Sunday, August 30, 2009

God at Work

August 30, 2009

I think this is an apt title for this entry because I have several things to highlight from the past week which show how God has been at work. First of all, my nephew Jack is doing much better. We went in after church today and when Shana, my mom, and I got down to the NIC-U, the nurse said that Jack could try eating and that they would be soon removing the IV of sugar water. He also no longer had the pressurized air and was breathing completely on his own. How exciting! He was more awake today too and though he rarely opened both eyes, he did some winking.

As for other events in this past week, last Sunday Evelin had called me and I was attempting to carry on a conversation over the phone in Spanish and it was not going well. The connection was bad and I could not make out most of her words. I have run into the same problem with talking to my sister in Brazil but at least that is in English and I can get by. Evelin was sure I was forgetting my Spanish but I knew that was not the problem. Anyway, she was not doing well and I could not communicate with her which was incredibly frustrating to me. She did not seem receptive to my suggestion that she call someone from the church there or a friend to talk and pray with. I hung up from the conversation frustrated but also wondering if the Lord did not want me to be able to communicate with her because He wanted her to find help elsewhere.

Yesterday when I talked with Evelin again and she was doing much better. She made a statement which confirmed in me that I am not to be her source of support. She said it was good I could not understand her because after our time on the phone she went and had a sweet time of prayer and fellowship with Jesus. And after that she was good. Time with Jesus was what she needed, much more than any words of encouragement from me. God showed me my place and revealed to Evelin that she has to depend on Him.

The other exciting event of the week was conversation with a couple who has interest in Honduras and in working in some way with women and children. I have no idea how God might work out the details and if we can work together or not but it is exciting to see Him at least opening some windows for me to glance through at the possibilities.

I know that does not exhaust the list of what God is doing but for now that is all I can recall and I am heading off to get some sleep.

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