Sunday, September 04, 2011

The Happenings

September 3, 2011

Life has been pretty busy for me of the past month. I had a week off in August but I ended up working at Black Rock for quite a few days and spent time driving around Maryland and Pennsylvania visiting some Honduran friends who were vacationing up here. I enjoyed showing my one friend around Lancaster, ending with a tour at Herr’s Potato Chip Factory. The season of working at Black Rock has pretty much ended up now I will be working quite a few Saturdays at Cherry Crest Farms in the Corn Maze. That should be a fun new adventure. Hopefully I will find time to move when that comes around.

Work at Mom’s House has been good though I am still just getting lots of things figured out. I am always thankful for the moments when I get to talk and pray with the moms and encourage them. Just this week I realized that the Life Coaching courses that I took were useful because as I talked with a mom and asked her some perspective altering questions she was able to see e of her current situation from a different angle. There are times though when I am at a loss as to what to say or do to best encourage the moms. Thankfully the Lord is strong in my weaknesses and can shine through.

I have continued to spend a lot of time with my adorable nephews. Taking my nephew Jack to Splits and Giggles (an ice cream shop in town) with my dad for his second birthday was a lot of fun. He apparently loves ice cream because he finished his kiddie cup and then wanted some of ours. Jack is talking more and more which is also fun.

All in all as I look back on the summer, I am thankful for being here in Lancaster and enjoying time around family.

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