Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A Brief Pass Through Pennsylvania

Although it was a very short trip, I had a good time in PA last week. I spent most of my time with my extended Hess family, all of whom were in the area for my cousin’s wedding. On the 4th of July we went down to the Chesapeake Bay and had the opportunity to water ski. Most of our time during the week was spent chatting (and occasionally having “honesty circles” as my sister would call them). But we found some time to play basketball, Kubb (however it is spelled), and board games. I, of course, got to Black Rock Retreat and visited with the staff, played early morning basketball, and walked the trails. I was able to visit with a few of my other friends during travels to and from the airport or breakfast. The trip made me appreciate again my family and the fact that even the aunts, uncles, and cousins all get along and enjoy hanging out. The cousins are beginning to think it is time for another road trip. I think it might have to include planes this time since 5 of us will be out of the country. I do miss that fellowship when I am in other parts of the world. Yet I was glad that although it is never easy to say goodbye again, I knew that Honduras was where I was to be and not Lancaster, PA. It is strange to leave PA though having no idea when I will return for another visit. Every other time I had at least an idea of when I would be back, but this time I have not a clue.

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