Saturday, February 05, 2011

A Few Random Stories

February 5, 2011

Well, I am not doing a good job this year of keeping up with my blog. Life seems to have gotten so much busier somehow and at night by the time I return home (if I return home and am not a tia), I am thinking about sleeping or some other task at hand. At any rate this morning while I wait for the family members to arrive for Family Visit Day, I have a few moments to reflect on the week. This has been the first week back as far as staff meetings and childcare trainings -- the things that normally happen when school is in session. I have been busy preparing for some of the future childcare trainings by working on putting together (or translating) questions for the book Boundaries which the staff will be going through. I will be giving the introduction to the book on my last day at La Casa -- February 25. I do not like to think too much about that day because it will be difficult one. A big part of me does not want to move on and yet I know that it is what God is calling me to do for this season.

Over this past week I have found myself smiling and laughing at random questions that the young children ask or the conclusions that their brains come up with, bringing two unrelated matters. Children do make me smile. Last night some of the youngest ones participated in a little song and creative movement at the farewell party for their tia. It was so cute to see them so dressed up and then spinnigng around, partially doing the movements.

As far a few other random stories in the week. I must remember that three short honks is not a friendly reminder to keep moving! In fact that is the equivalent of giving the finger in the States. But three honks seems so much more natural than two or four. Yesterday I almost got in trouble when I unthinkingly honked three times. I gasped when I realized what I had done and quickly added a fourth. I was apalled to think of the message that I had just sent. Also having to do with roads, I have been noticing a lone corn stalk on my way to work each day. It is growing right on the road, just at the edge of the sidewalk. Apparently if found a way to reach a bit of soil and anchor down. There are tassels on it right now but I would be surprised to see any ears of corn result from it.

On Thursday I went for a twenty minute run with two of the older children at La Casa. They both need exercise and the one in particular since she just discovered that at 18 she has high blood pressure. I am trying to instill in the children the importance of healthy living though I realize that my making cookies with them did not exactly support that lifestyle idea. I would love to see a few of the chidlren continuing to run even after I leave. Earlier in the week I had gone on a walk with few of the children and the dog. There was a close call as one of the girls started to follow the dog across the street without looking as to if any cars were coming. I grabbed her arm and stopped her and so the dog stopped too and just in time because a car was coming. The young girl was scared by the close call and realized that she has to look and not impulsively run. I pray that the incident was enough to make her remember to be careful next time.

And so those are a few stories though I know there are many more to share and maybe I can get a few more written down.