Thursday, September 24, 2009

When Honduras Comes to New Danville

September 24, 2009

Today I had a very fun surprise. My aunt called me this morning to inform me that a group from a school in San Pedro Sula, Honduras would be sharing in chapel (at New Danville Mennoite School) in just a few hours. My schedule was open so I quickly decided to go, especially because I hoped to see a teacher or the director who I had met from the school back in June. When I walked into the chapel area, I saw the group milling around on the stage. And immediately my eyes fell on a student who I knew. He had participated in a work team at Manantial de Vida, summer 2008. He saw me too and so we began chatting in Spanish which was fun. I stayed for the chapel in which the Honduran school shared songs in Spanish. I enjoyed singing one of my favorite praise songs in Spanish, "Eres Todopoderoso". It is also the song that little Lisbeth loves to worship with.

This evening I met up with a Hispanic woman in Lancaster and another girl and we went into a neighborhood downtown to share with some children. Most of the children were not around but we prayed with two young children and shared the story of Joseph. The woman took the opportunity though to pray and share with several young adults milling around the area. I was touched as she shared her testimony and how God had brought redemption to her life. Her story was one that the young people could relate too because she had been in their shoes. It hit home with one young man who had just been released from prison. It was exciting to see the timing of the encounter and the woman's boldness in sharing Christ with any and every person she saw. She was ready to pray with each one, even from the car as they walked past. I hope that I can visit the city again with her and join in ministry to those in Lancaster.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Still Following the Footprints

September 22, 2009

Here I sit in Lancaster, PA while chaos errupts again in Honduras. Eversince Zelaya, the former Honduran president (who was removed from power the end of June) managed to sneak back into the country and make an appearance from the Brasilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa yesterday, things have gotten ugly again. His supporters were celebrating while others were protesting Zelaya's return. The new government is asking the embassy to turn Zelaya over to them so that he can be arrested and tried. Meanwhile there has been an almost 24 hour curfew in effect in Honduras. From what I understand it is in all of the country and has only been lifted on one of the islands where tourism abounds. I must say that it is much more comfortable being here in PA than closed in an apartment waiting to see what happens. But my heart goes out to my friends there who can do nothing but wait ... and pray (the latter of which is definitely not "nothing").

I find myself marveling at how God's hand seems to be directing my steps and the timing of events, even though I cannot see it at the time. For a long while I was considering flying back to Honduras on September 20 to do some exploring of ministries with a couple and to participate in a missionary retreat. I kept waiting for direction from the Lord as to whether I should go or not and heard nothing. As the days passed, I let go of the idea of traveling over this time and figured that unless He made it very clear that now was the time to travel, I would keep waiting. And today as I consider what is happening again in Honduras, I am glad that I am waiting. I almost get chills down my back when I think of how many times God has orchestrated such timing in my life these past 2 months. I guess that I just wish I was more aware of how He is directing me each moment instead of just after the fact. Even so I am very thankful that He is at work and that I can see His hand.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Footprints through the Sea

September 18, 2009

As this week comes to a close, I am encouraged by the way I have seen God at work. I have continued to visit various ministries here in Lancaster County and find it exciting to see so many people with a desire to serve God. My latest visit was to House of His Creation in Lititz, a ministry to teenage mothers and their young children. The program director and I actually went to college together for a few years and shared the same double major. I found it interesting how the Lord has brought us both around to a place that is not quite in the field that we studied. It is related, but more on the social work side. Not that I am actually in that field yet, but the pull continues to be there. The more I meet with people and interact with young children, the more I want to love them and make a difference in their life. I find myself still waiting though – waiting for the pieces to come together revealing what God is doing in my life. If my life was a jigsaw puzzle, I am not sure if the edge pieces would be in place or not. I will have to think on that analogy more.

Anyway in my waiting, I have been excited to see how in the seemingly little things and decisions on when to visit different people or organizations and when to stay home, I have chosen well. Although I never specifically heard the Lord telling me to stick around Lancaster for the day, I stayed put and later on it became clear that I was supposed to be here. It reminds me of a verse I read this morning from Psalm 77 speaking of the Lord’s hand in the lives of the Israelites. “Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen.” (vs. 19) I want to continue to be in tune with His Spirit so that I know where to be when.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

It Was Not Just Me

September 12, 2009

I am back in Lancaster after almost a week of traveling. As it turns out, there was indeed a problem with the car and it was not my fault. On Wednesday morning when I tried to start the car it would not start and this time I decided it needed fixed. Thankfully I got a ride to the college and from there was able to walk and visit friends and professors.

Being back in Houghton was good but caused me to do some reflecting. It was interesting walking the campus and seeing how the students looked so much younger than I felt that I was 10 years ago. I was able to do a few of my favorite runs which was fun. I also spent a lot time re-connecting with professors, especially those in the psychology department. I found myself having lots of questions for them as I think about the area of counseling and just where God might be direcing me. I left Houghton with lots of "homework" or research to do and have been attempting to find my way through it all.

The past few days in Lancaster can be summed up with one word - RAIN. I feel as if I am back in Honduras. I enjoy the rain for a while but I am hoping for some sunshine tomorrow. It looks as if I will be in this area next week and not traveling again until ... who knows when? I wish that I could plan ahead farther but I am always waiting on unknown details and in the end trips seem to come about last minute. I am still praying about what will be the best time for returning to Honduras to close my apartment. Vamos a ver.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Maybe It Is Me

September 7, 2009
I am beginning to think that maybe the car problems have to do with me and not the cars themselves. For my journey to Pittsburg, Ohio, and Houghton I decided to drive my parent’s mustang because it should be more reliable than my sister’s Honda that has nearly 250,000 miles on it. Well, this morning I went out to start the car and head over to Houghton and much to my surprise, the car would not turn on and stay on. After conversation with my dad and he with a Ford dealer it sounds as if the problem is probably an air idle valve or something of the sort. And so here I am sitting on the front porch of my friend’s house waiting for a mechanic to come by. Perhaps my Thursday departure from here will not happen after all. It is sad to be so close to Houghton and yet so far away. Hopefully I will get there within the hour and begin connecting again with professors. I am glad that from where I am sitting here on the porch I can see a tall, stately maple tree that is beginning to change color. I saw a few such trees on my drive from Sandusky, Ohio to western NY yesterday.

Usually when I travel I try to move quickly from point A to point B but on this trip I have been taking my time. Last night I got a bit lost as I tried to find the highway in Olean to then get to Belfast. It has been over 10 years since I traversed Olean during my college days. In the end I found my way, though it was the longer way.

**Well, the mechanic came and of course the car started with no problem. I give up on cars!

On Lake Erie

My time in Ohio was spent with friends on Lake Erie. It was a relaxing and fun time as we sat on the shore of the lake, speeded through the waters on jet skies, or rode the waters on water skies. My friend’s three boys are adorable, especially the youngest with his blue eyes and blond curls. On Sunday we were sitting on the boat waiting for our “pilot” so that we could take off. Little Simon, who is 2 years old, was standing on the back of the boat with his little life jacket. His dad was beside him but he was holding the 5 year old and I was on the seat just behind Simon. All of a sudden Simon stumbled and began a headlong tumble towards the shallow waters. I had been alert in case such a stumble might occur and so I dove for him and thanks to his life jacket, was able to grab hold of him. He came up unharmed and dry, but scared. I am glad that I play sports where I have to work on my reaction time and have spent much of my life spotting which also is a moment when you have to be alert and ready for a fall.

Simon was not too scarred by the experience because he had no qualms about heading out on the waters when his uncle arrived to drive the boat. I enjoyed the opportunity to ski again and tried to take some risk and try new things such as going over the wakes. Too often I get content in what I am able to do without much effort and hesitate to take risks. I know that in my life beyond water skiing, God wants to teach me lessons in that area.

Friday, September 04, 2009

On the Road Again

September 4, 2009

In a few minutes I will hit the road again and begin travels to Pittsburgh, Ohio, and then up to Houghton. It should be a good time of connecting with friends but lots of miles put in. I am hoping that the Labor Day traffic is not too bad. I do not have time to write much, but I wanted to mention that my sister and nephew are out of the hospital and doing well. They went home on Wednesday. We are thankful that everyone is doing well. So that's all for the moment.