October 29, 2008
This morning as I left my house for a 5:45AM run, it actually felt like autumn. There was a delicious chill in the air, thanks to the cold front hovering over Honduras. But alas although I love being able to wear a long-sleeve shirt, I cannot completely rejoice in the cold front because it is also brining rain, something we do not need more of. Today's front page of the paper showed two school buses stuck in the middle of a river with workers trapped inside. Thankfully they were all rescued from the buses but the damage from the rains continues to rise. Missionary friends in the area of Santa Rosa de Copan told of a mountain commnity where the farmers (that were already poor but had enough to survive and feed their families) have now lost everything. There is a family of 12 with no place to live since their house is about to slide down the mountain. On Sunday I learned that my church is going to coordinate some relief efforts in that area and distribute food and clothes. It is time for me to go through my wardrobe and give away a good portion of it, especially since I have many clothes that I do not even wear.
When I think about food, I feel bad too. I have so much food and if I lack some item for a recipe, I can run to the store and get it (actually drive). With my efforts to lower my cholesterol, I have been trying to eat healthier but often times that means more expensive foods since I look for whole grains, etc... . When I think of what I spend on food and how easily that would feed those who right now have nothing, I wonder if I should stop being so concerned about what I eat. So many questions and so many areas to examine in my life and habits.
My trips to and from camp this past weekend went smoothly in spite of muddy roads and I was not stopped at any police checkpoints either. I am currently debating whether I must leave the country so that my PA Driver's license holds value in Honduras once again or if I will be okay as is. The Williamson's had trouble in the past when there were in the in between stages of receiving residency and simply renewing their visa in the country every month. Supposedly my license is not valid because I have been in Honduras for over 90 days. The problem is that I cannot get a license without residency and I have been waiting for over a year on the latter. It is a catch 22 and the system does not seem to provide a way to drive legally, shy of leaving the country every 90 days -- a rather expensive endeavor. I am praying that I can make it until Christmas without a problem when I will leave and buy myself another 90 days. If, within the next week, I realize the driving will be an issue perhaps my sister and I can take a long road trip to Costa Rica or Belize. But that is a lot of traveling for her so I hope I do not have to resort to that.
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