December 22, 2009
Little children – they have so much to teach us. The past 2-3 weeks I have had more opportunity than usual to hang out with young children and I learned a lot. I discovered just how off their sense of time is. One four year old who I put down or a nap said she would probably sleep for 3 hours or so (after I told her that she needed to be in her bed for half an hour). When I went in to check on her half an hour later, she was up and playing with her toys. Apparently the “three hours” had passed quickly. My nephew is still too young to say anything, but he knows how to smile and delight his family.
I have also spent a few days at Mom’s House, an outreach to single moms in Lancaster. They were short-staffed several days and so I helped out in the toddler room. I had fun reading with them and watching them run circles in the playground area in the middle of the winter cold. One little girl of about 18 months would continually fall over but it did not daunt her. She picked herself up and ran again, smiling all the while. They delighted in seeing the birds fly overhead and roost in nearby trees.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Snow Gently Falling ...
December 22, 2009
And I am on the road again – which is why I actually have time to write on my blog. This past weekend I could not because I had to take advantage of the foot plus of snow that had blanketed Lancaster County. How delightful it was! Saturday morning before they had plowed the roads in my parents’ development I cross country skied over to my sister’s house to see my nephew and then to the grocery store. At the store I carried the skis inside which I am sure was a sight to see but I knew that they would freeze up if I did not and then I would not be able to get my boots snapped in. I did some shoveling and baking and then in the evening went to a Christmas party in town. I discovered that I enjoyed driving on the snow covered roads and that the world was even more beautiful when I got out of the development. Though we did not get to play any games of Frisbee, we used a glow-in-the-dark Frisbee to throw around on the snow covered Duke St. and nearby parking lot.
On Sunday morning I went to a church service in Lancaster and then to visit a friend. In the afternoon I had hoped to play Ultimate Frisbee in the snow but it seemed that no one was showing up so I instead went down to May Post Office Road to do some sledding with camp friends. Probably the best part was building several tunnels since I only did that once before, way back in high school.
Monday morning I made it to a nearby park to do some more cross country skiing before heading out to help my parents by delivering Interstate Batteries. I ended up being on the road all day and by the time I finished it was dusk so the parks were closed to skiing. But thankfully I was down near Quarryville so I got permission to ski around Black Rock. It was good exercise before this long car ride. I should probably describe my skiing as snow plowing instead because the snow was so deep I had to make tracks and then the second time through I could move more quickly.
Needless to say I am ever so thankful for the unexpected, huge snow. I did not have my hopes up because I really have not seen real snow in over 3 years and I figured that this year would be no different. And so my excitement is making up for the many others who were not so keen on the heavy snowfall. I do wish though that I could have helped others shovel a little more so that they could appreciate the beauty and the fun of the snow more.
And I am on the road again – which is why I actually have time to write on my blog. This past weekend I could not because I had to take advantage of the foot plus of snow that had blanketed Lancaster County. How delightful it was! Saturday morning before they had plowed the roads in my parents’ development I cross country skied over to my sister’s house to see my nephew and then to the grocery store. At the store I carried the skis inside which I am sure was a sight to see but I knew that they would freeze up if I did not and then I would not be able to get my boots snapped in. I did some shoveling and baking and then in the evening went to a Christmas party in town. I discovered that I enjoyed driving on the snow covered roads and that the world was even more beautiful when I got out of the development. Though we did not get to play any games of Frisbee, we used a glow-in-the-dark Frisbee to throw around on the snow covered Duke St. and nearby parking lot.
On Sunday morning I went to a church service in Lancaster and then to visit a friend. In the afternoon I had hoped to play Ultimate Frisbee in the snow but it seemed that no one was showing up so I instead went down to May Post Office Road to do some sledding with camp friends. Probably the best part was building several tunnels since I only did that once before, way back in high school.
Monday morning I made it to a nearby park to do some more cross country skiing before heading out to help my parents by delivering Interstate Batteries. I ended up being on the road all day and by the time I finished it was dusk so the parks were closed to skiing. But thankfully I was down near Quarryville so I got permission to ski around Black Rock. It was good exercise before this long car ride. I should probably describe my skiing as snow plowing instead because the snow was so deep I had to make tracks and then the second time through I could move more quickly.
Needless to say I am ever so thankful for the unexpected, huge snow. I did not have my hopes up because I really have not seen real snow in over 3 years and I figured that this year would be no different. And so my excitement is making up for the many others who were not so keen on the heavy snowfall. I do wish though that I could have helped others shovel a little more so that they could appreciate the beauty and the fun of the snow more.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Snow, Glorious Snow

December 5, 2009
I know that the word "glorious" should probably not be used in conjunction with snow but it is how I feel. If "glorious" can be used to describe a day, then I think it fits snow. In reality though, it should probably be reserved for the Creator of snow and each day -- the Lord God Almighty. Nonetheless I am excited about the snow that fell today. I remembered back 8 years ago when an early December snow provided enough ground cover to construct a snowman of more than 10 feet in heighth in front of my dad's wharehouse. That was a very fun snow. Today's snow gave enough beauty to make a walk around Millersville University new and exciting.
This past week was quite full of activities. I had a workshop with the Life Coach Training I am taking and it was 10 hours on the phone for lecture and conversation with my peers. I never liked telephones that much before and my opinion did not change on that after so many hours at the phone. It was good information and practice though so I am glad I participated in the workshop.
On Tuesday I was able to get to Landis Homes before a meeting near there and so I visited with several women from my church. I was inspired as I talked with the one woman who is nearly 97 years old and has lost most of her vision but yet she can still bring humor into conversations and make others smile. Although at times she wonders why God has her still here on earth, she has not given up hope and presses on each day. I hope that if I ever live to be that age, I too can bring joy to others and live out the hope of Christ.
The week brought continued waiting which can be challenging at times and yet there was the call too to continue trusting that the Lord is indeed guiding my footsteps. As I write these thoughts, the words of a praise song come to mind, "I will not be shaken, I will not be moved." As I wait, I must trust and stand firm in the Lord.
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