Thursday, August 02, 2007

From trucks to scorpions

August 2, 2007
It is about time to write again. I have not been feeling inspired as of late and I have been busy. Car shopping still remains one of the largest tasks at hand. I finally have 3 decent choices in front of me, all Chevy S-10 pick-ups. The main factors to consider now are the costs and the reliability of the older trucks. I have never had a new car and I do not think that now is the time to get one considering the price tag that comes with them. The church down here would be willing to help me out with getting a more expensive pick-up if it will be more reliable. It is a humbling offer but I cannot see why I should have them go into debt to help finance a vehicle if I do not want to go into debt myself. So my preference lies with one of the two older pick-ups (still newer than I have ever had but you can only get insurance here for cars less than 10 years old). I think that next week I need to spend several days in the city to take care of all of the paperwork involved in buying a car because my plan is to make a purchase.

Although this week has been taken up primarily by car shopping, I have also made some progress in tree and insect identification. When I found my first scorpion last week on the mop head in my house, I did not need to go to the books to determine what it was. I am now faced with the reality that yes they do exist and in my house. The insect on the right is one that a staff member found on camp the other day. It is a Alligator -headed lantern fly. I found it in a book Jungle Bugs that talks about camouflage and mimicry. Just as I thought when I first saw the insect, its head mimics the head of a crocodile in an attempt to scare off predators and make it undesirable for consumption. God’s creativity is amazing!
As for other events there are the wonderful, embarrassing language blunders that I still make and perhaps I will describe at another time. There is the wrestling with the boundaries of how to show compassion and give without enabling poverty to continue. Lots of things that I am thinking about right now and do not have answers to. For now I will stop here and move on to some research that I need to do.

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