March 12, 2010
As Friday comes to a close here in El Salvador, it is a week of culmination. We ended the week by taking the children out to the farm (the future site of the Children's Home)and letting them climb on a treehouse that a work team built. The children loved it and seeing them scampering around in the tree, scaling the wall, and running around in the open air was invigorating for me. I love to see children out in God's creation.
On Wednesday I had the opportunity to help the team in construction of the tree house. Basically I used a drill to put in screws for holding down the floorboard and a few other small jobs. I have never seen a treehouse with such a gorgeous view. The farm itself is beautify and I am glad to know about it because I can forsee it being a place for me to retreat and spend time with God. I need moments out in His creation which I cannot find in the city.
The drive to the farm was interesting to say the least. We were one a major six lane highway when all of a sudden our driver pulled to the far right lane, stopped, and began backing up. I was reminded of a car chase I was a part of in Honduras when the drive also went in reverse on a major highway and I was pretty sure we would get hit. This time I was not so concerned because I had already served a trip in reverse back in Honduras. The driver told me that the sigsnthat had just been put on the van had fallen off and he wanted to go back and get it, for fear that he would be reprimanded for losing it. I was the only one who understood Spanish and knew what was going on. I tried to tell him that it would be better to just stop and someone could run back and pick up the sign but he did not seem to understand or think that was the best option. So we kept going in reverse and the guys in the back of the van began to get very concerned, especially as we began to go back around a blind curve and they had visions of us getting bashed from behind. One of the guys, a professional photographer, was quick enough to pull out his camera and begin video taping everything. Finally, out of panic, the guys in the back started yelling to "Go, Go!!" and the driver got the message and we went forward again. I explained that we were more concerned about our lives than the sign and someone saw the sign already in pieces since at least one car had run over it. But the driver, who is knew to the job, was understandably concerned by the sign because where he had previously worked he would have had to pay for the sign, which he probably could not have afforded. We made it safely to the farm but it was an adventure.
Yesterday I had a glimpse into an interesting cultural difference here in El Salvador. I was in a group session with the pre-adolescent girls and the one girl was asking why they needed to shower in the morning because several of her classmates showered at night and not in the morning. The house dad said that it is not good for you and that you will smell all day. I have wondered why some of the girls do not take showers at night so that they do not have to get up at 4:00AM before school. I now know why. I knew that culturally it is looked down upon to leave your house in the morning without first dressing up. To me sleep would be a valid reason to have half of the girls showering at night and half in the morning, but not here. And that is okay, it is just a cultural difference that I need to get use to, especially as I will be staying with those girls for a few nights over the next two weeks. I am not looking forward to 4:00AM mornings though.
The culmination of the week actually means the arrival of a medical missions team and more busyness in the coming week. I was going to move this weekend but I am not sure that the other apartment will be quite ready. Hopefully I can find time in the next week to pack up and move across town. I look forward to having more options in where I can run. This week there have been two teams here at the mission house where I currently am and though it has been fun to be able to play some basketball with people again, I will enjoy a little quiet again. My mind is blank as far as what else I wanted to write about so this is all for now.
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