Last Saturday I travelled to the La Paz Waterfall Gardens just outside of San Jose with 3 friends for some exploring. Actually it was not as adventurous as I thought it might be because the busing worked out fine and we did not have to walk 4km to catch the next bus. It was a fun trip though and was beautiful. I always love being near waterfalls, partially because the Lord always seems to have something to teach me when I am by water. I did not have any specific lesson this day, but Psalm 42: 7 definitely came to mind. The Gardens also included Butterfly, Hummingbird, Frog, and Snake Observatories. I have included a few pictures.
This past week has been one of trying to balance my new schedule here at school and figuring out how to invest more time in relationships and conversations with Ticos. I feel like outside of classes I do not speak enough Spanish. Towards the end of this week though I had some good Spanish conversations, both with friends and with some girls at a nearby store. On the bus the one day I decided to start a conversation with the woman beside me and it ended up that she had been taking a class at the seminary I am now at. We continued to talk for about 15 minutes after we reached our bus station. That same evening I also crossed paths again with some Ticos I had gone hiking with once last fall. I am hoping to join in on some of their hikes this spring yet.
God has definitely been at work in me this week with challenging me to evaluate some of my attitudes and actions. I have been reminded once again to make sure that I am letting Him have control of all of my life. Sometimes I need to just wait and trust in Him rather than try and bring about my will. It is not about me.