April 4, 2010
Over the past week of traveling, I have seen a few sights that made me smile. First, there is the beauty of God’s creation which of course I always love to see. But then last week when I was driving from Campamento Manantial de Vida to San Pedro Sula, I noticed alongside the road a sign for a funeral home. It’s name was “Funerales Milagrosos”. Translated to English this means “Miraculous Funerals.” As I read the sign I had to smile and wonder just how the funerals were miraculous. Did the funeral home offer the hope that the person would rise from the dead? To me it seemed a rather ironic name for a funeral home.
My time out at the camp was very short but I had a few hours to reconnect with the staff and see all of the babies and little children who are growing so quickly. Little Lisbeth has become fond of the camera and modeling for it though she needs to work on her style. At one point it looked as if she was poking her eye out instead of posing.
In Honduras I had to smile at the timing of the road reparations. Semana Santa happens to be one of the biggest weeks of the year for travel. Many people go to the beaches or mountains to celebrate vacation time. (Unfortunately the vacation has become more important than the reason for the time off). But last Sunday as I was driving out to camp I discovered that the road crews had chosen these days to work on repairing the roads, closing down one lane. For me there was not much of a backlog but I would imagine that depending on the time of day, people’s travels were delayed.
In Pennsylvania my smiles came from the beauty of spring and from seeing friends and family. My nephew had grown considerably and was adorable, freely giving smiles and kisses. Surprising my parents and sister with my return visit was fun too.
As I return to El Salvador I smile and give thanks because I received another 90 days to be in the country. I smile because I know that God has unexpected things planned for the days and months to come. I smile at the thought of seeing the children again and being a part of their lives. I also rejoice because in my conversation with Evelin this morning while I was still here in Honduras, I learned that she heard God speak to her this week through one of the sermons during the Semana Santa retreat at camp. And with having listened to God again, has come a new desire to pursue Him. Our conversation last Sunday was tough because of the struggles she has been going through but the Lord has given her hope. I smile at what that means for her and for Lisbeth (and really for the others around her because if she is living for Christ, her life is going to be a powerful testimony to those around her).
Yeah for smiles and all praise to our Father who created the smile and the reasons to smile.
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