my Thursday departure from here will not happen after all. It is sad to be so close to Houghton and yet so far away. Hopefully I will get there within the hour and begin connecting again with professors. I am glad that from where I am sitting here on the porch I can see a tall, stately maple tree that is beginning to change color. I saw a few such trees on my drive from Sandusky, Ohio to western NY yesterday.
Usually when I travel I try to move quickly from point A to point B but on this trip I have been taking my time. Last night I got a bit lost as I tried to find the highway in Olean to then get to Belfast. It has been over 10 years since I traversed Olean during my college days. In the end I found my way, though it was the longer way.
**Well, the mechanic came and of course the car started with no problem. I give up on cars!
On Lake Erie
My time in Ohio was spent with friends on Lake Erie. It was a relaxing and fun time as we sat on the shore of the lake, speeded through the waters on jet skies, or rode the waters on water skies. My friend’s three boys are adorable, especially the youngest with his blue eyes and blond curls. On Sunday we were sitting on the boat waiting for our “pilot” so that we could take off. Little Simon, who is 2 years old, was standing on the back of the boat with his little life jacket. His dad was beside him but he was holding the 5 year old and I was on the seat just behind Simon. All of a sudden Simon stumbled and began a headlong tumble towards the shallow waters. I had been alert in case such a stumble might occur and so I dove for him and thanks to his life jacket, was able to grab hold of him. He came up unharmed and dry, but scared. I am glad that I play sports where I have to work on my reaction time and have spent much of my life spotting which also is a moment when you have to be alert and ready for a fall.
Simon was not too scarred by the experience because he had no qualms about heading out on the waters when his uncle arrived to drive the boat. I enjoyed the opportunity to ski again and tried to take some risk and try new things such as going over the wakes. Too often I get content in what I am able to do without much effort and hesitate to take risks. I know that in my life beyond water skiing, God wants to teach me lessons in that area.
Simon was not too scarred by the experience because he had no qualms about heading out on the waters when his uncle arrived to drive the boat. I enjoyed the opportunity to ski again and tried to take some risk and try new things such as going over the wakes. Too often I get content in what I am able to do without much effort and hesitate to take risks. I know that in my life beyond water skiing, God wants to teach me lessons in that area.
Friday, September 04, 2009
On the Road Again
September 4, 2009
In a few minutes I will hit the road again and begin travels to Pittsburgh, Ohio, and then up to Houghton. It should be a good time of connecting with friends but lots of miles put in. I am hoping that the Labor Day traffic is not too bad. I do not have time to write much, but I wanted to mention that my sister and nephew are out of the hospital and doing well. They went home on Wednesday. We are thankful that everyone is doing well. So that's all for the moment.
In a few minutes I will hit the road again and begin travels to Pittsburgh, Ohio, and then up to Houghton. It should be a good time of connecting with friends but lots of miles put in. I am hoping that the Labor Day traffic is not too bad. I do not have time to write much, but I wanted to mention that my sister and nephew are out of the hospital and doing well. They went home on Wednesday. We are thankful that everyone is doing well. So that's all for the moment.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
God at Work
August 30, 2009
I think this is an apt title for this entry because I have several things to highlight from the past week which show how God has been at work. First of all, my nephew Jack is doing much better. We went in after church today and when Shana, my mom, and I got down to the NIC-U, the nurse said that Jack could try eating and that they would be soon removing the IV of sugar water. He also no longer had the pressurized air and was breathing completely on his own. How exciting! He was more awake today too and though he rarely opened both eyes, he did some winking.
As for other events in this past week, last Sunday Evelin had called me and I was attempting to carry on a conversation over the phone in Spanish and it was not going well. The connection was bad and I could not make out most of her words. I have run into the same problem with talking to my sister in Brazil but at least that is in English and I can get by. Evelin was sure I was forgetting my Spanish but I knew that was not the problem. Anyway, she was not doing well and I could not communicate with her which was incredibly frustrating to me. She did not seem receptive to my suggestion that she call someone from the church there or a friend to talk and pray with. I hung up from the conversation frustrated but also wondering if the Lord did not want me to be able to communicate with her because He wanted her to find help elsewhere.
Yesterday when I talked with Evelin again and she was doing much better. She made a statement which confirmed in me that I am not to be her source of support. She said it was good I could not understand her because after our time on the phone she went and had a sweet time of prayer and fellowship with Jesus. And after that she was good. Time with Jesus was what she needed, much more than any words of encouragement from me. God showed me my place and revealed to Evelin that she has to depend on Him.
The other exciting event of the week was conversation with a couple who has interest in Honduras and in working in some way with women and children. I have no idea how God might work out the details and if we can work together or not but it is exciting to see Him at least opening some windows for me to glance through at the possibilities.
I know that does not exhaust the list of what God is doing but for now that is all I can recall and I am heading off to get some sleep.
I think this is an apt title for this entry because I have several things to highlight from the past week which show how God has been at work. First of all, my nephew Jack is doing much better. We went in after church today and when Shana, my mom, and I got down to the NIC-U, the nurse said that Jack could try eating and that they would be soon removing the IV of sugar water. He also no longer had the pressurized air and was breathing completely on his own. How exciting! He was more awake today too and though he rarely opened both eyes, he did some winking.
As for other events in this past week, last Sunday Evelin had called me and I was attempting to carry on a conversation over the phone in Spanish and it was not going well. The connection was bad and I could not make out most of her words. I have run into the same problem with talking to my sister in Brazil but at least that is in English and I can get by. Evelin was sure I was forgetting my Spanish but I knew that was not the problem. Anyway, she was not doing well and I could not communicate with her which was incredibly frustrating to me. She did not seem receptive to my suggestion that she call someone from the church there or a friend to talk and pray with. I hung up from the conversation frustrated but also wondering if the Lord did not want me to be able to communicate with her because He wanted her to find help elsewhere.
Yesterday when I talked with Evelin again and she was doing much better. She made a statement which confirmed in me that I am not to be her source of support. She said it was good I could not understand her because after our time on the phone she went and had a sweet time of prayer and fellowship with Jesus. And after that she was good. Time with Jesus was what she needed, much more than any words of encouragement from me. God showed me my place and revealed to Evelin that she has to depend on Him.
The other exciting event of the week was conversation with a couple who has interest in Honduras and in working in some way with women and children. I have no idea how God might work out the details and if we can work together or not but it is exciting to see Him at least opening some windows for me to glance through at the possibilities.
I know that does not exhaust the list of what God is doing but for now that is all I can recall and I am heading off to get some sleep.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I'm An Aunt!
August 29, 2009 10:52PM
Well, it has been a long day and not quite what I had expected. Shana had to have a C-section because she was not progressing in the labor and the doctor suspected that it could not be a regular delivery. It turns out that my nephew, Jack Benjamin, was 9lbs 6oz. According to one nurse he was probably "overdone." There had been contention as to his due date among the doctors and it seems like he may have been a little late.
Anyway Little Jack (which is really Big Jack) is in the NIC-Unit (he is probably 2-3 times the size of every other baby there) because he had a lot of mucus on the lungs. Apparently passing through the birth canal often expels much of the fluid and since he did not, his lungs have to absorb the extra fluid. He needed oxygen too because he was struggling a little with the breathing. By this evening he was receiving pressurized room air instead of oxygen because he still needs some extra help in strengthening his lungs.
I went back to the hospital after meeting up with a couple of friends for a little bit this evening and was able to go with Shana and Jason to the NIC-U. At long last I was able to see them holding Jack, and I was able to hold him though we found out after the fact that only the parents are allowed to hold him while he is there. That has been the hardest part of the day -- unmet expectations of being able to hold my nephew and see everyone together. He will likely be in NIC-U for longer than Shana will be in the hospital (and that will proably be 3-4 days) so it will be an adjustment. I think I will be spending a lot more time at the hospital these next few days than I had expected. I am just so glad that I am here in Lancaster and not traveling or even in Honduras.
The Waiting Room
August 29, 2009 2:10PM
Today marks a memorable day in the life of the Hesses. Little baby Stauffer is soon to enter the world. My sister called early this morning from Women’s and Babies Hospital to say that she was in labor. She never was able to sleep last night and around 1:00AM made Jason get up and go on a walk around Millersville. A policeman pulled up and asked if everything was alright and she said that she was in labor. The policeman was relieved because he thought that she was a drunk college student.
I am currently in the waiting room of the hospital because after long hours of contractions, things were not progressing and Shana was exhausted so the doctor recommended a C-section. She did not have the strength to contest. And so as I sit here in the lobby, she is in surgery. We are praying that all goes well and that she recovers well.
Today marks a memorable day in the life of the Hesses. Little baby Stauffer is soon to enter the world. My sister called early this morning from Women’s and Babies Hospital to say that she was in labor. She never was able to sleep last night and around 1:00AM made Jason get up and go on a walk around Millersville. A policeman pulled up and asked if everything was alright and she said that she was in labor. The policeman was relieved because he thought that she was a drunk college student.
I am currently in the waiting room of the hospital because after long hours of contractions, things were not progressing and Shana was exhausted so the doctor recommended a C-section. She did not have the strength to contest. And so as I sit here in the lobby, she is in surgery. We are praying that all goes well and that she recovers well.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Long Overdue
August 17, 2009
This is a very overdue entry. I just have been struggling to sit down at the computer and write. I guess that over the last week I have been visiting with lots of people and so I do not take the computer time that I maybe should. Anyway, I did make it safely from Wellsville to the cabin on Pine Creek the other Sunday. It ended up being a very long drive since downed trees on the roads and a powerline on Rt. 6 forced me to take an alternate route -- the windy, but beautiful Rt. 44. In reflecting on the trip later I realized a lesson even with the storm. I was anxious to set out for the cabin so I did almost as soon as the rain let up. I made it to the cabin but in almost double the amount of time it should take. Had I waited a little while longer in the beginning the roads may have been cleared that I could have taken the direct route. During my time there in the mountains of seeking God's face and His direction, waiting was one of the themes. God seems to be nudging me in a direction but slowly, no rushing allowed. As I move He will confirm or close doors. I am working on a more thorough update so more details will follow.
I was so glad though for the chance to be alone with God. The one morning I got up early and climbed a trail to a mountain peak. What a beautiful place to meet with God! I think I did see a bear running downhill (far from the trail thankfully -- though still disconcerting), a buck, and a turkey so I was not exactly alone. Throughout the time God had lessons to teach me from His creation. I hope that I never stop learning. So that is all for my brief catch up.
This is a very overdue entry. I just have been struggling to sit down at the computer and write. I guess that over the last week I have been visiting with lots of people and so I do not take the computer time that I maybe should. Anyway, I did make it safely from Wellsville to the cabin on Pine Creek the other Sunday. It ended up being a very long drive since downed trees on the roads and a powerline on Rt. 6 forced me to take an alternate route -- the windy, but beautiful Rt. 44. In reflecting on the trip later I realized a lesson even with the storm. I was anxious to set out for the cabin so I did almost as soon as the rain let up. I made it to the cabin but in almost double the amount of time it should take. Had I waited a little while longer in the beginning the roads may have been cleared that I could have taken the direct route. During my time there in the mountains of seeking God's face and His direction, waiting was one of the themes. God seems to be nudging me in a direction but slowly, no rushing allowed. As I move He will confirm or close doors. I am working on a more thorough update so more details will follow.
I was so glad though for the chance to be alone with God. The one morning I got up early and climbed a trail to a mountain peak. What a beautiful place to meet with God! I think I did see a bear running downhill (far from the trail thankfully -- though still disconcerting), a buck, and a turkey so I was not exactly alone. Throughout the time God had lessons to teach me from His creation. I hope that I never stop learning. So that is all for my brief catch up.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
An Extended Stay
August 9, 2009
Well, my plans for the day appear to be changing. Yesterday I went to a family reunion near Lewisburg and from there proceeded north to a cabin on Pine Creek. This morning I drove almost 2 hours more north to visit the church I use to attend during college in Wellsville, NY. After church I ate lunch with a family at the part in town. And now I am ready to journey back to the cabin for some solo time, but the weather outside is a little frightful and no it is not snow. It is a good thing I decided to make a restroom stop at the Dunkin Donuts because I should not be driving in this weather. For a little while the wind was blowing the deck chairs across the patio. The rain was pelting against the window panes and there are cracks of lightning every few seconds. I heard rumor of tornados in other parts of the county. I wish I had not left all of my reading books in the car. It is right out front, but an exit to get them will leave me drenched even with my rain jacket. The storm actually reminds me of Honduran rains -- intense with flooded roads afterwards. Well, I am thankful for shelter ... and for coffee while I wait.
Well, my plans for the day appear to be changing. Yesterday I went to a family reunion near Lewisburg and from there proceeded north to a cabin on Pine Creek. This morning I drove almost 2 hours more north to visit the church I use to attend during college in Wellsville, NY. After church I ate lunch with a family at the part in town. And now I am ready to journey back to the cabin for some solo time, but the weather outside is a little frightful and no it is not snow. It is a good thing I decided to make a restroom stop at the Dunkin Donuts because I should not be driving in this weather. For a little while the wind was blowing the deck chairs across the patio. The rain was pelting against the window panes and there are cracks of lightning every few seconds. I heard rumor of tornados in other parts of the county. I wish I had not left all of my reading books in the car. It is right out front, but an exit to get them will leave me drenched even with my rain jacket. The storm actually reminds me of Honduran rains -- intense with flooded roads afterwards. Well, I am thankful for shelter ... and for coffee while I wait.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Off to the Mountains
August 7, 2009
Just as Jesus often went on the hillsides to pray, I find that it is time for me to head to the mountains. I have so many things rolling around in my head and they need processed and prayed about. I have been back in the States for about a week and a half with most of that time in Florida. It has been great to converse with people from LAM and also friends and family. But now it is time to converse more deeply with the Lord and listen intently for some direction. And so after a family reunion in central PA tomorrow, I will head farther north for a few days. I just have to be sure God's beautiful creation does not distract me. I love being outside, but sometimes I get distracted. Then I will return to society to continue traveling and connecting with people. Psalm 121:1-2 comes to mind, "I lift my eyes up to the hills -- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth."
Just as Jesus often went on the hillsides to pray, I find that it is time for me to head to the mountains. I have so many things rolling around in my head and they need processed and prayed about. I have been back in the States for about a week and a half with most of that time in Florida. It has been great to converse with people from LAM and also friends and family. But now it is time to converse more deeply with the Lord and listen intently for some direction. And so after a family reunion in central PA tomorrow, I will head farther north for a few days. I just have to be sure God's beautiful creation does not distract me. I love being outside, but sometimes I get distracted. Then I will return to society to continue traveling and connecting with people. Psalm 121:1-2 comes to mind, "I lift my eyes up to the hills -- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth."
Monday, August 03, 2009
Travel Plans Asunder
August 3, 2009
I think "asunder" is the right word choice but maybe not. How wonderful it is when travel delays work out to one's benefit! Of course, I have not left Sarasota yet, so I may yet be disappointed. I was scheduled to fly from Sarasota to Atlanta and the to Harrisburg tonight with only a 30 minute layover in Atlanta, a city notorious for delays. Well, I arrived at the Sarasota airport only to discover that my plane is delayed from here by two hours. And from Atlanta there is one flight daily to Harrisburg -- 8:45PM. Just over the weekend I discovered that I could have traveled with my cousin and his family to Atlanta tomorrow and flown from there, allowing myself a few days to visit family. Jokingly I told him that who knows, maybe I would still see him there in Atlanta. Now I have the opportunity to send the day in Atlanta without having to drive there or pay a fee to change my flights. I even got a small voucher for my next flight with AirTran. For me, it could hardly have worked out better but I know that many others are suffering because of the delay. I am sitting here in the airport though with the fear that I am missing the flight because I am not sitting at the gate and the food court area is vacant. I still have an hour and a half to kill though according to the tv monitor. An irrational fear it would seem.
I think "asunder" is the right word choice but maybe not. How wonderful it is when travel delays work out to one's benefit! Of course, I have not left Sarasota yet, so I may yet be disappointed. I was scheduled to fly from Sarasota to Atlanta and the to Harrisburg tonight with only a 30 minute layover in Atlanta, a city notorious for delays. Well, I arrived at the Sarasota airport only to discover that my plane is delayed from here by two hours. And from Atlanta there is one flight daily to Harrisburg -- 8:45PM. Just over the weekend I discovered that I could have traveled with my cousin and his family to Atlanta tomorrow and flown from there, allowing myself a few days to visit family. Jokingly I told him that who knows, maybe I would still see him there in Atlanta. Now I have the opportunity to send the day in Atlanta without having to drive there or pay a fee to change my flights. I even got a small voucher for my next flight with AirTran. For me, it could hardly have worked out better but I know that many others are suffering because of the delay. I am sitting here in the airport though with the fear that I am missing the flight because I am not sitting at the gate and the food court area is vacant. I still have an hour and a half to kill though according to the tv monitor. An irrational fear it would seem.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
The Faces Behind Immigration Laws
On Tuesday night I flew into BWI airport and was saddened by a scene that I witnessed. We had just landed and everyone was in the aisle, ready to disembark when someone came onto the loud speaker asking that a certain passenger identify herself. A woman just behind me with a young daughter raised her hand. A minute later a Maryland State trooper began to make his way down the aisle and told her that she needed to follow him and should leave her bag with someone else – her younger brother it turned out. She also left the little girl with the teenage brother. The young girl had just awoken from sleep and so she cried at the separation. The rest of the passengers all looked at each other and wondered what was going on, our hearts going out to the mother and daughter. She certainly looked innocent.
As I exited the plane the woman was standing with three policemen and her brother was a little farther down the hallway. I heard him say something to her about having thought her green card was okay. And so it seems as if the detainment has to do with immigration and incorrect paperwork. I wonder how she made it into and out of Houston airport without being detained there. I went downstairs to pick up my luggage and one of the pieces was missing. I had to go to the desk and request that they track it. I was told it would be delivered to Lancaster the next day. Meanwhile the woman’s brother came to the desk in search of all of their bags which had never even made it to Houston from Trinidad. What a bad day for them! As I walked out I told him that I would pray that everything would work out. I did not know what else to say to him. His sister is detained and they have no luggage. I hope that their story ends well and that the woman was able to renew whatever expired visa she had. I realized at that moment that my one missing bag was really nothing.
As I exited the plane the woman was standing with three policemen and her brother was a little farther down the hallway. I heard him say something to her about having thought her green card was okay. And so it seems as if the detainment has to do with immigration and incorrect paperwork. I wonder how she made it into and out of Houston airport without being detained there. I went downstairs to pick up my luggage and one of the pieces was missing. I had to go to the desk and request that they track it. I was told it would be delivered to Lancaster the next day. Meanwhile the woman’s brother came to the desk in search of all of their bags which had never even made it to Houston from Trinidad. What a bad day for them! As I walked out I told him that I would pray that everything would work out. I did not know what else to say to him. His sister is detained and they have no luggage. I hope that their story ends well and that the woman was able to renew whatever expired visa she had. I realized at that moment that my one missing bag was really nothing.
Car Repairs
July 30, 2009
Once again it has been a while since I last wrote. You would think that with lack of abilities to travel and to leave the apartment I would have actually written more, not less. Last Saturday I got my car back and it runs smoothly … for now. The alternator and several other small parts had needed replaced. As far as repairs to the back door, I have no idea when that will get done. The insurance seems to be looking for any way possible to not have to pay for the damage. And sadly I think they found it. I am always driving with my US driver’s license because the two or three times I went to the Honduran license center to get a license they told me it was not possible until I was a resident – a process I have been in for almost 2 years. But after three months in the country the US driver’s license apparently expires and you are no longer legal to drive. And now the insurance says that I should not have been driving since I had been in Honduras for 5 months. Uugh!!
Once again it has been a while since I last wrote. You would think that with lack of abilities to travel and to leave the apartment I would have actually written more, not less. Last Saturday I got my car back and it runs smoothly … for now. The alternator and several other small parts had needed replaced. As far as repairs to the back door, I have no idea when that will get done. The insurance seems to be looking for any way possible to not have to pay for the damage. And sadly I think they found it. I am always driving with my US driver’s license because the two or three times I went to the Honduran license center to get a license they told me it was not possible until I was a resident – a process I have been in for almost 2 years. But after three months in the country the US driver’s license apparently expires and you are no longer legal to drive. And now the insurance says that I should not have been driving since I had been in Honduras for 5 months. Uugh!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Anyone Want a Car?
July 23, 2009
For free that is. I am about ready to give my car away. It seems as it would be cheaper. This afternoon I finally heard from my insurance that they were ready to take some pictures of the damag from when I was rear-ended 3 weeks ago. So I headed out to the car to go to their office. When I turned the key though, there was no sound. The battery seemed to be completely dead. I went across to the neighbors and asked if they could help me jump start the car. The husband tried to clutch start it first but when that did not work we got out my jumper cables. At first the jump start seemed successful but the engine quickly died. At this point my neighbor began to say that it was probably the alternato and not the battery (the battery of which is only about 2 months old). Finally we got the car started and I was able to head to the insurance office but I knew I could not turn the car off because the battery did not seem to be charging.
Arriving at the office I was told it was too late to get the pictures and the quote done on the car which means, try again tomorow. But my car is now in the shop for the alternator issue which apparently has nothing to do with the accident. The chances of it being completed in time for me to get the photos taken are slim to none. But I will hope and pray that I can move ahead with the insurance issues because I wanted to have it all settled by the beginningo of next week. It looks like I will be heading to the States for a while and I do not fancy having to come back to Honduras in a few months to a car that is still not drivable.
Meanwhile the road was open today to get to camp but I could not find a ride. If it were only my belongings that I was concerned about, I could have Evelin go on the bus and get them for me. But I want to be able to talk with the staff and say "goodbye" if I do leave for awhile. The uncertainty of when the blockades will be in place makes it hard to find a ride because often it needs to be last minute. And Zelaya is still threatening to show up here this weekend. The military is preventing groups from gathering to welcome him into the country along the Nicaragua border where he has been hanging out. I continue to be thankful that things have gone on peacefully .
For free that is. I am about ready to give my car away. It seems as it would be cheaper. This afternoon I finally heard from my insurance that they were ready to take some pictures of the damag from when I was rear-ended 3 weeks ago. So I headed out to the car to go to their office. When I turned the key though, there was no sound. The battery seemed to be completely dead. I went across to the neighbors and asked if they could help me jump start the car. The husband tried to clutch start it first but when that did not work we got out my jumper cables. At first the jump start seemed successful but the engine quickly died. At this point my neighbor began to say that it was probably the alternato and not the battery (the battery of which is only about 2 months old). Finally we got the car started and I was able to head to the insurance office but I knew I could not turn the car off because the battery did not seem to be charging.
Arriving at the office I was told it was too late to get the pictures and the quote done on the car which means, try again tomorow. But my car is now in the shop for the alternator issue which apparently has nothing to do with the accident. The chances of it being completed in time for me to get the photos taken are slim to none. But I will hope and pray that I can move ahead with the insurance issues because I wanted to have it all settled by the beginningo of next week. It looks like I will be heading to the States for a while and I do not fancy having to come back to Honduras in a few months to a car that is still not drivable.
Meanwhile the road was open today to get to camp but I could not find a ride. If it were only my belongings that I was concerned about, I could have Evelin go on the bus and get them for me. But I want to be able to talk with the staff and say "goodbye" if I do leave for awhile. The uncertainty of when the blockades will be in place makes it hard to find a ride because often it needs to be last minute. And Zelaya is still threatening to show up here this weekend. The military is preventing groups from gathering to welcome him into the country along the Nicaragua border where he has been hanging out. I continue to be thankful that things have gone on peacefully .
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Attempt #1
July 22, 2009
This morning I made my first real attempt to get to camp since returning to Honduras less than a week ago. I made it about two blocks from my house before the persons taking me there asked if I had heard if the roads were open. I did not know but decided to call the missionary who lives in the town below camp. And her news was that there was a road block between the city and camp. So two blocks later we turned around and very shortly I arrived back at my apartment with my suitcase. My friends suggested that perhaps on Sunday the roads would be clear. So what exactly are the road blocks that are spring up all over the country? It is not the police checkpoints becuase those are always in place, but cars are able to pass by. No, it is groups of people who are paid to block the roads so that vehicles cannot pass. In Honduras it does not seem like it is too hard to cripple transportation because most places there is only one main road leaning anywhere. For example there are three roads by which you can leave San Pedro Sula. These protesters put in a full day's work (maybe 8:00AM-4:00PM) and then head home with their day's pay in hand. And from what I understand they are working for Zelaya.
Thankfully the failed attempt did not discourage me much, nor was it much of a surprise. I just hope that I can find a ride to camp on Sunday or the next day when the roads are clear. My outlook has improved much from yesterday when I was frustrated because of not being able to make any of the necessary connections with people nor find someone with whom to process everything in a conversation in English. I did get to have an English conversation just before heading to bed and my friend shared a verse from James 1 about trials and considering them pure joy. It was a verse that I needed reminded of and after looking into it more this morning during my quiet time, I was very much encouraged and had a new outlook.
Overall today has gone well and I have made some hopeful progress in figuring out details for the next little while. I also had some good chats with Evelin this evening which is good. I love to see her finding her peace and strength in the Lord. And now there is a thunderstorm overhead so I get to enjoy the sound of the rain. We will see what tomorrow brings. There is threat of Zelaya returning but who knows. I am trusting the Lord with one day at a time and the details therein.
This morning I made my first real attempt to get to camp since returning to Honduras less than a week ago. I made it about two blocks from my house before the persons taking me there asked if I had heard if the roads were open. I did not know but decided to call the missionary who lives in the town below camp. And her news was that there was a road block between the city and camp. So two blocks later we turned around and very shortly I arrived back at my apartment with my suitcase. My friends suggested that perhaps on Sunday the roads would be clear. So what exactly are the road blocks that are spring up all over the country? It is not the police checkpoints becuase those are always in place, but cars are able to pass by. No, it is groups of people who are paid to block the roads so that vehicles cannot pass. In Honduras it does not seem like it is too hard to cripple transportation because most places there is only one main road leaning anywhere. For example there are three roads by which you can leave San Pedro Sula. These protesters put in a full day's work (maybe 8:00AM-4:00PM) and then head home with their day's pay in hand. And from what I understand they are working for Zelaya.
Thankfully the failed attempt did not discourage me much, nor was it much of a surprise. I just hope that I can find a ride to camp on Sunday or the next day when the roads are clear. My outlook has improved much from yesterday when I was frustrated because of not being able to make any of the necessary connections with people nor find someone with whom to process everything in a conversation in English. I did get to have an English conversation just before heading to bed and my friend shared a verse from James 1 about trials and considering them pure joy. It was a verse that I needed reminded of and after looking into it more this morning during my quiet time, I was very much encouraged and had a new outlook.
Overall today has gone well and I have made some hopeful progress in figuring out details for the next little while. I also had some good chats with Evelin this evening which is good. I love to see her finding her peace and strength in the Lord. And now there is a thunderstorm overhead so I get to enjoy the sound of the rain. We will see what tomorrow brings. There is threat of Zelaya returning but who knows. I am trusting the Lord with one day at a time and the details therein.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Putting it Off...
July 20, 2009
I have been putting off writing a blog update for several days since I just do not know what to say about what is happening here in Honduras nor what to expect. The two sides did not reach an agreement yesterday while meeting in Costa Rica for mediation. Does this mean that Zelaya will attempt to come back into Honduras this week? I do not know. It sounds like the talks may resume on Tuesday or Wednesday but one cannot be sure that things will stay calm until then. I have lots of decisions to make and things to process and so I am asking the Lord for wisdom and vision.
Meanwhile things are quiet in San Pedro Sula and I am hoping to be able to get out to camp shortly so that I can see the staff and pick up a lot of my clothes, a fan, and my toaster oven that are still there from when I was there just before I left for PA the other week. When I go to camp, will depend on how the roads are and what the pastor here advises. And so I wait on that and in the moment look for what kind of work I can do in the here and now.
I have been putting off writing a blog update for several days since I just do not know what to say about what is happening here in Honduras nor what to expect. The two sides did not reach an agreement yesterday while meeting in Costa Rica for mediation. Does this mean that Zelaya will attempt to come back into Honduras this week? I do not know. It sounds like the talks may resume on Tuesday or Wednesday but one cannot be sure that things will stay calm until then. I have lots of decisions to make and things to process and so I am asking the Lord for wisdom and vision.
Meanwhile things are quiet in San Pedro Sula and I am hoping to be able to get out to camp shortly so that I can see the staff and pick up a lot of my clothes, a fan, and my toaster oven that are still there from when I was there just before I left for PA the other week. When I go to camp, will depend on how the roads are and what the pastor here advises. And so I wait on that and in the moment look for what kind of work I can do in the here and now.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Pray For Honduras
July 17, 2009
So here I sit in San Pedro Sula wishing I was at camp and not in the city. But it is too late to move. I am a country girl at heart and so being in the middle of a city during a potential crisis, is not my ideal. The news that has come my way today has become heavier and heavier and I am realizing that tomorrow really is a very critical day for Honduras. Many have said that this it is the last chance for a peaceful reconciliation.
I do have a peace about being here in Honduras even though I know that the situation seems to be getting worse. At the same time I do not look forward to being cooped up in a small apartment nor in a major city where the potential for violence would seem to be much greater. I am praying that the Lord will use Oscar Arias, the Costa Rican president leading the mediation efforts, or some other method to bring the two sides to a peaceful resolution.
I must say that being in a country in the middle of unrest is causing me to do a lot of evaluating of that which I deem important. Why do I still want to curl up and read a good book when I have no idea what tomorrow will bring? Am I trying to avoid reality or do I really need recreation?That time spent in prayer would be much more valuable. I am thinking much more of the missionaries who go to serve in countries that are in war. I doubt I will finish all of my pondering, journaling and praying for a long while yet but for the moment I need to get some sleep.
An article that gives an update on the latest development of events here in Honduras is:
So here I sit in San Pedro Sula wishing I was at camp and not in the city. But it is too late to move. I am a country girl at heart and so being in the middle of a city during a potential crisis, is not my ideal. The news that has come my way today has become heavier and heavier and I am realizing that tomorrow really is a very critical day for Honduras. Many have said that this it is the last chance for a peaceful reconciliation.
I do have a peace about being here in Honduras even though I know that the situation seems to be getting worse. At the same time I do not look forward to being cooped up in a small apartment nor in a major city where the potential for violence would seem to be much greater. I am praying that the Lord will use Oscar Arias, the Costa Rican president leading the mediation efforts, or some other method to bring the two sides to a peaceful resolution.
I must say that being in a country in the middle of unrest is causing me to do a lot of evaluating of that which I deem important. Why do I still want to curl up and read a good book when I have no idea what tomorrow will bring? Am I trying to avoid reality or do I really need recreation?That time spent in prayer would be much more valuable. I am thinking much more of the missionaries who go to serve in countries that are in war. I doubt I will finish all of my pondering, journaling and praying for a long while yet but for the moment I need to get some sleep.
An article that gives an update on the latest development of events here in Honduras is:
Thursday, July 16, 2009
July 15, 2009
Back to blogging – at least I hope. I cannot promise how well I will do with keeping this site more up to date, but I will try. Currently I am flying over some part of the US on my way to Houston and then San Pedro Sula. I just spent a little over a week and a half in Pennsylvania where I enjoyed a relaxing trip to the mountains, basketball at Black Rock, visits with family and friends, my sister’s baby shower, a wedding, and other random events. Oh, I cannot forget one of the highlights from the mountains – finding myself in a wild blueberry patch that had ripe blueberries. It was great to eat both blueberries and peaches again.
For the most part I did not have much culture shock with returning to the States. I have been back often enough that usually there is not too much which is unusual. Many a time though I wanted to respond to people with a Spanish word instead of the English equivalent. It did not make sense to me because when I am in Honduras the Spanish words do not come to me.
Yesterday I had something happen in a drugstore that reminded me of one cultural difference which I have mentioned before. I saw a sign sitting in front of some drink mixes that said $1 so I thought I would buy one to take to people in Honduras. When I took the item to the register though, it came up as $2. The cashier and I went over to the sign to see what was wrong and at that moment I saw that it was advertising a different drink mix even though it was in front of the one I had chosen. The cashier (or manager, I am not sure which) removed the sign and said that he would give it to me for a dollar. I was shocked because I am so accustomed to never being right as the customer. And I had been wrong this time so I simply planned to not buy the product. It was nice to have something happen in my favor when it comes to shopping for once.
As I head back to Honduras it is with lots of questions. Mediation between the old Honduran president and the new government will resume this Saturday with the Costa Rican president again mediating. The question is, what will happen if a resolution is not soon reached? Will Zelaya be content to keep waiting? I do not think so. I am on my way back to Honduras realizing that the unrest is not over and that I will need to evaluate my role and what is happening with the camp when I arrive. Meanwhile I will probably keep an emergency bag packed. I am afraid that my first few days will be taken up with trying to get my car fixed since I was rear-ended the day before I left for the States and had no time to do anything about it.
Back to blogging – at least I hope. I cannot promise how well I will do with keeping this site more up to date, but I will try. Currently I am flying over some part of the US on my way to Houston and then San Pedro Sula. I just spent a little over a week and a half in Pennsylvania where I enjoyed a relaxing trip to the mountains, basketball at Black Rock, visits with family and friends, my sister’s baby shower, a wedding, and other random events. Oh, I cannot forget one of the highlights from the mountains – finding myself in a wild blueberry patch that had ripe blueberries. It was great to eat both blueberries and peaches again.
For the most part I did not have much culture shock with returning to the States. I have been back often enough that usually there is not too much which is unusual. Many a time though I wanted to respond to people with a Spanish word instead of the English equivalent. It did not make sense to me because when I am in Honduras the Spanish words do not come to me.
Yesterday I had something happen in a drugstore that reminded me of one cultural difference which I have mentioned before. I saw a sign sitting in front of some drink mixes that said $1 so I thought I would buy one to take to people in Honduras. When I took the item to the register though, it came up as $2. The cashier and I went over to the sign to see what was wrong and at that moment I saw that it was advertising a different drink mix even though it was in front of the one I had chosen. The cashier (or manager, I am not sure which) removed the sign and said that he would give it to me for a dollar. I was shocked because I am so accustomed to never being right as the customer. And I had been wrong this time so I simply planned to not buy the product. It was nice to have something happen in my favor when it comes to shopping for once.
As I head back to Honduras it is with lots of questions. Mediation between the old Honduran president and the new government will resume this Saturday with the Costa Rican president again mediating. The question is, what will happen if a resolution is not soon reached? Will Zelaya be content to keep waiting? I do not think so. I am on my way back to Honduras realizing that the unrest is not over and that I will need to evaluate my role and what is happening with the camp when I arrive. Meanwhile I will probably keep an emergency bag packed. I am afraid that my first few days will be taken up with trying to get my car fixed since I was rear-ended the day before I left for the States and had no time to do anything about it.
Monday, June 29, 2009
What is Happening?
June 29, 2009
What is really happening? That is the question forefront on my mind right now. I hear two sides of the story of the political situation here in Honduras and I wonder who is being deceived – the rest of the world or those in Honduras. I suppose that time will reveal the truth and until then we wait and we pray.
This morning I finally got out for a run and the verse that came to my mind which I believe is important for these next few days and weeks was Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
I have been out at camp since Saturday. We arrived in the middle of some heavy rainstorms. Perhaps because of the rain there were not as many police checkpoints as I thought there might be. Yesterday I feel as if I spent a lot of time on the internet trying to figure out which story was true with regards to Honduras and its politics. As a camp staff we also spent time in prayer for the nation – the people and the leaders. Today I hope to get back to work as normal but I know that I will still continue to try and keep updated on what happens with the emergency meeting of the Americas. I also am going to try and meet up with a group of engineers from Michigan who are currently on “lock-down” in Pinalejo. (They were told to stay put until further notice.)
Daily life at camp continues as normal. We are never alone here. Last night I noticed a dark shadow in the corner of the bathroom and turned on the light. It was a tarantula (not too big though). I scooped it into the dust pan and carried it outside to release it. I usually do not have the heart to kill the spiders. Meanwhile every time I go outside I can still here the munching of the locusts as they continue to devour the leaves, pine needles, and bark. And in the peanut butter jar I had a colony of ants. I probably needed the extra protein though so it was not too bad. In that way life continues as normal.
What is really happening? That is the question forefront on my mind right now. I hear two sides of the story of the political situation here in Honduras and I wonder who is being deceived – the rest of the world or those in Honduras. I suppose that time will reveal the truth and until then we wait and we pray.
This morning I finally got out for a run and the verse that came to my mind which I believe is important for these next few days and weeks was Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
I have been out at camp since Saturday. We arrived in the middle of some heavy rainstorms. Perhaps because of the rain there were not as many police checkpoints as I thought there might be. Yesterday I feel as if I spent a lot of time on the internet trying to figure out which story was true with regards to Honduras and its politics. As a camp staff we also spent time in prayer for the nation – the people and the leaders. Today I hope to get back to work as normal but I know that I will still continue to try and keep updated on what happens with the emergency meeting of the Americas. I also am going to try and meet up with a group of engineers from Michigan who are currently on “lock-down” in Pinalejo. (They were told to stay put until further notice.)
Daily life at camp continues as normal. We are never alone here. Last night I noticed a dark shadow in the corner of the bathroom and turned on the light. It was a tarantula (not too big though). I scooped it into the dust pan and carried it outside to release it. I usually do not have the heart to kill the spiders. Meanwhile every time I go outside I can still here the munching of the locusts as they continue to devour the leaves, pine needles, and bark. And in the peanut butter jar I had a colony of ants. I probably needed the extra protein though so it was not too bad. In that way life continues as normal.
Friday, June 26, 2009
From Toddlers to Military Coups
June 26, 2009
Sometimes it is surprising how the daily things of life go on as normal even when outside the house, the world can be on the brink of crisis. That is a little how I have felt today. Lisbeth, the toddler in my apartment, is busy pushing her new plastic chair all around the living room (a tile floor). I am not sure how that constitutes as play or what she imagines that she is doing but the grating of the chair against tile has been going on for at least 10 minutes. I do have to smile at her. I was not smiling though when I heard a noise coming from her bedroom during the time that she was supposedly napping and I entered to find her on top of the desk. She was caught in the act but did not even really have a guilty look on her face. Since her mom had run downtown while she was napping, I had to get her down, make sure she had not eaten anything poisonous (since she also got into the bathroom cupboard and just about everything else in the room), and of course there was her dirty diaper. For the first time I mastered the cloth diaper and safety pins. I then proceeded to do my computer work from the hall way so that I could ensure she was staying put in bed. She discovered how to get out of the playpen (which is also broken so cannot really serve as her bed anymore) so no matter where she "sleeps" we are not assured that she will not leave her bed. When her mom arrived home, Lisbeth was still wide awake and I gladly relinquished any baby-sitting responsibilities.
So that is in the house but outside in the rest of Honduras, there is much tension. The Honduran president has seemingly been trying to find a way to stay in power come this November election and so he wants a fourth box put on the election ballot that would affirm allowing a constitutional change (presumably the part that says a president cannot be re-elected). Things have come to a head this week because on Sunday the president plans to have a vote about whether the fourth ballot box can be added, an action declared unconstitutional and illegal by the Supreme Court. When the military chief refused to provide military protection for the referendum this Sunday, the president fired him. (That was Wednesday). Yesterday the Congress re-instated the military chief and has people investigating the president's actions and from what I have heard, threatening him with jail. Meanwhile Chavez of Venezuela says that he supports the Honduran president's actions. There is question as to whether Sunday's referendum will be peaceful or will turn to violence. Will the president be imprisoned? Will there be a military coup? I have no idea but the warning is out there not to travel on Sunday. I plan to head to camp before then. I think I will feel safer out there away from the city.
I have never been in an area where there was threat of a military coup or a political uprising. It brings many mixed emotions. I think that I have a healthy fear but am not overwhelmed by fear. One of the things that I have been realizing is that probably if things got too bad, I could get out. But what about my Honduran friends for whom Honduras is their home? They do not have a passport that allows them to travel to another country and seek shelter or a new life. So what I am experiencing is still nothing in comparison to the Hondurans themselves. I am praying for peace and that Sunday will not bring violence from either side of the government or people.
Sometimes it is surprising how the daily things of life go on as normal even when outside the house, the world can be on the brink of crisis. That is a little how I have felt today. Lisbeth, the toddler in my apartment, is busy pushing her new plastic chair all around the living room (a tile floor). I am not sure how that constitutes as play or what she imagines that she is doing but the grating of the chair against tile has been going on for at least 10 minutes. I do have to smile at her. I was not smiling though when I heard a noise coming from her bedroom during the time that she was supposedly napping and I entered to find her on top of the desk. She was caught in the act but did not even really have a guilty look on her face. Since her mom had run downtown while she was napping, I had to get her down, make sure she had not eaten anything poisonous (since she also got into the bathroom cupboard and just about everything else in the room), and of course there was her dirty diaper. For the first time I mastered the cloth diaper and safety pins. I then proceeded to do my computer work from the hall way so that I could ensure she was staying put in bed. She discovered how to get out of the playpen (which is also broken so cannot really serve as her bed anymore) so no matter where she "sleeps" we are not assured that she will not leave her bed. When her mom arrived home, Lisbeth was still wide awake and I gladly relinquished any baby-sitting responsibilities.
So that is in the house but outside in the rest of Honduras, there is much tension. The Honduran president has seemingly been trying to find a way to stay in power come this November election and so he wants a fourth box put on the election ballot that would affirm allowing a constitutional change (presumably the part that says a president cannot be re-elected). Things have come to a head this week because on Sunday the president plans to have a vote about whether the fourth ballot box can be added, an action declared unconstitutional and illegal by the Supreme Court. When the military chief refused to provide military protection for the referendum this Sunday, the president fired him. (That was Wednesday). Yesterday the Congress re-instated the military chief and has people investigating the president's actions and from what I have heard, threatening him with jail. Meanwhile Chavez of Venezuela says that he supports the Honduran president's actions. There is question as to whether Sunday's referendum will be peaceful or will turn to violence. Will the president be imprisoned? Will there be a military coup? I have no idea but the warning is out there not to travel on Sunday. I plan to head to camp before then. I think I will feel safer out there away from the city.
I have never been in an area where there was threat of a military coup or a political uprising. It brings many mixed emotions. I think that I have a healthy fear but am not overwhelmed by fear. One of the things that I have been realizing is that probably if things got too bad, I could get out. But what about my Honduran friends for whom Honduras is their home? They do not have a passport that allows them to travel to another country and seek shelter or a new life. So what I am experiencing is still nothing in comparison to the Hondurans themselves. I am praying for peace and that Sunday will not bring violence from either side of the government or people.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
What A Day!
June 20, 2009
What a day! Today was my first day to do any physical work and it exhausted me. I did not realize that two weeks of inactivity and the flu would take such a toll. Sadly the physical “work” that I did was mostly walking around camp up and down the hills. It did include lifting some blocks and 4x4’s but still it was not enough work that it should have exhausted me.
After lunch I lead a group of Deacons in several ropes course activities. The time went well and I was ecstatic that for once my lack of Spanish did not seem to interfere with the debrief. God worked and brought some conviction, and I was able to compose the necessary questions. My group had the task of passing a long rope through the Spider’s Web without the rope or their arms touching the web. Anything with the Spider’s Web seems to bring up the issue of integrity and this time was no different. Several people had touched the web but said nothing because they did not want to frustrate the rest of their group by having to start over again. But in the end they did not feel that they had real victory after completing the challenge. What followed was a good discussion with application to our daily walk. Another aspect of our discussion was how sometimes we lose focus of the goal because we are so caught up in the details in front of us. Someone mentioned how we can do that when serving God as well.
As soon as the last debrief was over and we climbed the hill to main camp two things happened. A torrential downpour and what seemed to be a migraine headache. The headache had been brewing all afternoon but thankfully did not hit until after the activities. I had to wait out the storm a bit before heading to my cabin to try and sleep. The latter did not work and so after an hour I decided to drive over to the Williamson’s and get some aspirin. The power had been out for about 3 hours and it was still raining as I left. Getting in my car I was met with a swarm of termites, the kind that emerge after the first rains of the season. They joined me in the car which was not a pleasant experience. It was not pleasant either to see that no one had picked up the ropes course supplies and that I would have to get at least some of them together.
I got some aspirin and planned to head back to my cabin. Cindy prayed with me before I left and I decided to wait a few more minutes because even the 30 second drive could have been too much since I preferred to have my eyes closed. Then all of a sudden (either the aspirin had kicked in or the prayer) I could open my eyes and the pain was gone. What a relief! I had not been having migraines for quite a while and I am not sure what triggered this one, but I hate them. I would even give up chocolate if it meant never having a headache again. Whether it was overworking myself, possible MSG in the chicken I ate, or something else all I know is that I am so thankful to feel better and have been able to read and write this evening. The power came back on too which is another blessing. I suppose that maybe I will not try and get in a run tomorrow since I do not seem to be in great health. I will have to take it slowly this entering back into normal routine.
What a day! Today was my first day to do any physical work and it exhausted me. I did not realize that two weeks of inactivity and the flu would take such a toll. Sadly the physical “work” that I did was mostly walking around camp up and down the hills. It did include lifting some blocks and 4x4’s but still it was not enough work that it should have exhausted me.
After lunch I lead a group of Deacons in several ropes course activities. The time went well and I was ecstatic that for once my lack of Spanish did not seem to interfere with the debrief. God worked and brought some conviction, and I was able to compose the necessary questions. My group had the task of passing a long rope through the Spider’s Web without the rope or their arms touching the web. Anything with the Spider’s Web seems to bring up the issue of integrity and this time was no different. Several people had touched the web but said nothing because they did not want to frustrate the rest of their group by having to start over again. But in the end they did not feel that they had real victory after completing the challenge. What followed was a good discussion with application to our daily walk. Another aspect of our discussion was how sometimes we lose focus of the goal because we are so caught up in the details in front of us. Someone mentioned how we can do that when serving God as well.
As soon as the last debrief was over and we climbed the hill to main camp two things happened. A torrential downpour and what seemed to be a migraine headache. The headache had been brewing all afternoon but thankfully did not hit until after the activities. I had to wait out the storm a bit before heading to my cabin to try and sleep. The latter did not work and so after an hour I decided to drive over to the Williamson’s and get some aspirin. The power had been out for about 3 hours and it was still raining as I left. Getting in my car I was met with a swarm of termites, the kind that emerge after the first rains of the season. They joined me in the car which was not a pleasant experience. It was not pleasant either to see that no one had picked up the ropes course supplies and that I would have to get at least some of them together.
I got some aspirin and planned to head back to my cabin. Cindy prayed with me before I left and I decided to wait a few more minutes because even the 30 second drive could have been too much since I preferred to have my eyes closed. Then all of a sudden (either the aspirin had kicked in or the prayer) I could open my eyes and the pain was gone. What a relief! I had not been having migraines for quite a while and I am not sure what triggered this one, but I hate them. I would even give up chocolate if it meant never having a headache again. Whether it was overworking myself, possible MSG in the chicken I ate, or something else all I know is that I am so thankful to feel better and have been able to read and write this evening. The power came back on too which is another blessing. I suppose that maybe I will not try and get in a run tomorrow since I do not seem to be in great health. I will have to take it slowly this entering back into normal routine.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Am I a Hypocrite?
June 18, 2009
That is the question of the evening. To me it seems hypocritical to try and teach what I cannot even do myself and yet that is what I attempted to do this evening. Evelin has wanted to learn a little bit on the guitar and I have had my guitar here in Honduras for the last 2 years. I can count on one hand the number of times I have actually played. Emily, my old roommate, practiced on it much, much more than I. But this evening we got the guitar out and after attempting unsuccessfully to tune the guitar, I moved on to showing Evelin several chords. Thankfully for her there is a book with pictures too 1.) because I am not a very good teacher and 2.) I probably will not be here when she wants to practice.
I pity the neighbors as I strummed a few notes on an out of tune guitar. The fact that I can never actually tune the guitar is what most often keeps me from playing. I have enough trouble making it sound musical that being out of tune from the start is not good. I will have to call upon the help of the Williamson's the next time they are in the city to get the guitar in tune and then hopefully Evelin can learn to play a little something. She needs to do some finger stretches and exercises first because her fingers do not quite reach from one fret and string to the other.
Forgetting the sound of the out of tune guitar, another delightful sound did fill the house just a few minutes ago. It was the sound of rain on the aluminum roof. Until this past Monday when we had a quick downpour, I do not think it had rained in over a month. I am ready for some rain to bring life and a little coolness to the city.
Tomorrow I head out to camp after a long spell in the city, thanks to the flu. It will be good to be out there again and connect with the staff as well as lead some activities on the ropes course on Saturday.
That is the question of the evening. To me it seems hypocritical to try and teach what I cannot even do myself and yet that is what I attempted to do this evening. Evelin has wanted to learn a little bit on the guitar and I have had my guitar here in Honduras for the last 2 years. I can count on one hand the number of times I have actually played. Emily, my old roommate, practiced on it much, much more than I. But this evening we got the guitar out and after attempting unsuccessfully to tune the guitar, I moved on to showing Evelin several chords. Thankfully for her there is a book with pictures too 1.) because I am not a very good teacher and 2.) I probably will not be here when she wants to practice.
I pity the neighbors as I strummed a few notes on an out of tune guitar. The fact that I can never actually tune the guitar is what most often keeps me from playing. I have enough trouble making it sound musical that being out of tune from the start is not good. I will have to call upon the help of the Williamson's the next time they are in the city to get the guitar in tune and then hopefully Evelin can learn to play a little something. She needs to do some finger stretches and exercises first because her fingers do not quite reach from one fret and string to the other.
Forgetting the sound of the out of tune guitar, another delightful sound did fill the house just a few minutes ago. It was the sound of rain on the aluminum roof. Until this past Monday when we had a quick downpour, I do not think it had rained in over a month. I am ready for some rain to bring life and a little coolness to the city.
Tomorrow I head out to camp after a long spell in the city, thanks to the flu. It will be good to be out there again and connect with the staff as well as lead some activities on the ropes course on Saturday.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
A Short Bout
June 17, 2009
It is with great joy that I write to say that Lisbeth did not stay sick long. She definitely did not experience the flu like Evelin and I did. We are thankful for that. I have gotten back into the swing of working with the start of this new week. The week is going pretty well. I had some things to write about but I have forgotten them all. It is 8:40PM and I long ago reached my moment of tiredness. It has been coming early these days.
I have continued to be insensitive to the rumblings of the earth below me. I believe it was Monday that 7 small earthquakes shook Honduras once again and I felt none of them. I do not know where I am when the movement happens that I am so clueless. I have heard that even the nice, expensive hotels around the city are sporting some severe cracks from the first big quake. I believe there may be more damage than meets the eye at first glance.
Since an hour has successfully passed without me remembering any more of what I had wanted to write, I shall sign off. Of course I spent most of that time chatting with a friend so I was not really concentrating on thinking.
It is with great joy that I write to say that Lisbeth did not stay sick long. She definitely did not experience the flu like Evelin and I did. We are thankful for that. I have gotten back into the swing of working with the start of this new week. The week is going pretty well. I had some things to write about but I have forgotten them all. It is 8:40PM and I long ago reached my moment of tiredness. It has been coming early these days.
I have continued to be insensitive to the rumblings of the earth below me. I believe it was Monday that 7 small earthquakes shook Honduras once again and I felt none of them. I do not know where I am when the movement happens that I am so clueless. I have heard that even the nice, expensive hotels around the city are sporting some severe cracks from the first big quake. I believe there may be more damage than meets the eye at first glance.
Since an hour has successfully passed without me remembering any more of what I had wanted to write, I shall sign off. Of course I spent most of that time chatting with a friend so I was not really concentrating on thinking.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The Week that Disappeared
July 14, 2009
It is the beginning of a new week, but I hardly know where the last one went. Thanks to germs that were spread around camp last weekend during a children's camp, I returned to the city on Monday with the flu. I wondered if it was the H1N1 flu but figured probably not. Nonetheless Tuesday and Wednesday were two days that passed without me remembering much. On Wednesday Evelin caught the flu and she has been much sicker than I. So much so that yesterday I took her to the hospital to get tested. She was told that she has a "casual" flu, not H1N1. All along we were rejoicing and praising the Lord that Lisbeth was still healthy. But now this morning she seems to have come down with a fever too. I am not 100% well by any means but I have the strength to begin working for real tomorrow (since I lost nearly a whole week of work). Evelin on the other hand does not seem to have the strength for herself, let alone for a sick Lisbeth as well. I find myself frustrated as to how I can do my work and yet lend a hand to her. I have already done much of the caring for Lisbeth these past few days.
I keep hearing of more and more people who are sick here in San Pedro -- so much so that it makes me feel like everyone must be sick. I was surprised at how many people were in church this morning because I expected more of the world to be sick. I guess I will see how this week pans out but I do hope it is smoother and more productive than the last. And I pray that Lisbeth will not get as sick as we were (or Evelin still is).
It is the beginning of a new week, but I hardly know where the last one went. Thanks to germs that were spread around camp last weekend during a children's camp, I returned to the city on Monday with the flu. I wondered if it was the H1N1 flu but figured probably not. Nonetheless Tuesday and Wednesday were two days that passed without me remembering much. On Wednesday Evelin caught the flu and she has been much sicker than I. So much so that yesterday I took her to the hospital to get tested. She was told that she has a "casual" flu, not H1N1. All along we were rejoicing and praising the Lord that Lisbeth was still healthy. But now this morning she seems to have come down with a fever too. I am not 100% well by any means but I have the strength to begin working for real tomorrow (since I lost nearly a whole week of work). Evelin on the other hand does not seem to have the strength for herself, let alone for a sick Lisbeth as well. I find myself frustrated as to how I can do my work and yet lend a hand to her. I have already done much of the caring for Lisbeth these past few days.
I keep hearing of more and more people who are sick here in San Pedro -- so much so that it makes me feel like everyone must be sick. I was surprised at how many people were in church this morning because I expected more of the world to be sick. I guess I will see how this week pans out but I do hope it is smoother and more productive than the last. And I pray that Lisbeth will not get as sick as we were (or Evelin still is).
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Slow Down or Else...
June 9, 2009
I have known for weeks that I need to slow down and take some time off. The problem has been that I wanted to use time off for some sort of an adventure and since I had not found an adventure, I just kept working. Now I am paying the consequences. Yesterday about mid-morning I realized that I was getting sick. Over the last 36 hours I have gotten worse with fever, headache, and cough. I keep hoping it is just a cold. But I do know that over the weekend, some of the campers at camp came from schools which had been closed because of confirmed cases of A/H1N1 (I think that is what it is called). All along I have been apathetic to this danger of the flu and felt like everything was exaggerrated. Today though I thought twice before leaving the apartment because if I have it, I do not want to pass it around. I did leave in order to pay some bills and renew my visa which expires on Thursday. Otherwise though I have tried to nap, read, and spend a little time on the computer. This is not how I wanted to spend time off. I guess that makes it clear that I must slow down and rest before I reach the point of sickness.
I am praying that it is just a cold. I have never been one to get the flu much. I certainly do not want to pass on what I have to Evelin or Lisbeth so I am trying to keep my distance. That is difficult with a toddler who does not understand why Tia (Aunt) Jen will not play with her anymore. I hope that I do not have to stay in bed for too many days or at least if I do, that it is without a headache so that I can comfortably read. Time will tell.
I have known for weeks that I need to slow down and take some time off. The problem has been that I wanted to use time off for some sort of an adventure and since I had not found an adventure, I just kept working. Now I am paying the consequences. Yesterday about mid-morning I realized that I was getting sick. Over the last 36 hours I have gotten worse with fever, headache, and cough. I keep hoping it is just a cold. But I do know that over the weekend, some of the campers at camp came from schools which had been closed because of confirmed cases of A/H1N1 (I think that is what it is called). All along I have been apathetic to this danger of the flu and felt like everything was exaggerrated. Today though I thought twice before leaving the apartment because if I have it, I do not want to pass it around. I did leave in order to pay some bills and renew my visa which expires on Thursday. Otherwise though I have tried to nap, read, and spend a little time on the computer. This is not how I wanted to spend time off. I guess that makes it clear that I must slow down and rest before I reach the point of sickness.
I am praying that it is just a cold. I have never been one to get the flu much. I certainly do not want to pass on what I have to Evelin or Lisbeth so I am trying to keep my distance. That is difficult with a toddler who does not understand why Tia (Aunt) Jen will not play with her anymore. I hope that I do not have to stay in bed for too many days or at least if I do, that it is without a headache so that I can comfortably read. Time will tell.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Where Are My Senses?
June 8, 2009
I read in the paper this morning that there was an earthquake of 5.7 just offshore from Honduras last night around 11:15PM. The tremors lasted for at least 7 seconds and I felt nothing. Eversince the first large earthquake, I have been unaware of the many smaller ones that followed. I do not know why I am so insensitive to them.
So, I have a little more peace of mind with the start of this week because the rumors that I had been hearing about political tensions, appear to be just that -- rumors -- and nothing more. That is a comfort.
Walking through camp this morning, I was blessed with a glimpse of a large iguana scurrying off to hide. Anywhere you walk these days, the sound of crunching is heard overhead as the locusts nibble on the bark, leaves, and pine needles. I almost want to just take a nap on the ground because there is such a soft layer of pine needles covering it. Sadly though, they should not all be there and it is only because of the plague of locusts. Hmm... I can understand a little better how miserable it must have been for the Egyptians when the locusts swarmed them because I know it was many more than our "small" plague. I do not usually go out of my way to kill insects (except ticks, mosquitos, and other bugs that are "dangerous"). This weekend though I have been trying to take out a few locusts though in an effort to curb their destruction of camp. I know that my efforts are miniscule though and really will not do too much.
All of the activities of the weekend are now over. On Saturday I did my hike with the young children. It went pretty well except that I had planned for 2 hours and ended up with less than an hour. It was hard to keep their attention without being able to do some of the fun little activities I had planned. And we never did make it to hiking through the ravine which was what the leaders had wanted. Since two of the dogs on camp accompanied us on our hike, we had a hard time seeing any animals which was a disappointment.
Yesterday was a baby shower for two the wives of the Honduran staff. It was a new experience for them -- this type of baby shower. I know it was a blessing though to receive the gifts that they did and to have some fun playing a few games. I will post some pictures a little later. For now I want to work on a few more things while still at camp.
I read in the paper this morning that there was an earthquake of 5.7 just offshore from Honduras last night around 11:15PM. The tremors lasted for at least 7 seconds and I felt nothing. Eversince the first large earthquake, I have been unaware of the many smaller ones that followed. I do not know why I am so insensitive to them.
So, I have a little more peace of mind with the start of this week because the rumors that I had been hearing about political tensions, appear to be just that -- rumors -- and nothing more. That is a comfort.
Walking through camp this morning, I was blessed with a glimpse of a large iguana scurrying off to hide. Anywhere you walk these days, the sound of crunching is heard overhead as the locusts nibble on the bark, leaves, and pine needles. I almost want to just take a nap on the ground because there is such a soft layer of pine needles covering it. Sadly though, they should not all be there and it is only because of the plague of locusts. Hmm... I can understand a little better how miserable it must have been for the Egyptians when the locusts swarmed them because I know it was many more than our "small" plague. I do not usually go out of my way to kill insects (except ticks, mosquitos, and other bugs that are "dangerous"). This weekend though I have been trying to take out a few locusts though in an effort to curb their destruction of camp. I know that my efforts are miniscule though and really will not do too much.
All of the activities of the weekend are now over. On Saturday I did my hike with the young children. It went pretty well except that I had planned for 2 hours and ended up with less than an hour. It was hard to keep their attention without being able to do some of the fun little activities I had planned. And we never did make it to hiking through the ravine which was what the leaders had wanted. Since two of the dogs on camp accompanied us on our hike, we had a hard time seeing any animals which was a disappointment.
Yesterday was a baby shower for two the wives of the Honduran staff. It was a new experience for them -- this type of baby shower. I know it was a blessing though to receive the gifts that they did and to have some fun playing a few games. I will post some pictures a little later. For now I want to work on a few more things while still at camp.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
June 6, 2009
That would be the word describing my current state of mind. In some ways it has been a long week though most of the action has happened this weekend. I helped with two events here at camp, both in Spanish. Since I am at camp I cannot be watching the Honduras vs. USA soccer team which would have been fun. The Hondurans are listening to it by radio in between their activities. I would be bored hearing it in English so I am definitely not trying in Spanish.
I think the melcancholiness comes from still not having sought out adventure or done something fun for a long while. Then there are the many things I am trying to process as I think about if I should move closer to camp. The whole climate (not just physical though small earthquakes continue) is a bit tense. We are wondering what is going on politcally and what will come of the rumors. Oh, and God is confronting me on some attitudes too which is never so easy, especially when it means moving out of my comfort zone.
Tomorrow there is a baby shower for two of the Honduran staff wives here on camp. That should be fun though different since I have never been at a Honduran one. Evelin and I made a double batch of snickerdoodle cookies for the event back on Wednesday. Perhaps it was eating one of those cookies that made me start missing family and friends again. One never knows what will trigger memories. So anyway, I suppose that I need to find some solo time (even though camp is filled with people right now) and also scheme up some adventure. The latter requires finding some willing parties which will probably be the hardest part. I will see what I can do though.
That would be the word describing my current state of mind. In some ways it has been a long week though most of the action has happened this weekend. I helped with two events here at camp, both in Spanish. Since I am at camp I cannot be watching the Honduras vs. USA soccer team which would have been fun. The Hondurans are listening to it by radio in between their activities. I would be bored hearing it in English so I am definitely not trying in Spanish.
I think the melcancholiness comes from still not having sought out adventure or done something fun for a long while. Then there are the many things I am trying to process as I think about if I should move closer to camp. The whole climate (not just physical though small earthquakes continue) is a bit tense. We are wondering what is going on politcally and what will come of the rumors. Oh, and God is confronting me on some attitudes too which is never so easy, especially when it means moving out of my comfort zone.
Tomorrow there is a baby shower for two of the Honduran staff wives here on camp. That should be fun though different since I have never been at a Honduran one. Evelin and I made a double batch of snickerdoodle cookies for the event back on Wednesday. Perhaps it was eating one of those cookies that made me start missing family and friends again. One never knows what will trigger memories. So anyway, I suppose that I need to find some solo time (even though camp is filled with people right now) and also scheme up some adventure. The latter requires finding some willing parties which will probably be the hardest part. I will see what I can do though.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Where San Pedro Stands Now
June 2, 2009
It is easy to forget that there was an earthquake 4 days ago when here in San Pedro. I have not seen any visible damage here. Yesterday I was in Puerto Cortes visiting with a Houghton College group and there the damage was extensive as you can see in the photo. Instead of the rumbling from earthquakes, I am here the droning of helicopters overhead. The Assembly of the Americas is happening here in San Pedro Sula and the streets are crazy. I tried to get to the church this morning and eventually gave up. The police and military were redirecting traffic so much that it was not worth the time it would have taken to get there.
On Sunday Evelin, Lisbeth, and I went to a nearby road where you can hike up the mountain and on the way there I saw a mini-tank (at least that was what it looked like to me). Perhaps it was just a small cannon with ammunition hanging out of it, mounted on an armored vehicle. At any rate it was not something I expected to see on the street. Monday morning I went for a run and my goal was not to have to pass any of the military but they were standing there on the street corners with their large guns. This morning I decided to skip the run since it was a little disconcerting.
I have not figured out what happened with internet because when I returned to the city on Saturday I had it in the apartment that evening. But then Sunday it was gone again until evening. It seems to be steadily on now so I am not sure how the fiber optic cable under the ocean was repaired so quickly. I am thankful nonetheless. And I continue to be thankful that there was not large scale damage from the earthquakes, nor did a tsunami result from any of them. Hearing what could have happened to Puerto Cortes and the people I know there reminded me that yes God is good.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
More on the Earthquakes
May 30, 2009
After reading the newspaper and checking into some other blogs, it sounds like there have been more than just the one earthquake on Thursday morning. I am pasting in some information from the blog of a North American in La Ceiba who seems to like keeping track of the earthquakes.
La Gringa's BlogicitoLa Gringa's Blogicito: "Here is a summary of the recent Honduran quakes (times are UTC, not local) from the USGS site:
y/m/d h:m:s LAT
deg LON
km Region
MAP4.62009/05/29 12:51:03 15.359-86.463 10.0 HONDURAS
MAP4.52009/05/29 02:45:44 16.118-87.591 10.0 OFFSHORE HONDURAS
MAP4.82009/05/28 09:06:25 16.353-87.377 10.0 OFFSHORE HONDURAS
MAP7.32009/05/28 08:24:45 16.730-86.209 10.0 OFFSHORE HONDURAS"
*MAP is the measurement on the Richtor Scale
One thing that is amazing is that with all of the earthquakes and tremors, only 6 people have been killed. Part of a major bridge collapses and two other are damaged; 17 people hurt; approximately 100 houses damaged, 10 schools, 6 public buildings, 2 hotels, 3 factories, and 9 churches. The headline of the newspaper said, “!Dios Nos Protegió!” (God Protected Us!)

As for other natural “disasters” or events, the neighbors around the camp are still burning off brush piles on their property so the air pollution continues. It also appears that we are having an invasion of locusts and tree frogs. The latter is a welcome addition to the camp, the former, not so much. This morning I found about 10 locusts chewing the bark off of exposed tree roots. According to the Williamsons these are the same locusts which in past years have taken the foliage off of most of the trees. With the land around us burned, the camp provides the best food source for them. The staff children have been roasting a few of the locust and eating them. I would like to try that… sometime.
After reading the newspaper and checking into some other blogs, it sounds like there have been more than just the one earthquake on Thursday morning. I am pasting in some information from the blog of a North American in La Ceiba who seems to like keeping track of the earthquakes.
La Gringa's BlogicitoLa Gringa's Blogicito: "Here is a summary of the recent Honduran quakes (times are UTC, not local) from the USGS site:
y/m/d h:m:s LAT
deg LON
km Region
MAP4.62009/05/29 12:51:03 15.359-86.463 10.0 HONDURAS
MAP4.52009/05/29 02:45:44 16.118-87.591 10.0 OFFSHORE HONDURAS
MAP4.82009/05/28 09:06:25 16.353-87.377 10.0 OFFSHORE HONDURAS
MAP7.32009/05/28 08:24:45 16.730-86.209 10.0 OFFSHORE HONDURAS"
*MAP is the measurement on the Richtor Scale
One thing that is amazing is that with all of the earthquakes and tremors, only 6 people have been killed. Part of a major bridge collapses and two other are damaged; 17 people hurt; approximately 100 houses damaged, 10 schools, 6 public buildings, 2 hotels, 3 factories, and 9 churches. The headline of the newspaper said, “!Dios Nos Protegió!” (God Protected Us!)
As for other natural “disasters” or events, the neighbors around the camp are still burning off brush piles on their property so the air pollution continues. It also appears that we are having an invasion of locusts and tree frogs. The latter is a welcome addition to the camp, the former, not so much. This morning I found about 10 locusts chewing the bark off of exposed tree roots. According to the Williamsons these are the same locusts which in past years have taken the foliage off of most of the trees. With the land around us burned, the camp provides the best food source for them. The staff children have been roasting a few of the locust and eating them. I would like to try that… sometime.
Friday, May 29, 2009
The Road Ahead
May 29, 2009
The day is nearing it's end. I have learned a few more details over the course of the day. Apparently an underwater cable that runs from Miami to Honduras was damaged during the quake and for this reason most of the internet providers have nothing to offer at this point. It will take at least 8 days to fix it. So it seems like much of the country will be behind in communication for quite some time. What I wonder is how in the world do you bury cable under the gulf to begin with? Somethings are just beyond my imagination. Camp has internet so I am trying to make use of it before I return to the city tomorrow.
I also learned that there is the potential for at least the tremors to continue until June 11. Today there was one around noon, but I did not feel it. When I get back to the city, I definitely plan to sleep upstairs and not be too concerned. Tomorrow I need to go in search of a skeleton -- of an animal that is. There is one somewhere in the jungle that the group found last week and I have yet to see which would help in identifying it. I also need to finish preparations for next weekend and two activities that I am helping with here at camp.
The day is nearing it's end. I have learned a few more details over the course of the day. Apparently an underwater cable that runs from Miami to Honduras was damaged during the quake and for this reason most of the internet providers have nothing to offer at this point. It will take at least 8 days to fix it. So it seems like much of the country will be behind in communication for quite some time. What I wonder is how in the world do you bury cable under the gulf to begin with? Somethings are just beyond my imagination. Camp has internet so I am trying to make use of it before I return to the city tomorrow.
I also learned that there is the potential for at least the tremors to continue until June 11. Today there was one around noon, but I did not feel it. When I get back to the city, I definitely plan to sleep upstairs and not be too concerned. Tomorrow I need to go in search of a skeleton -- of an animal that is. There is one somewhere in the jungle that the group found last week and I have yet to see which would help in identifying it. I also need to finish preparations for next weekend and two activities that I am helping with here at camp.
A Peaceful Night
May 29, 2009
So last night there were no more quakes, at least that I felt. We slept downstairs just in case. This made for a very short night for Lisbeth since she would not sleep with the noise and lights from us moving around. We were up at 5:30AM since we wanted to leave early for camp. It is ironic that I have come to camp to find internet.
Alas the trip here did not go so well since Lisbeth lost her breakfast and milk about 15 minutes before we arrived. I have yet to go clean the car and her. I dropped Evelin off in town at the dentist so I get the joy of clean up. Not something I am looking forward to but it has to be done. Well, I am off to do some cleaning and hopefully put her to sleep so that I can get some work done.
So last night there were no more quakes, at least that I felt. We slept downstairs just in case. This made for a very short night for Lisbeth since she would not sleep with the noise and lights from us moving around. We were up at 5:30AM since we wanted to leave early for camp. It is ironic that I have come to camp to find internet.
Alas the trip here did not go so well since Lisbeth lost her breakfast and milk about 15 minutes before we arrived. I have yet to go clean the car and her. I dropped Evelin off in town at the dentist so I get the joy of clean up. Not something I am looking forward to but it has to be done. Well, I am off to do some cleaning and hopefully put her to sleep so that I can get some work done.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Searching for Internet & Reflections
May 28, 2009 4:30PM
So it has taken me all day to find a place to hook my computer to the internet. Granted I was not looking the whole day but as I was running errands I looked here and there. I will confess that today was one of those days when I would have liked to have a TV so that I could see what had happened. The newspaper had very little news since the quake happened so late in the morning. I could not understand the monotone radio commentary enough to glean much from there so I have been wondering what is going on. From what I have heard from others there have been 4 deaths recorded and numerous houses and buildings with damage. Part of a major bridge collapsed leading into San Pedro from the north.
I have heard rumor that tonight at 7:00PM (9:00PM EST) there could be another quake or aftershock. I pray that the rumor is not true, but do not have time on the internet to look for more information. I cannot quite understand why I had internet immediately following the quake and then it has been out all day but I am thankful that I was able to make an early morning post since I had no idea the quake would make international news.
As I talked with people at the church offices and on the street, the quake was forefront on everyone’s mind. I realized that much of the reason I was not afraid is that besides not really feeling like my life was in danger, death is not the end for me. It is only the beginning of a new life with Christ. Those who do not have the hope of Christ and eternal life will be walking around in much greater fear. I also remember an occasion almost 15 years ago when I was doing an overnight solo in the woods (without a tent) and kept hearing scary noises which I was sure was some dangerous wild animal. At long last I realized that worrying was not going to change anything. If it was my time to die (by being mauled by a bear), then it would happen whether I worried about it or not. And so I managed to fall asleep. I need to apply the concept of not worrying to other areas of my life though and not just in the potential life and death situations.
Tomorrow morning I head out to camp where there is not too much damage. The walls of one of staff houses cracked but it does not appear to be serious. Perhaps more serious out there is the air quality. The landowners around the camp have been burning their fields for over a week and the Williamson’s have been suffering the effects of inhaling smoke for so long. I pray that things clear up there and that no further damage occurs if we would have another quake.
So it has taken me all day to find a place to hook my computer to the internet. Granted I was not looking the whole day but as I was running errands I looked here and there. I will confess that today was one of those days when I would have liked to have a TV so that I could see what had happened. The newspaper had very little news since the quake happened so late in the morning. I could not understand the monotone radio commentary enough to glean much from there so I have been wondering what is going on. From what I have heard from others there have been 4 deaths recorded and numerous houses and buildings with damage. Part of a major bridge collapsed leading into San Pedro from the north.
I have heard rumor that tonight at 7:00PM (9:00PM EST) there could be another quake or aftershock. I pray that the rumor is not true, but do not have time on the internet to look for more information. I cannot quite understand why I had internet immediately following the quake and then it has been out all day but I am thankful that I was able to make an early morning post since I had no idea the quake would make international news.
As I talked with people at the church offices and on the street, the quake was forefront on everyone’s mind. I realized that much of the reason I was not afraid is that besides not really feeling like my life was in danger, death is not the end for me. It is only the beginning of a new life with Christ. Those who do not have the hope of Christ and eternal life will be walking around in much greater fear. I also remember an occasion almost 15 years ago when I was doing an overnight solo in the woods (without a tent) and kept hearing scary noises which I was sure was some dangerous wild animal. At long last I realized that worrying was not going to change anything. If it was my time to die (by being mauled by a bear), then it would happen whether I worried about it or not. And so I managed to fall asleep. I need to apply the concept of not worrying to other areas of my life though and not just in the potential life and death situations.
Tomorrow morning I head out to camp where there is not too much damage. The walls of one of staff houses cracked but it does not appear to be serious. Perhaps more serious out there is the air quality. The landowners around the camp have been burning their fields for over a week and the Williamson’s have been suffering the effects of inhaling smoke for so long. I pray that things clear up there and that no further damage occurs if we would have another quake.
Waking to an Earthquake
May 28, 2009 2:45AM
Ah, waking up at 2:30AM is never fun but perhaps even less so when it is because of an earthquake. In Costa Rica I experienced one or two small tremors and in the moment of the event I always wondered what was happening. This morning was no different. There was a loud noise (like a train rumbling in), wind, and the whole apartment shook. For the first few seconds I did not realize what was happening. When I finally realized what was going on, it was pretty much over. The thoughts that went through my head: "You really should get up and go to the doorway." "Woa, that had to be pretty high on the rictor scale." "There will be an aftershock following, so you should not just stay in bed."
In reality I was tempted to just stay put. I sometimes have this false, naive sense of indestructability. It is not that I think I am indestructible, but I could not imagine a serious earthquake happening here in San Pedro. I got up during the middle of the aftershock and called to Evelin to bring Lisbeth to a safer place. Evelin was scared and nervous (of which I should have been more). It was probably her first experience and when you feel that kind of thing and hear alarms going off all over the city, it is a little unnerving.
After a few minutes of sweating to death because of not being in front of a fan, we left the doorways and headed back to our rooms to sleep. Nervousness is probably keeping her awake, while for me the desire to write has me here at the computer. The time for a morning run will come all too soon.
In reality I feel like there could be some serious damage in some part of the country because it felt like a pretty strong tremor. I will have to wait until the paper comes out later today or until the Prensa gives an online update. I am sure most of San Pedro Sula is glued to the television right now for the news, but since I do not have one, I have to look for information in other places.
Ah, waking up at 2:30AM is never fun but perhaps even less so when it is because of an earthquake. In Costa Rica I experienced one or two small tremors and in the moment of the event I always wondered what was happening. This morning was no different. There was a loud noise (like a train rumbling in), wind, and the whole apartment shook. For the first few seconds I did not realize what was happening. When I finally realized what was going on, it was pretty much over. The thoughts that went through my head: "You really should get up and go to the doorway." "Woa, that had to be pretty high on the rictor scale." "There will be an aftershock following, so you should not just stay in bed."
In reality I was tempted to just stay put. I sometimes have this false, naive sense of indestructability. It is not that I think I am indestructible, but I could not imagine a serious earthquake happening here in San Pedro. I got up during the middle of the aftershock and called to Evelin to bring Lisbeth to a safer place. Evelin was scared and nervous (of which I should have been more). It was probably her first experience and when you feel that kind of thing and hear alarms going off all over the city, it is a little unnerving.
After a few minutes of sweating to death because of not being in front of a fan, we left the doorways and headed back to our rooms to sleep. Nervousness is probably keeping her awake, while for me the desire to write has me here at the computer. The time for a morning run will come all too soon.
In reality I feel like there could be some serious damage in some part of the country because it felt like a pretty strong tremor. I will have to wait until the paper comes out later today or until the Prensa gives an online update. I am sure most of San Pedro Sula is glued to the television right now for the news, but since I do not have one, I have to look for information in other places.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Ready for an Adventure
May 23, 2009
It is Saturday and I am back in the city. Yesterday I had another Outdoor Education program and it went well but I am always a bit tired afterwards. This time we worked with 6-9 year olds. They had a shorter attention span and some trouble with understanding all of the English, but it worked out. On Wednesday I had driven out to the Copan Ruins to hang out with a Houghton College Mayterm class and to pick up to Recreation majors who were then coming with me to camp to help with the program. I had hoped for a little hiking time or adventure, but I only did one small hike that I had been on before. It was fun to go for an evening run with a group, a bit like cross country runs in college.
I have been feeling the need for an adventure in the great outdoors. A backpacking trip would be nice but I know that will not happen anytime soon. Maybe a nice long hike if I can find a friend who is interested in going along. It seems like it could be a while until I have a full day off to do something like that though.
Right now I am trying to figure out if a school group is coming next Friday and Saturday. Nothing like last minute decisions. It is getting a little too late for us because of all of the decisions we must make that go along with running the program and providing the food. Monday morning they should know if they have enough students committed to the trip. Until then I sort of plan as if there is a group, all the while knowing that there might not be.
It is Saturday and I am back in the city. Yesterday I had another Outdoor Education program and it went well but I am always a bit tired afterwards. This time we worked with 6-9 year olds. They had a shorter attention span and some trouble with understanding all of the English, but it worked out. On Wednesday I had driven out to the Copan Ruins to hang out with a Houghton College Mayterm class and to pick up to Recreation majors who were then coming with me to camp to help with the program. I had hoped for a little hiking time or adventure, but I only did one small hike that I had been on before. It was fun to go for an evening run with a group, a bit like cross country runs in college.
I have been feeling the need for an adventure in the great outdoors. A backpacking trip would be nice but I know that will not happen anytime soon. Maybe a nice long hike if I can find a friend who is interested in going along. It seems like it could be a while until I have a full day off to do something like that though.
Right now I am trying to figure out if a school group is coming next Friday and Saturday. Nothing like last minute decisions. It is getting a little too late for us because of all of the decisions we must make that go along with running the program and providing the food. Monday morning they should know if they have enough students committed to the trip. Until then I sort of plan as if there is a group, all the while knowing that there might not be.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
When It Rains, It Pours
May 17, 2009
This motto has seemed to be true during many phases of my life and tonight I decided that it is happening once again. And for once in Honduras I am not talking about literal downpours of water. This evening I received a call from a teacher who came with her school one week ago for an Outdoor Education program. She called to ask whether I could do a program for another school in a little less than 2 weeks, and this time including 3 meals and an overnight. I have had hardly any programs for 2 years and now within the timespan of 5 weeks there are three programs in the working. It is so little compared to what I did in the States but for here in Honduras it is exciting and even a little overwhelming. And so now I am working with Wes, the director, to put together the packet to offer the school. Unfortunately it is not the only thing I need to do for tomorrow morning since I was already working on revising curriculum to work for the 6-9 year old school group coming this next Friday. But I must admit that it is good to be busy and even have time constraints. Of course this means that the other blogs that I had brewing will probably not happen for quite a while and I will be struggling even more to find a day off. For the moment though I am excited. God is beginning a work and He will also provide the strength to see the work completed.
This motto has seemed to be true during many phases of my life and tonight I decided that it is happening once again. And for once in Honduras I am not talking about literal downpours of water. This evening I received a call from a teacher who came with her school one week ago for an Outdoor Education program. She called to ask whether I could do a program for another school in a little less than 2 weeks, and this time including 3 meals and an overnight. I have had hardly any programs for 2 years and now within the timespan of 5 weeks there are three programs in the working. It is so little compared to what I did in the States but for here in Honduras it is exciting and even a little overwhelming. And so now I am working with Wes, the director, to put together the packet to offer the school. Unfortunately it is not the only thing I need to do for tomorrow morning since I was already working on revising curriculum to work for the 6-9 year old school group coming this next Friday. But I must admit that it is good to be busy and even have time constraints. Of course this means that the other blogs that I had brewing will probably not happen for quite a while and I will be struggling even more to find a day off. For the moment though I am excited. God is beginning a work and He will also provide the strength to see the work completed.
Monday, May 11, 2009
An Outdoor Education Day
I am not sure how long it has been since I last wrote and with the internet being down, I cannot check. But a lot has happened this past week. Friday I ran an Outdoor Education program for a group of sixth graders from a bilingual school. It went really well despite some worries about whether the other staff person would be able to find a bus to arrive at camp in time to teach. There was neither rain nor thunder until the moment the students were about to leave when I heard thunder in the distance. Perhaps one of my favorite parts of the day was being able to teach in English. After the first Water class that I taught down by the river I suddenly remembered that yes I can teach and get my point across. I can make spiritual applications that make sense. And yet in Spanish I still struggle to be able to effectively communicate. Even living with a Honduran for the past 4 months has not seemed to help my Spanish all that much. Hence I need to evaluate what I can do to improve my Spanish (and pray for God to loose my tongue in this fore
Anyway, the day went really well and the girl who helped me said that on the bus ride home they were all talking about the day and wanting to come back next year. On Thursday just before I had left for camp I learned that another school wants to come in less than two weeks. I hope that they are interested in almost the same program because it would make things much easier. I already have someone trained to help. We will see what comes of my conversation with the administrator tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Fast Work
May 6, 2009
Much to my surprise I received word this evening that electric has been restored to camp, 48 hours sooner than the predicted time. Quite awesome! Tomorrow after lunch I head to camp to set up the last few things for the program on Friday. I am excited to not have to put as much effort into planning my meals as I would have if there still was no electricity, especially since tomorrow evening I have to plan for 3 people and a toddler.
This is probably my shortest blog entry ever but it is late and I am ready for sleep more than for rambling on. And so I say, "Good Night!"
Much to my surprise I received word this evening that electric has been restored to camp, 48 hours sooner than the predicted time. Quite awesome! Tomorrow after lunch I head to camp to set up the last few things for the program on Friday. I am excited to not have to put as much effort into planning my meals as I would have if there still was no electricity, especially since tomorrow evening I have to plan for 3 people and a toddler.
This is probably my shortest blog entry ever but it is late and I am ready for sleep more than for rambling on. And so I say, "Good Night!"
Monday, May 04, 2009
All With One Pine Branch
May 4, 2009
I do not want to even begin to think about all of the things I have not yet written about over the past week or two. For now though I will forget the other things and only mention the latest from camp. Yesterday afternoon I drove out to camp and as I passed through Pinalejo I noted that it must have rained, judging by the many puddles on the side of the road. When I pulled into camp and stopped by the Williamson's house to pick up some of my refrigerated foods I discovered just how big the little storm had been. The winds had blown the rain almost horizontal so it entered the downstairs windows even though they are surrounded by a porch. Most signficant though was the that the rain and wind knocked a large branch off of a pine tree and the first thing the branch hit was some electrical cables. The force of the branch hitting the cables caused the pole that was holding them up to snap. The branch then continued its fall and struck the water pipe and sewer pipe which are above ground, passing over a small ravine. It broke both of the latter. And so there was no electric, no water, and in the area of my cabin -- no septic system.
Needless to say instead of plugging in the little fridge in my cabin I reworked my menu plan and helped Cindy accomodate their food in coolers. Last evening we had church by candlelight and lantern in their living room. I felt as if I was camping except that the cabin was my tent. I had to go across camp to use the bathroom and to wash dishes. I decided to forego a shower until I got back to the city in case camp was without water for a while and the staff needed all the water they could get.
I was the lucky one in that I got to return to the city today. The rest of the staff are still there battling the challenges of no electric and juggling when to open the fridge, how to do homeschooling without much computer time, etc... The water and sewer pipes were repaired shortly after I left but the electrcic will be out for several days. It is a 3-day repairation process and first the money has to be found for the project. The Williamsons are running a small generator every few hours to try and keep at least one fridge cold but even the generator is having problems. This coming Friday I have a school going to camp for an Outdoor Education program. It is actually a good thing that it is just a day program in that lack of electric should not be a big deal -- except that we are cooking for them. Somehow the food has to be kept cold until cooked. I will also have to start thinking now about what I will be planning to eat over those three days that I am at camp. The adventures never cease and sometimes I wish that they would. I pray that the repairs will happen quickly and that the Lord will give grace and strength to the families on camp.
I do not want to even begin to think about all of the things I have not yet written about over the past week or two. For now though I will forget the other things and only mention the latest from camp. Yesterday afternoon I drove out to camp and as I passed through Pinalejo I noted that it must have rained, judging by the many puddles on the side of the road. When I pulled into camp and stopped by the Williamson's house to pick up some of my refrigerated foods I discovered just how big the little storm had been. The winds had blown the rain almost horizontal so it entered the downstairs windows even though they are surrounded by a porch. Most signficant though was the that the rain and wind knocked a large branch off of a pine tree and the first thing the branch hit was some electrical cables. The force of the branch hitting the cables caused the pole that was holding them up to snap. The branch then continued its fall and struck the water pipe and sewer pipe which are above ground, passing over a small ravine. It broke both of the latter. And so there was no electric, no water, and in the area of my cabin -- no septic system.
Needless to say instead of plugging in the little fridge in my cabin I reworked my menu plan and helped Cindy accomodate their food in coolers. Last evening we had church by candlelight and lantern in their living room. I felt as if I was camping except that the cabin was my tent. I had to go across camp to use the bathroom and to wash dishes. I decided to forego a shower until I got back to the city in case camp was without water for a while and the staff needed all the water they could get.
I was the lucky one in that I got to return to the city today. The rest of the staff are still there battling the challenges of no electric and juggling when to open the fridge, how to do homeschooling without much computer time, etc... The water and sewer pipes were repaired shortly after I left but the electrcic will be out for several days. It is a 3-day repairation process and first the money has to be found for the project. The Williamsons are running a small generator every few hours to try and keep at least one fridge cold but even the generator is having problems. This coming Friday I have a school going to camp for an Outdoor Education program. It is actually a good thing that it is just a day program in that lack of electric should not be a big deal -- except that we are cooking for them. Somehow the food has to be kept cold until cooked. I will also have to start thinking now about what I will be planning to eat over those three days that I am at camp. The adventures never cease and sometimes I wish that they would. I pray that the repairs will happen quickly and that the Lord will give grace and strength to the families on camp.
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