Saturday, September 12, 2009

It Was Not Just Me

September 12, 2009

I am back in Lancaster after almost a week of traveling. As it turns out, there was indeed a problem with the car and it was not my fault. On Wednesday morning when I tried to start the car it would not start and this time I decided it needed fixed. Thankfully I got a ride to the college and from there was able to walk and visit friends and professors.

Being back in Houghton was good but caused me to do some reflecting. It was interesting walking the campus and seeing how the students looked so much younger than I felt that I was 10 years ago. I was able to do a few of my favorite runs which was fun. I also spent a lot time re-connecting with professors, especially those in the psychology department. I found myself having lots of questions for them as I think about the area of counseling and just where God might be direcing me. I left Houghton with lots of "homework" or research to do and have been attempting to find my way through it all.

The past few days in Lancaster can be summed up with one word - RAIN. I feel as if I am back in Honduras. I enjoy the rain for a while but I am hoping for some sunshine tomorrow. It looks as if I will be in this area next week and not traveling again until ... who knows when? I wish that I could plan ahead farther but I am always waiting on unknown details and in the end trips seem to come about last minute. I am still praying about what will be the best time for returning to Honduras to close my apartment. Vamos a ver.

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