I am sitting in the San Pedro Sula airport as I write this entry. I shall be here until around 2:00AM which because I am not a night owl, is definitely not my preferred time of travel or wakefulness but it works every once in a while. It seems like the last few days and weeks have flown by and been one unexpected event after the other. I am currently enroute to Sarasota, Florida so that I can be with my family as my grandfather is in his last few days (or weeks) after suffering from a stroke on Wednesday. I am thankful for the time that I had to visit with him over Christmas this past year but I do hope that I will get to say good-bye when I arrive in Sarasota on Saturday morning. Being in Honduras the events that I know have been taking place these last few days often seem unreal, until I talk with my mom and hear the pain in her voice.
Last year seemed to be a year of walking with others through pain and I had hoped that this year might be different but I guess that there is always pain; sometimes it is just more noticeable than others.
The past week has been interesting for me as Evelin has settled into the apartment and I have begun interacting with her one year old daughter, Lisbet, much more. There are so many times that I want to jump in and exert some discipline or offer suggestion after suggestion. And as her crying continues day after day, I marvel that Evelin does not get more frustrated than she does. I am definitely seeing the importance of teaching children, using consistent discipline, from infancy on. By one year old, so much has already been set in place in Lisbet’s habits that it is difficult to change because it requires enduring tantrums and screaming – something that is not fun for Evelin, myself, nor the neighbors. I keep praying for wisdom about when to offer help and when to remain quiet. I also pray that Lisbet will warm up to me so that eventually I can give Evelin a break and she can go to a church service and really worship, without having to be chasing a toddler or dealing with her cries. I find myself analyzing Lisbet’s actions and reactions and wondering what kind of experiences she

I talked to one of my friends today and it turns out that she is not looking to move into an apartment at this point so I am praying about whether there is someone else who would want to share the apartment. Otherwise I do need to seriously start apartment hunting again.
Last weekend Evelin and I attended a young adult retreat in the camp which was a neat experience. I got to know a few of the young adults and to was a good time of teaching and worship. Since it was a retreat there was more down time, but to my dismay I had not brought any games along. I taught a few of the girls the game of Up Jenkins which we enjoyed playing the one evening. I was glad that Evelin was able to participate and get to know a few people and that her sister was willing to watch Lisbet.
I cannot remember the list of other things I was going to blog. Though rainy season is technically over, we are continuing to experience torrential downpours with frecuencia (that may only be a Spanish word, I actually cannot remember). I cannot complain too much though because the weather is still cool.
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